
  • Some mcoc youtuber made a great point many years ago that I will paraphrase. The less time you spend in a fight, the less risk you have of making a mistake. Suicides let you get fights done much quicker at the cost of just a bit of health.
  • Look, even if no one agrees with my first comment on the thread, we can all agree my thread title ended up being unintentionally correct. I'll take what I can get, guys.
  • A 6* Herc for everyone and 100k units would massively ruin the game balance, obviously. Only few more days to prepare for massive gold spending would not. If anyone asked for a month's notice, I would oppose that. I have not asked for more than a week's notice because I understand the points you made about it rewarding…
  • Sarcasm noted. TL;DR.
  • Is kindness to consumers not a good reason nowadays? I think it is. I'd have at least a few days more to prepare - maybe knock out a variant, grind arena more. Why shouldn't they tell us? It seems like Thrillson has deconfirmed the event anyway, but I'm still interested in this hypothetical.
  • Nah, you're not saying why Kabam shouldn't tell us, you're just saying I should prepare for surprises because Kabam won't always tell us. I see your point and it's unfortunate that's the way it is, but it would be better if Kabam would tell us. If you disagree, why shouldn't they tell us?
  • Why shouldn't Kabam have given us one week's notice? I think this is the third time I've asked you personally.
  • Yea lol if anyone lets words on the internet get to them, they don't belong on the internet. Besides, it's all about a mobile game. Also, in all fairness, I don't think they are trolls. I think they are people who hoarded their gold and think everyone else automatically should have known to do it just because they did.…
  • No one has yet given me a reason Kabam shouldn't have given us at least a week's notice. The main trend seems to be "expect the unexpected" or "you should have expected it because it happened last year" (this assumes everyone played last year and remembers when each event happened or does research on prior year events).…
  • I appreciate the notice about the awakening gems. Why shouldn't Kabam have given us a week's notice for this event?
  • I absolutely understand your reasoning. The only problem is, gold saved up for what and when? It would frustrate me having 5-10mil gold just sitting there which I can't use because who knows if Kabam will spring something on us which I need it for. This is a video game where I'm supposed to have fun. Preventing me from…
  • That is a good idea and I may have to do that from now on, even though it's annoying. I wouldn't have to do it to that degree if we got any advance notice.
  • Plan ahead for a surprise? That's... exactly my point. How am I supposed to prepare for something which is a surprise, which by definition is not something you can reasonably prepare for? Also, please answer my question. Why SHOULDN'T Kabam give us a week's notice?
  • Because I use it when level up comes around. I've said that to you, specifically, twice now. Because powering up champs is the only use for gold, so there's absolutely no reason for me to save it. That is, unless this event comes around. Can you give me a reason Kabam SHOULDN'T give us a week's notice?
  • How am I supposed to prepare for something which you just said is a surprise? That's not how a surprise works. If Kabam told me months in advance (which is not what I'm asking for) then I would have had gold saved up.
  • I was on break from the game last year. It's a shame it happened the same that year, too.
  • I am always grinding for gold so I can rank up my champs. As soon as I can? Dude, I just said I spend it all when Level Up comes around. Read. I should manage my resources for an event I don't know is happening?
  • So, I should assume every event is happening until told otherwise, resulting in me having to not use gold as much? That's a really annoying thing which I shouldn't have to do. Kabam should communicate better with us. Can you give me a good reason we SHOULDN'T know about the event at least a week in advance?
  • Who said months? Even a week or two would be nice. Three days is absolutely not enough.
  • Yes, I need gold for other things and I use gold for other things. I hoard gold, spend it all when Level Up comes around, rinse and repeat. The only purpose of gold is powering up champs, unless this event comes around, so there's no reason for me to keep any aside from the event. An event which the community has been…
  • You must not have read the part where we got only three days notice, which is the problem.
  • We understand different deals have different prices, but the only difference between this deal and all the past "2x cav nexus for $5" deals is the champs available. The current crystals aren't guaranteed to get you Hercules, Ghost, Kitty Pride, CGR, etc. The pool seems balanced in a similar fashion to all the past ones.…
  • Right? The fact that they offer side-by-side a pack for $30 USD with 5 cav crystals, or $30 for 6 nexus cav crystals? The sweetener for the 5 cav pack is supposed to be a few boosts that keep expiring in my stash and 30,000 basic ISO? Hard pass. It would be even funnier if the nexus Cavs were properly priced, making it $30…
  • Regardless of what one thinks about this current situation, we should all agree that you shouldn't have to be afraid that what you just bought for $50 or $100 is going to be intentionally decreased in value by the salesman only days after. Maybe you're right and we should, but it's a sad state of affairs we've reached.
  • 5 is untrue. Power gain isn't as high as 14 hits from other champions. You can end the Whiplash debuffs early by doing a medium light medium combo. A very short timer (black "S" passive) will start, after which all of them expire.
  • I don't think Kabam would make it a required exchange because that would stop a lot of people from spending. If someone is unable to find enough people to exchange, why bother spending more? If you can't gift because you need to exchange, you can't get points in the event. I'm sure the top gifters are giving away a ton of…
  • Nameless Guillotine, April 2018, Uncollected EQ The painful nodes - Stun Immune - Aspect of War: Attacker block proficiency decays to 0 over 50 seconds. Defender is unblockable when block prof is 0. Defender gains unstoppable for 6 seconds upon special attack activation. Intercepting or interrupting heavy removes…
  • My initial reaction: Poor guy is having a tough time with tough content. Let's see what criticisms he has. Me when I finished reading the post:
  • I want to add that this also happened after beating Galan in Worldheart Cavalier and before getting to the exit node