
  • Will we be getting compensation for the revives we used?... I had no clue the damage was bugged since it was my first time doing raids... I revived 14 times in hopes to make it passed Kang...
  • @TheBair123 off subject... but my post got deleted... lol... guess you can't praise people either... or they understand sarcasm enough to stop it in its tracks... bahahahahahha
  • it requires a password *
  • That's what I like about my phone everywhere password to my email after pressing purchase before It actually buys it
  • oh... my bad... 5 tier 4 science iso and 11k gold...
  • Never said that they can't grow stronger... i said that they won't ever be able to catch up...
  • and if you want to compare this to race relations you're like the white plantation owner saying bring back slavery we are more superior and deserve everything that is good... they are inferior to us and deserve nothing...? Two can play that game...
  • Sorry @Arsoz that was meant to say "do players find it to be fair on injustice?... if so that's what I'm talking about... yes...
  • And do people buy this fair?
  • yes @Arsoz ... that way you still have a shot of getting great rewards even if you are a medium leveled alliance... like a small amount of 6 star shards... I'm talkin a few hundred not thousands... and i believe all placements in the high leveled alliances should receive 6 star shard rewards as well... hundreds for the…
  • That's why I've been stating that the bracket system is what should be done... these guys can't grasp that what I am saying is they deserve good rewards because they are strong... but at the same time just because my alliance is nowhere near as strong we don't deserve to get the rewards that silver offers... the rewards…
  • I'm starting to believe that you have tunnel vision on this whole "lack of skill" that you keep telling us you possess...
  • Once again... i did not directly say any of you individually lacked skill... I'm referring to the alliances who CAN NOT FOR THE LIFE OF THEM WIN AN EVENLY MATCHED WAR... if you feel I am attacking you directly as an individual... then I guess that's an issue you have with yourself... not with me... and the bracketing…
  • At no point have I said you were less skilled... this is probably the 5th time if said this... Also at no point did we plow through a less skilled alliance... said that many times as well... The wars we played were evenly matched enemies... they came down to one boss kill or a few hundred points max in difference... Once…
  • lol... i still got a disagree when I stated that the higher rated alliances do deserve better rewards than the weak alliances... but that the lower rated alliances shouldn't be shafted... which only goes to show how stupid people are... i assume they realize that if the lower alliances are able to receive rewards that…
  • Did it sink in that time?
  • I never said you had less skill than me... less comprehension ABSOLUTELY... but not less skill... I'm stating that when placed in an even playing field winners should benefit more and losers should benefit less... you keep saying I'm comparing my skill to yours... and i haven't once done that... I'm saying that my alliance…
  • That's apples and oranges guy... don't bring your ignorance into the debate... bring logic instead...
  • At no point in my posts did I say act 6 was a cake walk... that's you once again not comprehending what was said... I'm uncollected... and that was rough to get... even with r4 and r3 5 stars and r5 4 stars... and for our achievements we have been rewarded... but that has absolutely nothing to do with the war system... but…
  • at the same time the way it'll be soon will be the same scenario you just spoke of... alliances stuck in a spot with no hope of climbing up past a certain level because they can't get the the rewards to grow strong enough to drop the alliances above them because the alliances above them are all receiving better rewards...…
  • You sir are an idiot... i have repeatedly said that I believe there should be a tier bracket based on alliance rating, prestige, and war rating... and rewards should be given to those who can win against other alliances on an even playing field... once again I am not saying punish the strong alliances... I'm saying don't…
  • Only if you assume I believe the rewards should stay the same for you higher rated alliances... at no point did i say "screw the strong alliances"... i believe that the strong alliances who get gold while versing alliances on their level should get 6 star shards... but silver and below should get 5 star shards... same for…
  • also as far as this "oh I've done thousands of quests, so I deserve good war rewards" attitude goes... in case you didn't notice it, wars are a team effort... they require an alliance to work as a team to beat another alliance doing the same... so regardless of your solo efforts... if your alliance can't best an alliance…
  • once again... all the wars I was in the past 2 seasons were on the same level as our alliance... not trash alliances that didn't place defenders and didn't attack... they were just as active as us and just as strong... so yeah... only losing 4 wars I believe our alliance is entitled to good rewards... not a couple 3 and 4…
  • That's what i was saying in my earlier post... not the same rewards in lower tier brackets... just not trash rewards like lower rated alliances are going to be getting...
  • Guess it's pointless to argue with them @GroundedWisdom... they don't agree with a bracketing reward system because they paid for all the upgrades they could get to increase their skills... only to find that skill wasn't included in the bundle... so they are all going to disagree with everything we say... since we didn't…
  • that was weird... it merged my 2 posts... anywho... that should have said if you are in a 20mil ally and can't beat a 19.5mil - 20.5mil ally you don't deserve to be rewarded as good as a 10mil ally who CAN beat a 9.5 - 10.5 mil ally...
  • Nah... platinum rewards for a lower tier should be better than silver for a higher tier... once again we're talking about rewarding alliances for being able to win against someone on their level... you apparently can't comprehend the fact that giving trash rewards to low tier brackets is equal to screwing over anyone in a…
  • I like how people disagree with the idea of a bracketing system... most likely they are the high rated low skilled players...