
  • My rank 1 6* pre buff finished ROL WS in 50 hits.. now it’s well over 100 hits. I even find her base damage harder to access and ramp.. crit less often cause you can’t get as many souls, less Crit bleeds.. inconvenient requirement to heavy soam.. Extremely disappointing.. I was stoked to use a rank gem and a bunch of…
  • My rank 1 6* pre buff finished ROL WS in 50 hits.. now it’s well over 100 hits. I even find her base damage harder to access and ramp.. crit less often cause you can’t get as many souls, less Crit bleeds.. inconvenient requirement to heavy soam.. Extremely disappointing.. I was stoked to use a rank gem and a bunch of…
  • My rank 1 6* pre buff finished ROL WS in 50 hits.. now it’s well over 100 hits. I even find her base damage harder to access and ramp.. crit less often cause you can’t get as many souls, less Crit bleeds.. inconvenient requirement to heavy soam.. Extremely disappointing.. I was stoked to use a rank gem and a bunch of…
  • Yea I had deep wounds maxed and got lucky. My best run was 58 hits but it wasn’t a clean fight so I posted the 60 one haha. Most fights take more hits though - very RNG dependent.
  • @Cmaro ill do ya one better - mine is 6* Rank 1. Down in 60 hits! PRE-BUFF 6 Star Rank 1 Guillotine Drops ROL WS in 60 HITS! Marvel Contest of Champions Let’s see buffed Guillotine do that!
  • I don’t understand why math is so hard.. 2% is minuscule.. yes it’s ALL damage, so you can have a small amount of continuous healing even without hitting the opponent, but it’s limited to the HP of your opponent. Example: Take an opponent with 100k HP. The max healing you get from this fight is 2,000 HP. For a Rank 3 6*…
  • @"Kabam Miike" can you confirm something for us? Will week 9 give only enough objective points to reach 27 points (max tier milestones), and no more be available? Meaning if anyone missed 1 single objective they have no chance of top tier prize? Will the final 2 week challenge offer additional objective points? Will the…
  • We still don’t know if the regular pass will allow you to claim the final Milestone which has the 500 units and the very important blue token. As the announcement describes it seems like that’s intended for the pass plus holder but makes a huge difference in rewards from the canteen.
  • What’s the purpose of this phrase? It suggests you can’t claim milestone 2 on day 2, rather you have to reach X+1 to claim X, but that’s not how it working - and therefore there is very little difference between pass plus. If regular pass can’t claim the final milestone it’s a big price difference.
  • @"Kabam Miike" i see you lurking and can’t find how to tag kabam boo - can you help with this question? It’s kind of a big deal haha
  • Can someone tag Kabam Boo for me?… haha Also is the weekly booster just the rich mans way to complete the milestones without doing any objectives? Log in once per week to pay for 7 objectives?
  • Can you confirm - does this mean that with the regular resort pass, once you reach the final milestone, you will not be able to claim the final rewards? Meaning you NEED pass plus to get the 500 units and final blue token (without which you can’t get the 5* generic awakening gem, 6,400 6* shards, and 5 6* Sig stone…
  • I just experience this problem vs BWDO, she did NOT have an evade charge active AND Falcon was Locked on. She evaded and then killed me. Not sure if this is intended, and no where in the global description or nodes does it talk about any chance to evade so I’m not sure how it can be explained..
  • I was nervous that while it was said “there will be more units, just packed into less arena”, what really would be meant was “you’re going to have to have more of the top tier champions and grind even longer to the same amount of units”. Unfortunately, this severely hurts the vast majority of players. I’m free to play, I’m…
  • Yes, if you heal him past 30% on his second life, as soon as you start the fight he will degen back to 30%.
  • Well thank you to those who were constructive and supportive. I apologize to those who felt like this was inappropriate, but I realize that some people just tend to be more negative. @Southern_Kant and @Pancake_Face specifically thank you for replying. Since you showed some interest I will share my new channel, with a few…