Kpratish1997 ★
Bullseye fight is lagging too much. I am using iqoo 12.
I did it before they changed that thing with bishop. So it was relatively easy for me.
For left side silk for white tiger, dust and annihilus. Onslaught for agent venom and attuma. America for maestro. Ironheart for bullseye. Spidey 2099 for destroyer. Right side, ironheart for havoc and bullseye, spidey 2099 for man thing, mangog and destroyer. Didn't remember who i used for Northstar, but it was a painful…
Silk and airwalker.
I didn't checked the forums. It happened with me. So i thought to put it on forum. Also, there are a whole lot of bugs coming.
Yes. You are just straight wrong.
It's trash this year. Got **** rewards.
I think it's everyone's personal opinion whether they like her or not. Personal likeness plays a big role in overall rankups. And that 4 star challenge, are you a colossal idiot, because you sure talk like one. And please, do let me know of a 4 star that can do it under 50 hits.
What if someone joined 13 days before the event??? PS- That person is me.
When heimdall arrived in the game, he had a node of power gain and he would start with 2 bars of power. Every time i would enter in a fight, he would immediately fill all 3 bars and spam a sp3 right on my face, knocking me out. It happened so many times, i threw away my phone in frustration. When sasquatch was launched,…
There was a time when in AW, on boss island, there used to be a node on left side with 200% power gain.
Once upon a time, 2 of my alliance mates had a fierce fight over who is a good attacker between cull obsidian and Hyperion.
When there used to be a defence tactics in AW named flow.
Use quake, unless it hinders her in any way.
Uninstall the game. 🤣
Got luke cage
I used stealth Spidey and monkey in my run.
Mine didn't change.
Doom and silk.
Contact support. I got mine like yesterday. Try uninstalling if that didn't work.
Try havoc. He will die of plasma detonations.
Bro, when you have to choose 1st, always start with an attacker.
Old daredevil evades projectiles.
Mordo evades while receiving a hit when stunned.
No it doesn't. Throw your phone away.