Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.


  • More proof that kabam doesn't take your time seriously. Not that we needed it. This made me want to delete the game. Not April fools more like why am I still playing this game that they people who run it hate me
  • Even tho I would never pick the right again. Still nice to know why. Thanks guys
  • Wow. I knew i did something stupid.. but Why would they even offer conquerer rewards. For anyone over cav... At a glance it looks like they are the same level just ones crystals and ones catalyst. This game has way too many twist and turns to keep up with. Enter here but don't do this. Make sure you don't do that.
  • I just looked at the aw map and feel sick to my stomach. Very few counters to already hard defenders that difficultly is now doubled by tactic but to put the icing on the cake is the few counters are banned. For real of your going to introduce a super tough meta then throw hard to fight champs in that meta let's aleast…
  • Everyone was so excited to have this content come out. Well when you start pitting the player base against one another a huge portion is bound to be upset and lose interest in the game. Pandora box has been opened.
  • This is exactly what I thought.. or what rich executive walked in and demanded this be put up thinking these were Passable deals?
  • I know it's meant to poke fun at it 😆
  • This is info that 100% needs to be included. Say you have assigned lanes and 1 out of those 3 playes die twenty times to a lane boss but no one sees them repeatedly entering. And the three move thru. Now you have to ask alliance members did you do it? Who did it? It's odd questioning your members like your the police. Plus…
  • Glad to hear I'm not alone in this
  • I know right
  • Wow 36 Champs and I've got 10.. sounds nice other than I can't seem to pull nothing but 4 straight dupes ever since hitting that mark well over a month ago. What are the chances of this? First pull 1:3.6 second pull 1:13 third crystal 1:46 then last Well about 1 out of 167. Why am I grinding just to get stuck with another…
  • People getting all kinds of rewards beyond just 6 stars. Champs that are being used in bgs. Access to shooting stars quest because they just got free 7*. All the champs they ranked with the iso... If this goes unchecked it's a slap to the face of those of us who worked hard for years to get these champs. Kabam needs to ask…
  • You know People are ranking up champs. Using them in bgs.. getting 7star shards from dupes going into quests they wouldn't normally be able to. Ranking up champs the didn't have the iso for.. there is a whole laundry list of problems kabam opened with this can of worms
  • This is great that chetaers are gone but the only reasoning didn't grind for lady deathstrike was because I knew cheaters had return. So I missed out because you guys we setting a trap. I don't know how to feel about this.
  • Why should I continue to pay or play to strengthen my roster when kabam is just going to give it to lower strength ones.. its ridiculous because I play the game enough to have gold and iso to rank up my champs I'm punished. Not only due I have to fight the top tier guys every round when players like Brian Grant is facing…
  • This is now a constant problem with me too. I find myself dancing around like dork for 40 seconds until I'm pinned against the wall. The only thing I've found to help was to when I paused the game of frustration when I unpause the ai will throw the special. Only thing Is you have to take your hands off the controls to hit…
  • You have no problem having me spam revives if I pay for them but not if I've farm them. Well thanks for letting me know how greedy you are. My spending stops here.
  • I get one fight in and I get disconnected. I am in a large city with great reliable expensive Internet that has never let me down before. I've lost a large amount of energy to this. But yet I hardly see anyone talking. Seems kabam only cares if there endgame influencers are unhappy. If there good forget about anyone else.…