Edarim ★
this is so ridiculous. i get it, its weekend … but you‘ve got enough time to close all the bug reports, but cant give a short info, how to reslove this problem? because its not solved … no matter how many reports you are closing. its not solved and it is getting exhausting
contacted the support … the report is set to solved. but the selector still wont open. got the t6c from the daily superevent now. the screen is still flashing
choose the t6c-selector from the daily super event. the selector wont open .. so im not able to pick the t6c. the buggy deathless-piece-selector blocks every selector afterwards. that sucks big time …
really? nothing on this? @"Kabam Pinwheel"
any info on this?
no .. the aptitide buff has no effect on the powergain. use the heavy right before the sp2 to increase the dmg
really? „failed to get a match“ .. that sound like we are just to dumb to enlist proberly. weve missed two wars because of this, we fell from g1 to g4 because of this … this is just nonsense
aah, my bad ...
arent you supposed to do this with only zemo in your team??
we missed 2 out of 6 war because of this bug ... dropped to g4. for some of us minimum participation of 5 wars is not makeable, if we loses out on another war. 2 bg war is completly broken..
we missed 2 out of 6 war because of this bug ... dropped to g4. for some of us minimum participation of 5 wars is not makeable, if we loses out on a nother war. 2 bg war is completly broken..
pushing this. we‘ve gotthe same problem. missed 3 wars in the row now, because matchmaking failed to match us against an opponent. we, too, run 2 bg on tier 3/gold1 lvl. enlistment was fine … but at the start of aw, it stated that we didnt enlist. anyone else got this? aw season startet already ..
damn 🙈 should had read it better
i‘ve got 4 out of 7. 2 cant be claimed… new start didnt help.
mine are gone, too … on both accounts. collected them yesterday and havent used them. now they are gone …
Magneto .. parry+heavy. you dont get any dmg from the node
so there is no need to save anything..
if you assume that the rewards in the second half of the event will cost more stamps, why should the epic rewards stay the same? that doesnt make sense .. if, and i dont belive that this will happen, you need those 17 runs in week 3/4 to reach the second legendary reward, then there is no way, that the remaning 5 epic runs…
i dont get this. there is no need to save tokens. you can do week 1: 8 legend runs (24 tokens) week 2: 8 legend runs (24 tokens -> 48 total) week 3: 8 legend runs (24 tokens) week 4: 3 legend + 5 epic runs (9 tokens -> 33 in the second half -> 81 total + 15 epic token) you still get both sets of legendary rewards, the 10%…
its part of the challenge .. everyone and their dog whine about the game not challenging enough. some content are meant to be hard ...
if you start a quest you choose your champs and your mastery setup and stick with it. changing them for each fight, doesnt make any sense.. we should be able to save mastery loadouts and we should be able to select them at the start of a quest or at the start of the aq/aw like we select the champs. changing them in one…
you have to buy the sigil ... there is no free sigil time for becoming cavalier 🤔
his pre fight ability does not benefit magneto, but hero and metall ATTACKERS ... 🤔 you have to activate it and use another attacker with the hero or metall tag to get those passive parries.
No, the cost are split amongst all bg. if you run 3 bg: 1 running map6, 2 running map5 then everyone is paying 5 tickets..
[TH-U] The Untouchables
Our AW-Tier dripped from 3 to 4 despite the season was put on hold and no war took place. The war-rating ist still the same ... dropping a tier means less points because of the lower multiplier. anyone else noticed this?
we‘ve been at tier 3 after the first war was cancelled... since the last played war ended last tuesday, that should have been long enough to update the ranks
first bg ran 5* map6, second bg 3* map6 and 2* map5 and the third 5*map5 not tickets where refunded since that was introduced early june