Go ahaead 😂
Umm guardian as I heard necessarily needs his dupe for max utility and bleed immunity, however herc on the other hand doesn’t and still cheat death can be unlocked by putting in an awakening gem and slowly building over time , so thoughts Plus also pulled the 5* Magik have her as a 4* max sig and I liked that ability, not…
Congrats bro
Thanks a lot and also for the support @Ercarret @Speedbump
Lol I have pulled peni 4 times as a 5* in the basic pool
Thanks mate
Thanks mate was wondering why was there such a big gap between texts 😜😂
Pulls from the crystals
My first R3
Quick mention to thank @DrZola @SpideyFunko and all others for their support and advice
Tbf this months been decent across the two Crystal types 5* Medusa max sig though , however been better from the other Crystal with ultron , and 2 other 5* and a 6* crossbones
I plan to go into that fight with this mindset I Get anything that I put my mind to it’s done, plus I took out champion boss with 600 units and an r1 Diablo whilst my fellow ally mate with 2 mil hero rating struggles with it Plus the more the units I have the more calmer and effectively I play and yeah I am getting…
I have seen solos with herc , I believe I can do it , ur thoughts? @DrZola
I don’t have og thor but Angela isn’t even awkened yet but if I’d say the rest purely for synergies. I can try it
I got mysterio but no overseer though , should I rank him up?
Even only bleed immune and not hitting into block still works my friend 🙂
Only if he is using the drug m synergy with prof x that too only 75% reduction But again can play without hitting into block
@DrZola , @SpideyFunko especially also will need ur views too ✌️
There’s one answer to both Hercules , he worked well
With only 30 sig stones, Hyperion is the best option. Hercules ideally needs max sig. Hyperion needs sig 40. True I got him at sig 75 maxed r5 , tbf sig stones are easy to get and btw not going with duping him could be silly cuz 5* ag these days are class specific so rng dependent and u won’t feel bad abt duping herc even…
Really good job , appreciate the grind keep it up mate , but till date I can ever grind are a more than beyond milestones Plus tbf got luck with pulling herc , peni 4 times and also heimdall , plus being lvl 60 with a decently stacked roster and a cav , ever felt the need to grind out 5* especially in area 6* being too far…
U do realise ur herc is pretty avg without the dupe , cuz he can’t get his immortality which means u have to be absolutely good with intercepts and not die , herc is useful for pretty much all game modes , yeah and u might have to wait long for his dupe , but hype I wouldn’t suggest it rn
Damnnn son really need him , have a skill ag waiting
Pulled 4 5* and a 6* from the side quest cavs Luke cage dupe , hawkeye , spider ham , og ironman and 6* she hulk
This month 6 5* from side quest Crystal , 6* gambit dupe from basic 6* , mythic Crystal got me 6* spider ham , 6* she hulk from side quest Crystal , 6 5* from legendary and 4 basic crystals , most notably red guardian , storm og , and p2099