Palistes ★★
"Goes to show when people stop spending on a mobile game it will lead to its downfall" Right? When people don't spend money on a product, it stops being produced. MCOC has survived 10 years because it makes money. I enjoy this game, and I hope it continues for many more years. Are you wanting Kabam to fail and this game to…
Great thread! My wife is deathly allergic to cats, unfortunately, so here are our bunnies!
Diwali is an Indian holiday.
Odd statement. This game, and capitalism in general, wouldn't function if people with disposable income "cared about money" and didn't spend it.
Don't be disingenuous. It is really awful.
I didn't pick up on any "girls are superior" vibes. What are you referring to?
I am so tired of variants and the multiverse. I just want a good Doom. Please. He is one of Marvel's most compelling characters.
Banned for not using punctuation?
It's not a political issue. It is a human rights issue. I've been blessed to be a straight, white, heterosexual male, but I absolutely want everyone to feel accepted as I was fortunate enough to be. My wife and my daughters are not pale. And if my daughters are gay, I won't love them less. What is wrong with everyone who…
I got disagrees for making a Mormon joke but the LSD comment got an agree? I will never understand this place 😆
Can we please spell out names in the titles of posts? LDS means something very different for anyone who knows Mormons.
Fantastic work! I subscribed on your YouTube channel at 52.
My first 7-star dupe was Guardian, by the way. Also, way back in the day, my first two 5-star openings were Rhino.
My 22nd 7-star opening produced my first dupe.
Quicksilver. He disrupts my input timing. I have to adjust to use him and then readjust when I'm done, so I basically never use him. Lots of champs I don't use, but he is the one I actively avoid.
Why didn't Kabam provide this information sooner?
The response, after a week, is the community shouldn't question Kabam?
I genuinely appreciate that. Thank you!
Summoner's Choice is just based on what benefits the game. I have no idea how I could get any of my favorite characters in. I'm old and I'm a huge comic book fan. I want to see the Mark Gruenwald era Diamondback or Demolition Man but that's not going to happen. I love this game but I have realistic expectations for for it.
But the losers won't be in the game for a long time, if ever.
With units at stake, the discourse around Summoner's Choice voting would become more contentious and likely less democratic as voters will be compelled to vote for who they think will win and not who they want to see in the game (which seems to have some eerie reflections of real life, I suppose). And then a number of…
This was a difficult fight! I just used Nick Fury to deal a lot of damage and finished with the rest of the team.
I'm dumb and got Valient on 1 January, which made me miss out on a 6* Absorbing Man per the calendar. Get it as soon as you can.
7* Hercules will happen after we get a 6* Quake.
I'm a bit afraid to post this as the forums seem to hate Colossus.
I just completed my first Necropolis run. I'm an older player and I took frequent breaks; I spent three days to finish it. That being said, I highly recommend doing a Necropolis completion run for all the reasons already listed. This was my first real attempt at Everest content, and a few moments aside, it really wasn't…
Wong is Chinese, if I'm not mistaken.
I started my Necropolis run, and I contributed many, many deaths against several defenders (Aarkus, Air Walker, and Captain Britain were all painful). I did just finish Guardian with only two revives, which is very encouraging. Looking ahead a bit, I hate fighting Dragon Man. I might try to power through that fight tonight…
Thank you DNA3000 and everyone for the additional insights! Much appreciated!
Thank you @DNA3000 for posting this! I too am older than the average player (not 50 yet but not far off) and your post has inspired me to attempt long-form content for the first time. I traditionally have avoided it and I have been slow to attain progression levels. But I'm going to attempt Necropolis soon, and for the…