Added you. Chat soon
Still looking for one active player.
One spot open!
Also wondering about this....
Morbius Vengeance Any remaining Midnight Sons
I can barely read the amount of gold I have right now. Wow. Has to be a bug, no? Man, what a tease if so.
I like the new map. It's a refreshing change to something that has become very stale and predictable. Boo hoo on not being able to finish your path in 3 hrs or less, leaving the last 21 doing absolutely nothing in war.
Damn, looks like I picked the wrong weekend to attempt 5.2. Wonder how much these issues affected me in already tough content. Had to quit 5.2.4. Le Sigh. Since then, I have been testing and I definitely notice evade not working at times, generally after a combo, so I noticed. No specific champs to mention. Seems to be in…
We are recruiting again. Looking for 2 active members. Join us while you can!
LoL. What's sad is that I was fully prepared to come here today to gush about how awesome support was, from the first two messages I got. They were awesome and I was so very happy and pleased with how quick they responded and how understanding they were. The 3rd person randomly popping in to say screw you (basically) was…
Yup. There were some helpful replies in there. Le Sigh.
I'm trying not to give up, but if I don't get this reversed, I can't see me playing the game ever again, definitely never spending again. that's like staying in an abusive relationship if you ask me. I created a 2nd ticket to explain how my first ticket was responded by 3 different support people, with 2 being extremely…
Yeah, Dorky Dave has the best instructional and tips vids out there. Can't forget him
It's daunting when you first get in that bracket, but if you get the right people doing the right things, it's very easy. We had trouble at first, but now we double the 265k fairly effortlessly. Keep grinding, get better members in your alliance, and you'll have no sweat hitting SA every week.
We definitely should at least have an option to turn off the filters in our own alliances. I see no reason (besides the programming) that we shouldn't be able to say whatever we wanted between the 30 of us, in our own little worlds. Make it happen Kabam.
Still looking for 2 committed and active players for our AW and AQ focused alliance. Please contact me (KingFlamehead) in game for more information.
You should have waited until you got the rewards. You will not get them if you leave before that.
Managing an alliance is not easy. There has to be tough decisions made at times and the more an alliance advances, there more it needs to shed dead weight efficiently. The good news is that there are many many alliances out there. Find the one that your best suited for and help them grow.
Give them time to get this totally fixed b'y. Everyone's always only worried about compensation before anything else. I prefer the focus on fixes before thinking about anything else.
Ahhhhhh addiction satisfied. Finally. Mmmm, tasty.
Working for me yeah. Woo hooooooooooooo!
Agreed. Doesn't matter if it's 'only' 40 units. Money was spent. Kinda feel stupid for spending after taking a break from doing so. Just felt so good after that last update that I figured I'd spend again as appreciation for their efforts (and it was a great offer, of course). #LeSigh
Agreed. Just some acknowledgement would go a long way here I think.