MrKillaChris ★
Just finished mines as well and points ended here, well technically this was my second run, so I had points before but I exited at stage 5, all saga champs and still didn't fully complete it.
I thought I was crazy, especially in Battle Grounds and even some animations move so quickly you can't respond with a light intercept.
To post videos you have to upload it to Youtube or another video service and then post the link
Maybe next year they'll looking into this lol jk
If it's happening in the showcase event then it might be intended.
How lovely
Is it because it's passive why it works ?
Their costumes have changed colors, and they have a glowing effect.
You have some anger you need to deal with on your own time, don't come here and project it onto people...
lol I actually recorded a video with this to post but I forgot
Is this even about the game ? 🤔
Lol nobody giving you props for that K&P joke...
Lol nah this is an insane one.
Not sure if you noticed but they said, they mistakenly added a piece for her in glory store and it wasn't schedule to be released yet, so they removed her from the game completely so nobody can see or use her.
Someone else also took screenshots of having her but she's completely invisible
I already made a post about it, nobody said anything.
If you click on EVENT at the bottom right, there's one going on says "DAILY SUPER EVENT" there is where you get the daily crystal from now, just play the game complete the event and see you receive said daily crystal.
Check your deleted folder or junk folder same thing happened to me, and they messages were piled up there, even though they were coming straight into my inbox at first.
I still haven't gotten Knull and anything after that no matter how many times I sign up after the fact. I submitted to support, they replied I sent my Email and put to this day I haven't received anything or even a word from them.
Can't even tag the actual Kabam team and the only ones who're taggable already left the company.
@KabamCrashed @KabamPinwheel @Kabam(Osaurus)Rex I made a post notifying that I didn't receive Knull, I registered on the same day rich the man made a video on the 6th of October I ended up trying to send a ticket to support and I was receiving trouble trying to submit a ticket saying "Request not yet Submitted" so I was…
Man I still didn't even receive Knull from the first one, I registered on the same day rich the man made a video on the 6th of October, I made a post about it then made a post asking if my email was blocked because I couldn't get in on Kabam support site, after a while they responded to my Email on the 30th of October I…
@SummonerNR above ^
How long does it take for support to respond ? They replied and I did on the 31st of October and it's now 8th of November and not a word or an update...
That is the screenshot I'm showing that says "Email address / password combination is incorrect, try again or get a new password." Anytime I try to log in that's what it says. But anyways I received an Email from them (support) even though it says "Not yet submitted" it actually did in the end, got a ticket number and give…
The Link I submitted to it's just like the one you have below That was my Email I also started the game account with I did use my correct Email and password because I am still using said Login to enter the market place to collect the free crystals daily and weekly.
So isn't shock a debuff ? And if Stryfe and Beta Ray deals shock damage, but it's passive (isn't it still a debuff?) especially if it's causing damage... Iceman's frostbite is also a negative effect, Onslaught with Neuroshock And a Debuff is a detrimental effect that negatively impacts the champions, so if these things…
I had the same issue but after 3 logins I receive the summons but that summons is for the 4th week quest.
Now checking my Email, I've seen this being sent, is this legit ? And this is what the link, sent me to but when trying to sign in, it says "Email address / password combination is incorrect, try again or get a new password." And I know my password and Email are correct.
Just last week I was playing in Battle Grounds and got parried none stop, even hitting the block got me parried.