10or_Strong ★★★
OP, you will be fine. I took a cruise over the holidays where I visited 4 other countries and played while traveling.
The Sinister bundle gives you the same number of Tokens as you would get just buying the Tokens themselves, AND you get the Sinister and rank up gems IN ADDITION for no extra cost. Example: 100 tickets can buy you the 7* Sinister bundle or 10 Tokens (at 10 tickets per token). HOWEVER, the 7* Sinister bundles INCLUDES 10…
Also unable to claim. Restarted the game, attempted to claim from stash, nothing works.
Also unable to join AQ or raids. Updated, closed out, and my alliance is seeing it across all members as well.
You have several good options. CGR or Red Guardian would be my picks. I personally used the gem on Red Guardian, but I already had CGR up. Can't go wrong with either.
Dr. Strange
Summoner's Market is bugged. Won't be buying until its fixed. Log in and it shows logged in, but when you go to daily offers it says to log in to see your offers. So no spending there until they fix it.
Single run max: 715
Yep, ours too
I forget if anyone other than those two caused issues (I also finished my final couple paths after I did Necro, and it is very reasonable to do these days). Labyrinth Ultron is a great 5* Ascension option since he can still be an OK defender at times at the equivalent power of a 6*R3 Edit: I saw your last question after…
About 7.3M total. Enough for 1-5%. And the one who had 1.2M got somewhere inside the top 250, so happy for him.
One of my alliance mates hit over 1M, and several others are in the 700k+ range. We are not by any means an ally of whales; instead, a few members save up units all year for this event. I hope the predictions here are right and the folks with 700k+ can get those top 1% or better rewards. It would be nice to see their…
I also no longer have the unit offers. Those made the points worthwhile. Crystals will certainly NOT, especially Cavs or GMs.
As far as confirmation, Miike and Jax confirmed Bullseye for January on one of the 9 days of streams they did for the 9th anniversary. They confirmed the champ but refrained from giving anything away about his kit.
They also discussed this on the Twitch livestream today. If i recall correctly, there was a desire that the next rank be attainable from content, rather than just from paid offers (since previously the top new progressions were often from pay to win events like Banquet). They felt Necropolis was the right content to make…
THIS! Some of us just simply have other things going on in life, especially this time of year. For people in my field, the holidays are a VERY busy time, so I have yet to be able to work my way through Vibranium to the GC simply because I have had almost no game time the past few weeks.
Seatin used to test new 3*s against the Act 4 Maestro, going up the middle path to him. That still is a fun testing ground for 3*s in my opinion.
Did completion on both of my accounts, so definitely have put some work in towards this! Good luck and many deaths to those still to come!
The sigil gold quest has disappeared for Valiant players, I know. If you recently became Valiant, that would be why. I think someone had said Kabam is working on the issue?
A very clear winner here. Silk it is
I have a day job that is my occupation, but my vocation (which I'm happy to say I get to do professionally while being supported by my day job) is that I'm a performer (musical theatre and opera, mostly; hence the "10or" in my username here).
Usually listen to opera while playing. Makes the mundane fights more epic.
Chavez for sure. She was my first R3 7* after Necro completion and I have not looked back.
Honestly I took the fights with 7* Chavez and soloed nearly everytime. The fights sometimes took a while if he got SP1 happy, but they were manageable.
My Necropolis team was Aegon, Shuri, Wiccan (for reverse controls), Proxima and Heimdall. Aegon and Shuri cleared, Wiccan handled the final phase of the GM, and Heimdall saved many revives. Your lower ranked champs will need more revives, but from a "can they handle the fights" perspective, that team works VERY well.
I do find it odd that T6B and T3A and T2A all have limits of 30, but T5B is still 19 (these are all with the Sigil, I should add).
T5B doesn't change for Level 60. T3A was upped to I believe 30.
From the mastery itself: "Passively reduce enemy attack by (2/4/6)% for each debuff they are currently suffering from, up to a maximum of 36% reduction." Nothing in there about it only being node damage. It reduces the opponent's attack, so it is useful in all fights in which you can apply debuffs (I would assume unless…
Exactly. I happened to be close on my main account and for a couple hundred units, a 7* Guardian turned out to be worth it.
Same for me, no consistency I can find for WHEN it happens, but it does happen in a variety of modes. Samsung S22 Ultra.