Jeal79 ★★★
Putting Mags on that last tile before the boss was a horrible move by Kabam. The quest encourages you to use saga champs and two tiles require shock to be applied. So imagine my reaction when I uncovered Mags with 3 metal champs in my team. The combination of nodes plus Mags ability made this an impossible fight and I had…
I got a cosmic 2>3 gem with Surfer the only Cosmic 7* in my collection. So I picked Cosmic for both selector crystals and got VtD and Odin. .... So I guess I'm just gonna hold onto the gem
Got it. Just thought this looked incredibly dodgy...
I think the changes seem fair (so long as potion revamp also happens) but only if the game is functioning properly... Which by large concensus it is not. On the whole this still feels like a very poorly timed change to champion sustainability when the mechanics of the game are still a long way off what they should be. When…
That's caught me a lot of times over the last week. And they really question why we farm revives?! Kabam - make your mind up. Either the game is working or it isn't. If you're gonna pull revive farming then you should at least reinstate compensation packages in recognition that your game is broken
Wiccan is a great counter. Just keep spamming MLLLL
863k - so long as you are only using CLASS ISO. Using basic ISO or ISO of an alternate class will cost more
Just spend all your Rocket scrap on gold on this months SQ. FYI, last months SQ also had a boat load of gold so SQ seems to be the new meta on where to get hold of large amounts. Lastly, its not so simple to judge the game economy by just looking at one account. My resources look very different to yours...
First Post on this thread shows gold cost for both ranking and levelling. 4.71mill gold to take a brand new 6* to max level R4 (assuming you use class ISO)
Unable to bind relic to a champ used in war attack. War is still in progress but the boss is beaten and my champs have been released yet still unable to bind.
I thought this one was a naughty addition. Sym nullifies your unblockable buff every time you gain it so you can't play the class node the way it's supposed to be played. Ended up having to fight him with a science champ that I'd brought in for the boss
Totals for both accounts including what candy was spent on and any 5 or 6 star champs pulled from event crystals...
They exist. My main account and alt account have been on opposite sides of probability (the ying and the yang if you will). But as you can see, my alt account represents the 6+ non-candy you are referring to... "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it…
My main account has been generally unlucky having hit a rare path on the first day and then nothing since. My alt account has had completely the opposite fortune (although landing on the sig stones felt like a penalty). I'm still tracking everything gained through my two accounts in this event so I can compare rewards…
Say that I want to use torch for multiple fights but only want to use his pre-fight on the final one I'd have to ensure a pop up on all previous fights reminding me it wasn't active? No thanks. There's more than enough popups in this game already
I'm also taking all the Cav crystals from the candy store but can't comment on the luck of my pulls from them just yet as I'm waiting until the November update to open them.
- Nimrod has entered the chat
I would have taken Nimrod to R4 before Widow
I don't know what determines the order of reward distribution these days. Doesn't seem to be top down in order of score anymore like it used to. Still waiting for mine. I'll probs be last again like I was for the deadpool event.
Still waiting here...
Which type crystal did you buy? Standard, UC or Thronebreaker? The higher the rarity, the bigger the RNG gamble. If you want a steady consistent return, just pop the basic crystals only.
And you couldn't have popped a revive or two for the sake of 10k shards? Surely worth the unit spend. If a 6* crystal went up on store for 500 units you'd bite Kabams hand off. Mental
2 accounts... Completely different fortunes...
Genuine question... Is it possible to have opened 44 already? I know it's possible to have opened 42 which is 40 purchased from candy store for 200k candy and then another two from last weeks and this weeks solo event quest. Where did you pick up the other two? Just asking because I don't want to miss any.
You are completely forgetting or disregarding any player who wasn't intentionally participating in the event but who might use Gwenpool, Massacre or Venompool in their usual AQ team. Same goes for anyone doing their regular routine arena grind and happened to use "pool" champs while doing so. These players will have fallen…
@Amazing_Demon05 Don't understand how you thought a single point might not be enough for a prize? The bottom bracket was 51% - 100%. The 100% meant that everyone who participated (regardless of how little) would get a prize
This was happening for me whenever I launched the game and went straight for a duel. Didn't encounter the issue if I did a fight somewhere else in the game first. ... Then today tried something new. Opened the game, went to the fight menu and then launched a duel and it worked first time (without having to do any other…
Doesn't the leave button on the top left of the screen work?