6-Stars Discussion Thread



  • Barry_Allen007Barry_Allen007 Member Posts: 147
    I may sound a little ignorant here (Lvl 50 player recently returning after an eight-month break) But how is challenger rating going to affect AQ negatively? I also don't know when it's going to become a factor.
  • Jon8299Jon8299 Member Posts: 1,067 ★★★
    Not the right thread for this, but I'll give you a quick answer. It makes beating ROL with 2* and 3* extremely difficult, even more so than before. The only champs that should be on par or beat 5* are other 5* and high ranking 4*. It has been in effect since 13.0 I believe. We are in 14.1.
  • Barry_Allen007Barry_Allen007 Member Posts: 147
    Jon8299 wrote: »
    Not the right thread for this, but I'll give you a quick answer. It makes beating ROL with 2* and 3* extremely difficult, even more so than before. The only champs that should be on par or beat 5* are other 5* and high ranking 4*. It has been in effect since 13.0 I believe. We are in 14.1.

    Wait, what? That's not cool.
  • Jon8299Jon8299 Member Posts: 1,067 ★★★
    Think of it as cutting a tree down, you can use and axe (3*) or a chainsaw (4*, 5*). Before with effort you could take it down with an axe, now that same tree if you wanna cut it down with an axe, it gets replaced with a rusty dull axe. Now you need to wait for an upgraded version of the same tool (higher star champ, chainsaw) to take down the tree.
  • Volcanic45Volcanic45 Member Posts: 86
    edited August 2017
    This makes no sense such a bad idea ..i can see it now 3* 4* 5* 6* iron patriot or venapool its dumb i have so many champs that just sit there cause i have them ranked as 4* already same will happen with 6*s guess ita time to finally retire when 6*s comes out its bad enough u can't get 5*s unless you no life the game but if you just don't AQ and aw u might get a 5* once a month
  • Shadow_roastShadow_roast Member Posts: 399
    Hey @Kabam Miike
    I've suggestions to share with u, hope u read and reply.

    As we all know, 6*s r now a fact and u can't back on that decision or introduce em later, most of the sad ones in the community about the 6*s r sad cuz u guys r introducing them too early, but that is said and done, but what i think it can be changed is 6* crystal content, we all know it's gonna take a year to get our first 6* champ, but after all that wait, someone got luke cage...well 99.9% chance he'll quit the game, what I'm trying to say at the first when 6*s hits, only add good champs and those that don't need to be duped to be effective, as we all know, it might take years to dupe them, add champs like "GP, ICEMAN, HYPERION, DRAX, MAGIK, ULTRON, GR OR VOODOO, CAP WWII, ETC", some champs there r very effective when duped, but still great without dupe, but if u add SL, well u won't use him till u dupe him right? So at first plz add those champs then when 6* shards become more accessible add those champs that will need to be duped to be effective and then lastly add luke cages and IPs...that will probably make 75% of the players who r complaining about 6* champs happy at the end...

    Sorry for the long post
    Thanks for ur time
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    Hey @Kabam Miike
    I've suggestions to share with u, hope u read and reply.

    As we all know, 6*s r now a fact and u can't back on that decision or introduce em later, most of the sad ones in the community about the 6*s r sad cuz u guys r introducing them too early, but that is said and done, but what i think it can be changed is 6* crystal content, we all know it's gonna take a year to get our first 6* champ, but after all that wait, someone got luke cage...well 99.9% chance he'll quit the game, what I'm trying to say at the first when 6*s hits, only add good champs and those that don't need to be duped to be effective, as we all know, it might take years to dupe them, add champs like "GP, ICEMAN, HYPERION, DRAX, MAGIK, ULTRON, GR OR VOODOO, CAP WWII, ETC", some champs there r very effective when duped, but still great without dupe, but if u add SL, well u won't use him till u dupe him right? So at first plz add those champs then when 6* shards become more accessible add those champs that will need to be duped to be effective and then lastly add luke cages and IPs...that will probably make 75% of the players who r complaining about 6* champs happy at the end...

    Sorry for the long post
    Thanks for ur time

    Amazing post, how about the first 24 6 star can be the latest 24 5 stars feature champs?

    I agree all 6 stars should be desiderable champs.
  • DD2DD2 Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    CapWW2 wrote: »
    Hey @Kabam Miike
    I've suggestions to share with u, hope u read and reply.

    As we all know, 6*s r now a fact and u can't back on that decision or introduce em later, most of the sad ones in the community about the 6*s r sad cuz u guys r introducing them too early, but that is said and done, but what i think it can be changed is 6* crystal content, we all know it's gonna take a year to get our first 6* champ, but after all that wait, someone got luke cage...well 99.9% chance he'll quit the game, what I'm trying to say at the first when 6*s hits, only add good champs and those that don't need to be duped to be effective, as we all know, it might take years to dupe them, add champs like "GP, ICEMAN, HYPERION, DRAX, MAGIK, ULTRON, GR OR VOODOO, CAP WWII, ETC", some champs there r very effective when duped, but still great without dupe, but if u add SL, well u won't use him till u dupe him right? So at first plz add those champs then when 6* shards become more accessible add those champs that will need to be duped to be effective and then lastly add luke cages and IPs...that will probably make 75% of the players who r complaining about 6* champs happy at the end...

    Sorry for the long post
    Thanks for ur time

    Amazing post, how about the first 24 6 star can be the latest 24 5 stars feature champs?

    I agree all 6 stars should be desiderable champs.

    Why should they be "desirable" champs? Why do you feel "entitled" to pass difficult content with desirable champs?
  • PlasmaKingPlasmaKing Member Posts: 105
    Reinstag wrote: »
    I know the top players' opinions matter a lot, they have played the game for a long time now and have a lot of experience. However, I didnt quite get the concern. Is it the timing of when 6 stars will eventually become playable? Because if that is the case, I dont think it will be that soon. If you read through the discussion, the only way you can get a 6 star is through duping your five stars - Kabam was very clear you cant purchase shards. I also can't remember whether you can get them as rewards as well (maybe you can, someone can correct me here). So for you to get your first 6 stars, you need to dupe a five star 36 times (275 shards each time) to get 10k 6 star shards. Thats equivalent to 360k five star shards. And obviously the chances of you duping a five star is still rare so you will need a lot more shards. So your normal progression and objective should be to build your five star champions like what I am doing now to my four star champions. This clearly benefits the top players and not the new players like me. But what I gather from this is it gives me motivation to build my 5 star champions. I have been playing the game since Dec 2016 (9 months, and I have 6 five stars and duped 1). It will take me another, I dont know, 3-5 years, to possibly dupe all 6. But it wont still give me enough shards to get a 6 star. Some people may be very lucky to get it sooner but thats what the game is about too.

    I think announcing this soon and giving us a chance to collect shards now is good. It will still benefit the top players who have a good 5 star roster more, because they will get there sooner. And this will clearly draw the line between the top and more experienced players and the newer players.

    However, I do think that Kabam should introduce how we are going to be able to get to max our five stars. They gave more information about 6 stars but not a lot about maxing the five stars. When will we get those tier 5 cats and how.

    Anyway just stating my opinion as well.

    @Reinstag it's not the 6* per say, it's the Repeating! We need new content challenges as the game has become dull and boring. NOT a need to collect the same champs again but know they are 6* and still have the same dull and boring content to use them in.
  • PlasmaKingPlasmaKing Member Posts: 105
    CapWW2 wrote: »
    So I have just figured out ........

    Caps wont make your case more correct. Everyone mad about this should be quiet. Kabam is doing the right thing. I agree with you the first 24 6 stars should be gathered from a community poll.

    Sorry @CapWW2 who made you emperor and able to discount everyone's opinion because it doesn't match with yours? No every one shouldn't be quiet and NO kabam isn't doing the right thing. 6* isn't new content it's the same hamster wheel of dross this game has become. New content is much of what the guys have been putting up as suggestions for years which kabam is ignoring and hasn't been 6* related. Also without the whales this game would have folded a long time ago.

    Your also the guy complaining about one champ or another already being overpowered, even though most of us seem to be able to manage them, yet your keen for 6*? Why so you can start doing nerf posts again. Come on think this through, spenders leave because they get bored and new content isnt added, funds reduce kabam can't innovate, game dies. As far as I am concerned new interesting content is need before anything else otherwise this hamster wheel will brake.
  • Jon8299Jon8299 Member Posts: 1,067 ★★★
    PlasmaKing wrote: »
    CapWW2 wrote: »
    So I have just figured out ........

    Caps wont make your case more correct. Everyone mad about this should be quiet. Kabam is doing the right thing. I agree with you the first 24 6 stars should be gathered from a community poll.

    Sorry @CapWW2 who made you emperor and able to discount everyone's opinion because it doesn't match with yours? No every one shouldn't be quiet and NO kabam isn't doing the right thing. 6* isn't new content it's the same hamster wheel of dross this game has become. New content is much of what the guys have been putting up as suggestions for years which kabam is ignoring and hasn't been 6* related. Also without the whales this game would have folded a long time ago.

    Your also the guy complaining about one champ or another already being overpowered, even though most of us seem to be able to manage them, yet your keen for 6*? Why so you can start doing nerf posts again. Come on think this through, spenders leave because they get bored and new content isnt added, funds reduce kabam can't innovate, game dies. As far as I am concerned new interesting content is need before anything else otherwise this hamster wheel will brake.

    Comepletely agree with you. This needs to be the last thing they release to the game. Having 6* as opponents in content is one thing. Releasing it as playable champs is the wrong thing.

    Releasing Bases and revamping all of the events was the way to go. After announcing being able to rank 5 5*, they could have changed the AW, single day and three day events and release Bases. That would have made everyone really excited. People would be willing to open their wallet (if they did it right).
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    edited August 2017
    I have finished LOL with 4 stars so I am not waiting for 6 stars to be able to finish content.

    If t4b cannot be sold let them expire.
  • VavasourVavasour Member Posts: 258
    edited August 2017
    CapWW2 wrote: »
    I have finished LOL with 4 stars so I am not waiting for 6 stars to be able to finish content.

    If t4b cannot be sold let them expire.

    You've lost the plot bud.

    I'm not trying to be mean, but how does this add to the discussion?
  • DD2DD2 Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    edited August 2017
    CapWW2 has clue what he's talking about.

    According to him, no one should be "entitled" to pass difficult content with 3*s which is what he uses to justify Challenger Rating, then he asks Kabam for "desirable" 6* champs.

    Sorry, but if someone has the balls and skills to finish ROL with 3*s or even 2*s, they shouldn't be punished by CR for no reason. It's already hard enough, why make it harder? To sell champs?
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    Vavasour wrote: »
    CapWW2 wrote: »
    I have finished LOL with 4 stars so I am not waiting for 6 stars to be able to finish content.

    If t4b cannot be sold let them expire.

    You've lost the plot bud.

    I'm not trying to be mean, but how does this add to the discussion?

    People asking me or assuming false things about me! I have to defend myself.
  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    It's like they didn't do any marketing research on implementing 6*s.
  • DD2DD2 Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    mum_m2 wrote: »
    It's like they didn't do any marketing research on implementing 6*s.

    Ya, where is this beta testing team they supposedly have?
  • Jon8299Jon8299 Member Posts: 1,067 ★★★
    DD2 wrote: »
    mum_m2 wrote: »
    It's like they didn't do any marketing research on implementing 6*s.

    Ya, where is this beta testing team they supposedly have?

    They all got fed up and quit. They couldn't believe Hulkbuster, Abomination and Luke Cage were in the game as long as they have been and they still suck.
  • MegaVoltsMegaVolts Member Posts: 114
    PlasmaKing wrote: »
    Reinstag wrote: »
    I know the top players' opinions matter a lot, they have played the game for a long time now and have a lot of experience. However, I didnt quite get the concern. Is it the timing of when 6 stars will eventually become playable? Because if that is the case, I dont think it will be that soon. If you read through the discussion, the only way you can get a 6 star is through duping your five stars - Kabam was very clear you cant purchase shards. I also can't remember whether you can get them as rewards as well (maybe you can, someone can correct me here). So for you to get your first 6 stars, you need to dupe a five star 36 times (275 shards each time) to get 10k 6 star shards. Thats equivalent to 360k five star shards. And obviously the chances of you duping a five star is still rare so you will need a lot more shards. So your normal progression and objective should be to build your five star champions like what I am doing now to my four star champions. This clearly benefits the top players and not the new players like me. But what I gather from this is it gives me motivation to build my 5 star champions. I have been playing the game since Dec 2016 (9 months, and I have 6 five stars and duped 1). It will take me another, I dont know, 3-5 years, to possibly dupe all 6. But it wont still give me enough shards to get a 6 star. Some people may be very lucky to get it sooner but thats what the game is about too.

    I think announcing this soon and giving us a chance to collect shards now is good. It will still benefit the top players who have a good 5 star roster more, because they will get there sooner. And this will clearly draw the line between the top and more experienced players and the newer players.

    However, I do think that Kabam should introduce how we are going to be able to get to max our five stars. They gave more information about 6 stars but not a lot about maxing the five stars. When will we get those tier 5 cats and how.

    Anyway just stating my opinion as well.

    @Reinstag it's not the 6* per say, it's the Repeating! We need new content challenges as the game has become dull and boring. NOT a need to collect the same champs again but know they are 6* and still have the same dull and boring content to use them in.

    @PlasmaKing ok, i thought the issue was the premature announcement. What i understood from Kabam's announcement was that 6 stars will be hard to collect, and as I said could take ages. I am pretty sure Kabam will release new content during that time. I dont think that will be an issue. It is clear 6 stars will not be released in the next month or so where you will use them on the current game content. There will be new content. Kabam is giving us the heads up that 6 stars are on the way. Rather than just dropping the bomb, and saying we will see 6 stars tomorrow.

    If the top players dont want 6 stars released, when then?

    I think what the top players didnt like was that Kabam made the announcement before announcing other things we are expecting, like bases, maxing 5 stars and possibly new content. But you have to think, 6 stars will take time and during that time, I am hoping we will see progress on those new contents we are expecting.
  • Bbrizee7147Bbrizee7147 Member Posts: 114
    Thank you Kabam for ruining a game everyone loves, and yes 6* and easier made 5* will make 4* obsolete. What a waste of 2 years trying to build a great 4* team. Hell I only have 3 maxed 4* and 4 5* all induced and **** champs. I've spent money and a lot of time in this game and now I feel like I've wasted it. This isn't angry birds something people lobe for 6 months and then delete, people invest their time and money into this. And you (Kabam) screw us all over and why cause you sold out to netmarble and this is what they want. As long as the money right? Greedy and selfish! Take the money and screw your fan base, smart. I guess my end game came sooner than I thought.
  • DD2DD2 Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    edited August 2017
    Why is it anyone's business if someone wants to (and is able to) pass ROL with 3*? Just admit you want sales. No one's buying "the need for harder content" when you always have to adjust goal posts to do it.
  • BadroseBadrose Member Posts: 779 ★★★
    The point is: here we (are going to) have 6s and if you are going to give us more resources for our 5s, that can mean only two things:

    A) 4s Will be irrelevant as 3s sooner than later
    B) If point A isn't true as you said, that mean you are going to commit commercial suicide and run out of business for giving us those (5s) resources.

    So again: we spent a lot of real time, money, gold, catalysts to rank up what soon will be useless 4s champions (stop hiding the truth)... Wanna introduce 6s? Fine, but give us resources back with #rankdowntickets or many of us will leave for good this time.
  • Jon8299Jon8299 Member Posts: 1,067 ★★★
    Well this thread no longer gets bumped to the first page anymore. Does that mean the mods aren't reading our posts anymore?
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    Im not worried about it. Everyone and their mother should have seen 6* coming. My only issues are:

    - Inventory size
    - Availability of gold/t2a/t1a/
  • MajinkoMajinko Member Posts: 4
    edited August 2017
    I definitely can agree that it might be too soon for 6 stars given we've been promised more content as it seems like a repeat of an old idea. Bases, more gold quests, more other things would be nicer first but there's still time.
    At the same time, if you don't want to spend money on MCoC, do like a rational person and don't. No one is forcing you to. I, for one, am glad to know 5 star resource prices will be coming down soon.

    As far as you lemmings parroting and/or glorifying the opinion of top players just because they're top players- they're also part of reason you're having difficulty getting more and better toons. (Notice I said part, don't reply half cocked and get throunced) 10 mil in an arena for a featured champ is a lot. It happens because some people have far more time to play and are willing to spend money on the units that just push the boundary further and further away from active players who can't dedicate their entire day to playing the game. That needs to be adjusted as well before 6 stars come out lest you get regular players who throw their hands up in defeat because they know with the already limited 4 and 5 stars they have, getting a 6 in an arena is gonna take 20 mil so why bother?

    In summary, 6 stars were obviously coming, we have a good lead time for this, but it'd be better if other changes and additions were made to make the game better with more content and consideration for a larger amount of players.
  • BigWeeWeeBigWeeWee Member Posts: 3
    6* will bring the start of the end of MCOC. Agree with BIENT 100%
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    DD2 wrote: »
    Why is it anyone's business if someone wants to (and is able to) pass ROL with 3*? Just admit you want sales. No one's buying "the need for harder content" when you always have to adjust goal posts to do it.

    Because content is tailored to certain level.
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