PeperinoPomoro ★
Here we go again a sweet 531.26% difference between my alliance and the current rival, beauty beauty! I still don't understand how can someone disagree that is not fair, a 21 million against a 3.6 million... But anyway... Oh and I have the snapshot of the real thing maybe you think I'm inventing those numbers Thank you all…
Hello SummonerNR I see, so what you are saying is, and if I'm not reading this wrong, before was worst so why am I complaining if before was wrong and now is better. That for me it's simply 'conformism' and no, I just cannot settle... "because right back in time was worst, now is better, I need to take it as it is". I…
There we have another example of your 'fair' alliance war rating, and how I disagree about the matching algo. I hope this is easy to read, it's an Alliance, just a small 21 Million against and alliance of 3M. So a simple 493% stronger alliance I hope if one of you is part of the alliance against mine, you enjoy your 6*…
Additionally, there's the same issue (now fixed only for summer event objective that is auto-claimed which is MARVELous) with single reward/objective, you need to claim one by one (and even it's not well centered) something like summer event, there's 30 milestones, after the 10th, you need to start scrolling down. What I'm…
Absolutely agree, I know it's been a while but worth getting back to this topic, there's more and more portals with only one node for at least 3 event quests.
The alliance also is relaxed on holiday season. And won't kick members if on holidays.
LINE_ID: pnf99 in-game: nick Peperino Pomoro