The_Jagga81 ★
Check our history @"Kabam Miike" we have been top 90 since I can’t remember. Last week we got screwed. What’s your plan?
Still looking
Hey kabam! Stop hiding
@"Kabam Lyra" @"Kabam Miike"
Looking for 1 Line id is jaggarj
Top 90 p3 line is jaggarj
2 now
As I said - Only FIVE MODIFIERS. @"Kabam Zibiit" @"Kabam Vydious" @"Kabam Lyra" @"Kabam Miike" where are Hurt Locker / Bane / Dismay? Are they under quarantine rules? Isolated from the Game????
Mr. Intelligent being THERE WERE ONLY 5 modifiers to pick. not 8 how it was supposed dumb are u?
Now waiting to hear people praise Morningstar and Angela...lmao
Just taking a look at 2017 class...funny...the top 6 champs released on that year...only available as 5 about the other 20 garbage? 6 star? Yesss sir!
Exactly! Pictures were posted for people like him but...wasn’t enough apparently
Ok I see your point now. But aunt mai isn’t kabam....and even if they were based on your statement they simply decided to disregard the best champs we could get and give us disappointment for all our dedication and money spent... Take a look at the very first 6 star champions...ugh...nauseating...sad
Stark enhanced spider man and u am pretty explanation for that? Because they were released in the same month...smh
It’s very difficult to argue with people that doesn’t see what’s in front of them. I watch almost everyone of Seatin’s vids but just because he says something it’s not written in stone. It doesn’t make ANY SENSE have Vulture and not have Stark Spider. They were released On the SAME MONTH! There’s no point on having ALL the…
No one does what Quake can Do so yeah 6 star champs options is biased.
C’mon man...u missing the point...not saying they are irreplaceable but it doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be added because today there’s some great options that MAY be better than some of also doesn’t change the fact that they have more value than 90% of the **** kabam throw at us as 6 star options...simple logic…
Hey @"Kabam Zibiit" how long should I wait until u guys get my stuff back? It’s been almost 60 days since u said u would look into it and I got nothing... I wanna believe u guys care about the community so help me out! Thanks
3 spots for Next Friday when this AQ cycle ends. Prestige above 10.4 line id is jaggarj Best of luck
Dude...first u gotta understand basic communication and simple math....odds chance of occurrence etc...then u return and say something worthy of mentioning. It’s well known that kabam has a bad grammar regarding champions info....but now is different...Check all the crystals and see for yourself...EVERY SINGLE ONE OF…
Bro have u read before saying anything? The crystal description says GUARANTEES A 1 star with a CHANCE at a 2 star. As u can see here at the Cavalier crystal - GUARANTEES a 3 star with a rare chance at 4,5 or 6 star...WHICH MEANS that the GUARANTEED RARITY HAS HIGHER ODDS.... So I ask u again. HAVE U READ? @"Kabam Miike"…
How’s that a guaranteed 1 star with a chance at a 2 star champ when u have 80% chance of pulling a 2 star?
Where I can find 1 star champs since I don’t have access to that crystal after I became uncollected? And because of that I sold them all?
Yeah I want my stuff back. Spent a lot of units pots and boosts on that path and it’s clearly bugged. Where I can send my in game info so u guys can refund me?
I knew someone would notice that! But u got my point nevertheless! At least means u were paying attention! 😎
Check if he’s immune to ability accuracy reduction. I’m on a quest...can’t do it for u
So...we supposed to accept this bad designed fight and shove it?
Honestly idk lol just wanted people with visibility help address this type of bad designed fights
@"Kabam Miike" @"Kabam Lyra" @"Kabam Vydious" @Lagacy @Seatin @BrianGrant