Logan719 ★
Casual adult alliance looking team members. Life first. 😎
Swing Hello; I sent you a pm.
Looking for like minded members who need a family oriented place to call home. Logan719 on line app
We can make room for you. Please hit me up ig
Look me up ig ... let’s talk. Adult alliance
Do you have Line?
Sinister Corp. Looking for players that want to grow
SNCORP is still looking for new & skilled players that want to join an alliance thats been around. Up & downs , but still around.. We would like for some team to merge with us.. Hit me up ingame or line at Logan719...,
I send you a pm on line
Good luck
I sent you a friend request In game...
I think I found you in line?
Rebuilding, individuals or merge with us. Lets talk. Sinister has been around for a long time.( experience ) lets have fun & enjoy the game as it should be.
I will send u a pm
Rebuilding. Revising, a true family alliance, members who have been here for awhile...Currently as Gold 3, but going to get better this seanson. So join, have some laughs, enjoy the game & grow with SINISTER !
Hello, I sent you a PM. Hope to talk
Rebuilding yes, however we can talk about each bg being their own alliance...looking for like minded individuals or bgs willing to merge with us (Sinister)..
Will do
Hello, lets talk. Line is Logan719 also IG
Looking for new members.....rebuilding !
Rebuilding the future of SINISTER...individuals & groups. Please contact me Ig or line. Same name.
Logan719. Line / IG ...please contact me..
Sinister (SNCORP) Is looking for new members as well as a group that will merge with us...we can talk parameters on bgs, officers...we use line ( communication is awesome)
What is ur line name
Sinister is looking for a group to join the Sinister Family......or if ur tired of the grind...please come join the family.
Looking for new members or a group to join Sinister please contact me at GM/ Line = Logan719
Due to RL issues , members had left..understanding....please hit me up on line at Logan719....5 spots...come & be a family
Sinister is looking for a few players who want to be in a family & make a home....contact is Logan719 on line app.
Puk what is ur ign & line name...can't fine u
What is urs Puk?