Roronoazoro99 ★
if the realm event didn't exist, the rewards woulda been merged with the solo and alliance milestones. Banquet has always been about spending units, more you spend, more you get.
so we're spending more mysterium (15k, used to be 10k) for the special item in mysterium store, and getting a nerf on mysterium acquisition (22.5k, used to be 27k). not to mention there hasn't been any update in this store since launch in march.
"Path Rewards don't reset" meaning you can't run the mysterium path 3 times and gain mysterium 3 times, once you run the mysterium path, the reward is gone, it won't reset the next time you join.
I think its 6 fights daily, and total 120 fights with 7* for paragon+ players to get all milestones.
so paragon+ will be able to get 44 points max and others will be able to get 22 points max, is this correct?
how do you figure?
it was the same when 6*s were released, all materials were already available to r2 6*s when they released.
you get 23 free GBC, other 3 are just normal BC.
@"Kabam Miike" you edit the description, but forgot to edit this section in the post. "Also in this post… Holiday Gift release date! 9 Year Anniversary Log-In Calendar, Arenas, Solo Event and Solo Objective Banquet Event brief overview"
I'm just gonna leave a comment here to see Kabams response
there's supposed to be 4 objectives refreshing every 48 hours, I mostly get two or one.
as long as we're talking about BGs, when is this bug gonna get addressed?
I think introducing different Prestige for BGs would be a good idea. average of all 30 champs would be your BGs prestige and you can host tournaments based on different level players based on that.
also, no one in the entire game received a NEW champ from their disappeared crystals, how convenient!!
dude you're so delusional here. I was missing 17k points, and I received those, CORRECTLY. now as per your logic, the difference between my solo score and alliance score should be 8.5k. since you claim to have award me twice the points, and not in alliance. so why does my alliance score say 59k, while my solo score is 77k.…
I bought 16 Paragon Crystals for 3200 Units, but some of them just vanished, and I clicked open 10 at once, the game kicked me out. when I got back in, they crystals just vanished, I didn't get any champions and didn't receive points towards the solo and alliance event.