DOUBLE VISION IN THE BATTLEREALM! September’s Event Quest: Amazing Fantasy!



  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,931 ★★★★★
    Mixalis said:

    To shorten your paragraph, in other words you said crystals. As I already said. Only option for becoming Cavalier is buying Cavalier GMC. It's seven months since act 6.1 came out. That is plenty of time to "balance" the rewards.
    Once again, if you're only looking at the Rewards, you're looking through a tunnel. If all they had to do was add more Rewards just because people want them, it would be done. Unfortunately, there's more to making an entirely new Difficulty than just adding Rewards. They haven't even discussed the possibility until recently, according to feedback on here. I'm not sure why people think it's just a Mathematics problem.
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  • TaZ_4178TaZ_4178 Member Posts: 506 ★★

    Thanks for pointing that out! Fixed it!
    Are there any developer talk about a Epic event quest incoming anytime soon? Just wondering thanks...
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,441 ★★★★★
    @GroundedWisdom the rewards is designed from uc and cavlier is far more experience in the game and we get the same rewards with I’m don’t like I’m get it take time to balcen but can’t take 3 much to be fair ther can insace the rewards a tiny bit in the main time like one offer Hav post early it pretty smail nothing major but a smail one. Meant uc mode stil gets I’m fair for that. Then ther can star working one. The cavalier difference and doing that for now it just sucks but nothing we can do about it and one more thing arean need to be updated to. A lot need it.
  • Hector_1475Hector_1475 Member Posts: 1,794 ★★★★★
    So, for September we get both Cyndi Lauper and Foreigner song titles for the events...? Nice to see someone at Kabam still loves the '80s!

  • MiStaLovaMiStaLova Member Posts: 942 ★★★
    Just make cavalier difficulty uncollected is for the begginers with 3*
    MiStaLova said:

    Just make cavalier difficulty uncollected is for the begginers with 3*

    Alright not even close but alright
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  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,931 ★★★★★

    Those who are recently becoming uncollected are not as capable as those who've been uncollected since it came out. They are doing more difficult events for the same rewards as 2 years ago. That’s only one of the reasons uncollected needs an update of rewards
    I'd consider it a serious design concern if people starting Uncollected were as capable as people doing it for years. You're not supposed to be as good at it at first.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,931 ★★★★★
    edited September 2019
    On one hand, people are complaining about how easy it is. On the other, they're saying it's harder. Which is it?
    It's been around for almost 2 years. It hasn't been stagnant for almost 2 years. Uncollected was the step-up from Master, and Master had been around for a while before Uncollected was introduced.
    People aren't preaching balance. "People" said you need to balance factors when adding more Rewards, rather than just sprinkling them on. They're also looking at another Difficulty, which means it will have an effect on balancing Uncollected.
  • Vdh2008Vdh2008 Member Posts: 966 ★★★★

    On one hand, people are complaining about how easy it is. On the other, they're saying it's harder. Which is it?
    It's been around for almost 2 years. It hasn't been stagnant for almost 2 years. Uncollected was the step-up from Master, and Master had been around for a while before Uncollected was introduced.
    People aren't preaching balance. "People" said you need to balance factors when adding more Rewards, rather than just sprinkling them on. They're also looking at another Difficulty, which means it will have an effect on balancing Uncollected.

    People with advanced rosters, myself included, have no problem with the difficulty level of UC currently, but that doesn't mean that the content is not literally more difficult than it was historically. Cavalier players aren't the ONLY people playing UC, as you well know. People need to stop thinking about "is it too hard for ME", and start looking at, "did it get harder?" The answer is an UNDENIABLE yes.

    I'll say it one more time for those in the back:

    Any increase in difficulty should come with an increase in rewards. UC Event is DEMONSTRABLY harder now than it was 2 years ago, and the rewards have remained the same

    If you disagree with that, I don't know what to tell you.
  • BadabibidonBadabibidon Member Posts: 94
    You cavaliers need to understand that progression has become substantially more difficult for players who didn't aquire a roster of duplicated five stars before the release of dozens of new champions and champion buffs. Harder to duplicate champions, harder to beat the final act five quests that enable the ranking of those five star champions.In my opinion the rewards for cavalier should be as they are with a waiting period and acts 4 and five should have increased rewards to even the playing field a little. Drastic difference in difficulty over the last few years.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    I'd consider it a serious design concern if people starting Uncollected were as capable as people doing it for years. You're not supposed to be as good at it at first.
    No you’re ignoring my point. I agree with what you’ve said there, it obviously would be a design flaw but that’s not what I’m saying. So I’ll explain again; if the level of uncollected is getting harder, but the level of players getting newly uncollected is remaining the same there is in issue. These new uncollected players will have to do a harder quest for the same reward.

    Let me put values on it for you.

    Let’s say when uncollected quest was originally brought out it was rated difficulty 6 (random number I’ve picked out). Let’s say new uncollected players then were rated 6 skill level.

    New uncollected players now are a very similar level to back then so we will call that 6 skill level too. However, uncollected quest has been getting harder, this is a fact. They used to have one noded path and 5 normal. Now they have 1 normal path and 7 noded. This is one example of how it’s increased in difficulty. Let’s say it’s difficulty rated 9.

    So the same skill players are now doing harder quests for the same rewards as players used to get for easier quests. This is wrong. And not to mention that the game has advanced a hell of a lot with time since uncollected came out, but the rewards haven’t changed.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,931 ★★★★★
    edited September 2019

    No you’re ignoring my point. I agree with what you’ve said there, it obviously would be a design flaw but that’s not what I’m saying. So I’ll explain again; if the level of uncollected is getting harder, but the level of players getting newly uncollected is remaining the same there is in issue. These new uncollected players will have to do a harder quest for the same reward.

    Let me put values on it for you.

    Let’s say when uncollected quest was originally brought out it was rated difficulty 6 (random number I’ve picked out). Let’s say new uncollected players then were rated 6 skill level.

    New uncollected players now are a very similar level to back then so we will call that 6 skill level too. However, uncollected quest has been getting harder, this is a fact. They used to have one noded path and 5 normal. Now they have 1 normal path and 7 noded. This is one example of how it’s increased in difficulty. Let’s say it’s difficulty rated 9.

    So the same skill players are now doing harder quests for the same rewards as players used to get for easier quests. This is wrong. And not to mention that the game has advanced a hell of a lot with time since uncollected came out, but the rewards haven’t changed.
    If you want to call it that, people are playing at a 9. We know this because month after month, the majority of people are completing it, a small portion are finding it too hard because they're not advanced enough yet, and another small but growing portion are not challenged at all because they're past it. If you want to compare it to the very first UC, of course it's going to look different. It was the first run, and they were improving on it. I'm sorry, but I don't agree that Uncollected has changed greatly, and I'm not the only one who feels that way. What the real argument here is, is that there's some kind of shelf life for Rewards. Like It's past due to update them. While there may be some truth to examining them over time, it's not about how long they've gone untouched, it's about a number of other factors as well. Uncollected hasn't been around long enough to call it overdue.
  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    Uncollected has unquestionably become more difficult. Go watch videos of uncollected in 2017, it’s much different than it is now.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,931 ★★★★★
    Vdh2008 said:

    See, this is where you lose credibility. It's not a matter of belief, it is a literal fact that UC level of the monthly EQ has increased in difficulty. It's been shown over and over again on these forums in these monthly EQ posts. People have shown screens from Dec 2017, and screens from 2019. The nodes are harder, there are more paths with nodes, the PIs have increased... It's not like you can just shut your eyes and pretend it's not real.
    Did they show the progression of the game, the Champs people are using and Ranks of said Champs, the size of the Rosters people have, and other factors? If you're only looking at the Quest itself and not the other factors, then sure. That's the problem with the argument. There's an expectation that anything which changes MUST be accompanied by more Rewards, regardless of the scale.
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  • Vdh2008Vdh2008 Member Posts: 966 ★★★★

    Did they show the progression of the game, the Champs people are using and Ranks of said Champs, the size of the Rosters people have, and other factors? If you're only looking at the Quest itself and not the other factors, then sure. That's the problem with the argument. There's an expectation that anything which changes MUST be accompanied by more Rewards, regardless of the scale.
    You're not getting it...

    Just because MY progression has meant that I don't have a difficult time with the UC Event Quests doesn't mean that Summoner123 that became uncollected last week/ month isn't dealing with a superhuman increase in difficulty compared to what I did when I became uncollected. Stop assuming that these quests need to be HARD for guys that have explored Act 5, and are close to or just got Cavalier... That's NOT the point of these quests. If it is, then don't call them "uncollected" difficulty. Call them "Epic" and let it scale.

    There is NO good reason for the difficulty to have been changed so dramatically, while the rewards have been stagnant.

    I'll keep reiterating... increase in difficulty= increase in rewards.... Kabam has stated that goal in all other aspects of this game (though they may not have achieved that balance in some instances). It's time that monthly EQ "caught up" to AW/AQ, etc. This shouldn't be rocket science.
  • V1PER1987V1PER1987 Member Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★

    You cavaliers need to understand that progression has become substantially more difficult for players who didn't aquire a roster of duplicated five stars before the release of dozens of new champions and champion buffs. Harder to duplicate champions, harder to beat the final act five quests that enable the ranking of those five star champions.In my opinion the rewards for cavalier should be as they are with a waiting period and acts 4 and five should have increased rewards to even the playing field a little. Drastic difference in difficulty over the last few years.

    You newer players need to stop having such an entitlement mindset. Increased rewards for earlier chapters to even the playing field? Why? Act 4 has already drastically decreased in difficulty and energy cost. Why should someone who has been playing for 1 year catch up to someone playing for 4 years?

    Also you should play at your own pace. Trying to catch up with the top is a fool’s errand unless you’re willing to spend thousands per week (not kidding).

    On top of that new players get to complete content with champs us older players never got. Newer players get to skip by Act 4 and 5 with Havok, Sabretooth, Void, and even potentially Cull, Namor, Warlock, Sunspot, CMM, and Fury where we had to slog through with older champs with one page abilities.

    Comparing yourself in games like this is always a bad idea and “catching up” by increasing lower quest rewards is not a good idea.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,931 ★★★★★
    edited September 2019

    Especially if you never played UC at that time yet still want to tell those who did it hasn't changed.

    lol, now most paths have 2 nodes on them. Fighting the Mighty Charge and Aggressive path now. Reminds me of 2017!
    The Quests are clearly visible for anyone to see and compare online. You don't need to play it since then to know how it's changed. Further to that, I never said it hasn't changed. I said it hasn't changed beyond what people are capable of, and the game and Players have grown with it. People are going in with R2 6*s and R5 5*s now. Not to mention the Champs themselves have evolved since then. Of course It's changed. So have we. So has the game.
  • Newbie756Newbie756 Member Posts: 10
    I think the rewards are degraded
  • WoozieWoozie Member Posts: 479 ★★
    Are we actually going to talk about this Specific Quest at all or nah? Are the Uncollected Bosses hard?
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,931 ★★★★★
    Mlee1829 said:

    Bro you aren't getting it. Newly uncollected players have to play a significantly more difficult UC eq than when UC EQ started. There is no denying that.
    That's because UC was new when it started, the game was where it was 2 years ago, and it hadn't evolved to where we are now. People starting the game now have an easier time than they did 2 years ago as well. Things grow and evolve over time.
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