AwesometimeTv ★
Ah yeah I have 1 in assassin, I forgot about assassins def AAR. It was probably that, thank you
Cool the piece is kinda all I care about, so it sounds like the final part is all that’s left after this week?
I didn’t know that it was an attack boost previously, guess I never really noticed before
I mean there’s red skull and nimrod who are immune to AAR against mutant, then there’s Attuma who flips it, and longshot can only have his reduced through debuffs. But idk if anyone is fully immune
I used zemo in both EQ and gauntlet, he works really well
Deathless guillotine vs gamora
Onslaught vs gamora
Onslaught vs ronin
Yeah I just think it’s stupid to be able to be blocking 1 attack and take like more than 20-30% of your Hp especially when there’s certain tactics that are based off of taking blocked hits and thanos makes you take blocked hits and then maestro you have to be super careful to not take blocked hits especially with the fact…
I’ve done that but it is so slow building charges because his sp1 can clip you pretty easily and then u basically just die to the degen so I’ve had runs end with only having gained like 3 charges because I’m only able to get like 10 raid fervor per special I punish
They have to be fury buffs not passives
You needed to be in the ally for 14 days before the event started. Any points gotten before then won’t count
I still don’t have it so I guess I’m not doing it lol
They give you extra rewards if you have the platinum pass. It’s really not too great of extra rewards but it is something
I’m not talking about punishing players for not winning. I’m saying punish players for quitting matches. Lots of games have punishments for quitting in ranked modes because it screws with your ranking without being a win or a true loss so you can manipulate it to take advantage of the system hence which is happening here.…
You assume that this just happens 1 match and then it’s over for a couple matches. This season has been so bad that I have been on multiple losing streaks of 5-10 matches and have been barely able to progress at all. I have talked to many people who just get hard stuck because they just keep facing paragons over and over…
I enjoyed the 5 minute timers but I don’t think regular incursions need them. I think 1-2 maybe even 3 days is reasonable especially with the randomness of nodes and varying skill levels and rosters of players. I also would like to bring the idea of adding the option of something similar to the arena help system to…
I would assume that it means that the nerf was necessary so that it was worth it to them to keep creating content past chapter 8. Now that they did the revive nerf they think it will be better and that they can keep making content
I agree. Something about this seasons matchmaking has been atrocious. I am a cav 9.2k pres 600k power and i am consistently being matched against 10-11k 1.2 mil TB in gold. Last season I pushed all the way up to diamond and I lost a fair amount but never more then 2-3 matches in a row. This season was completely different.…
It also doesn’t let me use my special attacks. You can see a couple times I tap the special button and it kinda acknowledges I tap it as it does the darkening to display an action but does nothing
I also have this same issue, this video i just captured early today shows what ends up happening to me when I rotate the game back to landscape. It has happened to me a couple of times with no seeming mode specificity or champion specificity. I use iPhone 14 pro max and i am on IOS 16.3.1