When is it Time For a 5 Star Basic Arena
It feels like forever and a day since the inception of the 4 star basic arena that allowed players to start really building their rosters for "reasonable" arena grinds.
With the advent of AQ Map 7 and Story Act 6 on the horizon, it seems to me that it's time we start having better access to 5 star champions.
I know that some or most of us can get 3-4 5 star pulls per month, sometimes more. This was also the rate of the 4 star crystals back in the day.
Is it time? I think 2019 is the year for this... What do you think?
With the advent of AQ Map 7 and Story Act 6 on the horizon, it seems to me that it's time we start having better access to 5 star champions.
I know that some or most of us can get 3-4 5 star pulls per month, sometimes more. This was also the rate of the 4 star crystals back in the day.
Is it time? I think 2019 is the year for this... What do you think?
Even if Kabam introduced a 5* basic with the same parameters as the 4* basic, which is highly unlikely, it wouldn't help as many people as you probably think. The current amount of grind that people are putting into the 5* featured arena just for shards is about 13 million. That's for one fifth of a crystal. If the basic arena contained a champ that any shard grinder doesn't have, they would almost certainly be willing to put more effort into it. I would expect scores in that arena to be pretty high. On top of that, the 5* basic arena is likely to have lower milestone and rank rewards than the 5* featured which means you'd expect participation in that arena to be lower. The combination of those two and the fact that you would have some splitting of participation between the two arenas suggest to me that you would expect to see about 2000-ish people making the 10% cut off at scores above 15 million.
In its prime the old 4* basic was generating about 12k basic champs on average, with the effort for high value 4* champs in the neighborhood of 300 rounds of effort or more. I think people today see that arena with rose colored glasses. A hypothetical 5* arena is likely to be smaller in terms of participation and harder in terms of effort. It was actually the introduction of the 5* featured arena that made the 4* basic arena more approachable to more grinders, because people diverted effort from the 4* arenas to the 5* featured. A 5* basic arena alone is likely to see similar conditions to when the 4* basic and 4* featured were the only game in town. You need people to move on to something else, and that's not going to happen until a 6* arena shows up. Which isn't going to happen for quite a while I expect.
Introducing another arena would move people from the other arena's into the new 5* basic for a champ they might want to dupe or have rather than a 4* or a feature that might be less than desirable. Not sure what you mean when you say it won't help anything.
Nowhere did I say "it won't help anything." What I said was that it probably wouldn't help as many people as the OP seemed to imply. But as to your contention that adding an arena would move people, it would most likely move them from the 5* featured down to the 5* basic when the basic was a champ they wanted. It is far less likely to move people from the 4* featured to the 5* basic, because 4* featured grinders that actually want 5* champs are likely already grinding the 5* featured for shards. Of course, there will always be exceptions, but not in quantities that would make a serious difference.
But even if I'm completely wrong and there's a huge defection from the 4* arenas to the 5* basic, that still wouldn't do what the OP claimed was the goal which was to increase the availability of 5* champs, not 4* champs, by more than a relatively small amount. The current arena scoring makes it clear that there are thousands of players currently capable of scoring over ten million in the different arenas. About 5000 such players scored at least that much points in the last featured 5*. Any of those players missing a champ that shows up in a hypothetical 5* basic would almost certainly give it a try if they thought the scoring would around that level or lower. So unless the participation in a 5* basic was much higher than I think is likely, if you aren't someone grinding ten million or so for 1000 5* shards a round or higher, a 5* basic is unlikely to do a lot to directly help you gain more access to 5* champs.
Basically, if you aren't one of the players getting a lot of 5* shards from the arena now, you're probably out of the running for any significant reward from a 5* basic arena. It would only help those already doing well in the arenas.
One way to allow more players to get more rewards is to all but give them away, which is what converting the 4* basic into a milestone would do. I feel very safe in saying that isn't going to happen any time in the current foreseeable future.
It was the same way back when the 4 star basic split into a separate arena... We had a huge "get in the pool" movement and lots of people started playing the basic to get desirable champs when the featured were garbage.
It's time to mirror this.
There are way too many champs in the crystal now and RNG is an unforgiving b*****.
This would create a way to add and dupe old champs.
And I'd be willing to throw up 10-15 mil for them.
This wasn't a suggestion. It was meant as a discussion starter and question about if/ when.
This is a reasonable step, and probably should have already happened. 4 stars are no longer worth the effort, and 5 stars are unattainable (via arena) for anyone with a life outside of MCOC. The game feels stagnated.