
  • A 365 day calendar would be best. I understand you can’t keep given great rewards but that’s how to reward loyal players.
  • 1) my post doesn't include a complaint about kabam. 2) I don't see this solution posted anywhere else nor does it include any free rewards. It has the same rewards for everyone based on content completed 3) time zones. Many people live in timezones not favourable to doing content when it is released. It is 1am (or 2am when…
  • How many topics have been made on this 10 or more? It’s over no need to make another solution post mistakes are made and some got more rewards not a huge deal. I feel like this place has become the complain about everything Kabam does forum. Asking for free rewards because someone got better rewards as they finished…
  • Actually I believe you made it out as your jobs keeps everything in the world spinning. I missed out as well but don’t hear me demanding extra rewards. I see a lot of complaining here. I can understand the nerfs because as others said you grind and push and spend money to get a champ how he is at this point only for the…
  • Your job isn’t that important and if you did quit you would be replaced. There is not a job out there that you make yours out to be but nice trying to sell it like that.
  • Seems like compensation is the talk almost everyday. Just play the game for fun and free. Mistakes happen can’t cry for compensation every time like what happens here all the time.
  • I don’t think they care it’s not as if they haven’t done this many times before as I would say make it a free to play game. Then when they see the money going down they will learn and stop nerfing champs. Could have sworn this happened once even the big spenders stoped spending money and they made changes. Remember it’s…
  • Here is my thought they make them crazy to begin with to make you spend for them plus the people who play Master and Uncollected spend money to beat the champ shortly after the 6 month window for the basic they make the champ useless. Just figure you will get 9 months of good use for her till she is nerfed to average.
  • It’s a pay to win game and with this you just don’t need to pay but get lucky as well it seems. Sounds like the key is to get him down to 10% quit and go back in and he will not go past that 10% mark on regeneration as he stated the fight at 10%. Yeah I don’t see myself trying this one at all. Most games make it difficult…
  • I actually spent $10.00 yesterday and I already regret it. Probably my last $10.00 I will spend on them ever.
  • Just wait 6 months and he will be the basic champ and you will get him at 6 million.
  • Ok well that means I will wait a little bit and see if they fix it. Not trying to waste time and get nothing for it.
  • You are right I need to go now I was just having some fun waiting for ny wife but it is really time to move on goodluck to you all I am out.
  • LOL you will find out not me I am on here killing time waiting for my wife to get ready to Poke hunt. My new game is Pokemon Go that I will be playing with my wife a 2 daughters.
  • I agree star champs is not creative and why it's time to jump ship. I feel like all that time I wasted getting 4 stars was for nothing as they will be the new 3 star which I don't use and haven't used in anything but Arena for well over a year now.They should have done a poll of what made more sense making the 4 and 5 star…
  • It's the whole you work so hard to get what you get and then they add another level. It's going to be bad enough having 150 champs soon enough in the game they are not easy to obtain now you will have them as 2, 3, 4 5 and 6 star champs. At some point it gets exseive. I rather see them increase the ranks of 4 and 5 star…
  • Oh I am done just made my Pokemon Go account so now it's time to catch them all with my family. I don't say it if I don't mean it. I was on the fence a few times but not anymore.
  • You can't even max them out yet even if the release T5B now knowing that you have 6 star champs coming out why would you max them out when you could make your new 6 star champ even more of a beast in a few months. I lost any and all interest in this game right after I read this announcement of 6 star champs.Its pretty sad…
  • Yes I know a few and it's why I am quitting maybe I need to take up Pokemon Go my wife and daughters love it. Wasn't in my generation but sounds like they just add new Pokemon and not different levels. Plus I can be playing a game with my family not by myself. I quit the last game because how crazy they got and this game…
  • Let's stop with all the nerf suggestions. Seems like everyday it's nerf this or nerf that
  • I agree a long message and another complaint on something. Not sure about you but my Yellow Jacket tears up Magik with his level 1. I wish half the board wasn't a complaint about one thing or another. If it's not the Arena it's certain champs being too strong or other things like MD. Its all I see anymore lets complain…
  • Why so you can get more rank down tickets because if they brought them back to where they were they would have to do that again. I am sorry I say no and stop nerfing champs either leave them be or the garbage ones improve them so there no longer usless.
  • Wow I get 20 crystals not even trying you really need to deal with it because you have maybe a half percent chance to get a 4 star champ and 2 or 3 percent chance of a 3 star from a PHC. It's easier than ever now to get a 4 star crystal as well. I average 1 maybe 2 crystals of a 4 star per week. You can get all kinds of…
  • I don't think war rating us a bad thing. Like one person said if you were rated by the alliance rating you would have 3 million alliances in Tier 1 because they would get cake fights all the time. The only way you could somehow add the alliance rating is if you did some type of percentage as well. So let's say a Tier 1 3…
  • The reason why they will not give anymore rank down tickets because too many people jeep asking for them. I am happy with my choices and sometimes you just need to wait a little before ranking someone up. I am up in the air for who I will rank up next but the odds are I will fill up my T4CC before I decide unless I get one…
  • Yeah I never got a 4 star but like people said it's free. I can't complain. It's not like he would go past 4-40 for awhile if I got him already. So it was just a dupe for me. I personally go to rank up 5 stars now more than 4 stars and the T4CC is not pouring in for me we rank between top 900 to top 1500 every AQ and I…
  • Yeah I normally try to get most rewards though I fall short on the feature.
  • Nice was not putting up that much 10 million would of been my max.
  • Congrat how much did you put up for that. I had a late start wanted 10 million but didn't start till Tuesday