Ycats ★★
I just did the left side with spiders and it was one of the easier runs. My team was CGR(6r3 ascended)/Stealth Spidey(6r2 ascended)/Silk(6r2 ascended) and swapped CGR for stark spider-man(6r3). For Modok I used stark spidey and it was a little rough so you should definitely bring miles as he very easily does the fight. You…
Caustic Temper node, you need a fury buff to do regular damage and it also poisons you
I had 5 star crossbones and jugs for this fight and I preferred crossbones
Just see how for you can get in act 6, you have Captain Marvel for 6.2.2 Mr. Sinister, Doctor Doom for 6.2.5 Mordo and for the Champion, Nick fury for 6.3.1 Medusa, and stark spidey for 6.3.6 Captain America. You can get far if you have the skills.
There should be a required statistics class before you are allowed to play this game.
This may be the worst idea I have ever heard.
That’s only with the enhanced specials node. With the unblockable specials node the whole special is unblockable.
read the caustic temper node
Being Unduped just means she has to throw 2 sp1 before a sp2 now.
https://i.redd.it/4lvnfpcu1r221.jpg Just use this list to look at which champs you would use the gems on.
I’ll just leave this here https://youtu.be/LWO3VpEbVJU
You can still switch Nightcrawlers stance. When he dashes back you have to dash back and throw a light.
Do you have suicides on
Colossus purifies stun debuffs on heavy attacks.
He is Canadian so he can't be a villain.
The path in 6.3.5 has Pleasure to Burn, Got a Light, Power Shield, and Redoubled Determination but Overall I agree with you in that act 7 is way better than act 6
They have that same exact node combination in 6.3.5 and there's even a poison version of it in 6.3.6
https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/215359/every-single-event-quest-ever/p1 If you look at this post it shows every past event quest and as you can see the variants are based off these quest and go in release order. Currently the variants span from (variant 1) Ultron's Assault to (Variant 5) Blood and…
Variants are based off of past event quest and go in release order, so the next one will at least involve Daredevil and Luke Cage.
Sorry if I sounded a bit passive aggressive but it just seems a bit counterproductive to box in each class on certain criteria. It should be a general outline that mystics revolve around nullify and power control or science champs placing debuffs but limiting champs in those classes to that criteria doesn’t make much sense…
So champs are only allowed to be mystic if they either have nullify or power control, Just because a champ doesn't fit the overall archetype of a class doesn't mean they shouldn't be a part of that class if anything it just adds more diversity within the class as now we have a mystic champ who can proc a lot of buffs.
I wouldn't use a gem on her. Her sig ability helps but it just gives her small bonuses against different classes and makes it a little harder to keep up your rotation against mystic champions.
Watch videos and practice dueling a champion with a lower rarity version of one of your 5 champs shown to get the timing down.
It seems like you're making correlations between things when there are no correlations. I don't know how you figured that the change to backdraft intercepts which occurred quite a while ago affect's anything happening now.
His Imperius Rex didn't get nerfed they just lowered his Regen a little bit and increased his chance to place bleeds which means it takes him a little longer to get to Imperius Rex. He still does crazy damage just like before.
His Imperius Rex didn't get nerfed they just lowered his Regen a little bit and increased his chance to place bleeds which means it takes him a little longer to get to Imperius Rex. He still does crazy damage just like before.
They’re releasing 5 star Scarlet Witch soon. She might even be in the next featured since Wolverine is in this featured.