flip3609sbro ★
Just curious @"Kabam Jax" , will the crystal be of the respective class that was chosen, or will it be the selector? I’m sure some of us only opened one crystal and that would impact if we open our second crystal, or hold as that would naturally benefit the player the most.
Same here, opened 1, saw warlock wasn’t in the reel so didn’t open the other. Gonna submit a ticket and let’s see what kabam decides is appropriate
I would imagine kabam would maintain precedent and continue to make them rewards in the side events. They typically don’t reduce rewards much, only increase them. Use those gems before they stack up in your inventory! It’s good to hoard a little but not too much.
Cgr is also one of the better options since the aptitude can shorten his cycle greatly in longer fights.
I think ballpark is around 30? Haven’t done it in a year so not quite sure, I’m sure someone will correct me
Tbh I wish Kabam would adjust the milestones down a tad. I was excited to open a few paragons and get some extra rewards but even with spending $100 worth of units I won’t unlock but maybe another milestone or two. Better rewards to be had spending units elsewhere in the game.
Reckon the title needs to be adjusted then, definition of where the powergain is coming from aside, it was bugged in some fights. Tried dueling gorr in my roster with my 4* bwcv and couldn’t reproduce the issue. I know it couldn’t be the nodes as I’ve taken a hulkling a long time ago as a boss with bwcv, and her powergain…
She has still had power gain from MD, when inflicting buff immunity on a champion that has buffs on them, since that in essence ends a buff
The hit counter also counts blocked hits, and bishop has regen buffs to help counter the dot damage. I’d need to test it first but seems plausible.
If you have willpower, the benefit from the weakness being an active debuff instead of a passive is well worth it. Dunno much about him needing to be high sig or not, think mines just sig 20 and he rocks aq there
Do the solo objectives start in 6 hrs or something? Restarted the game a few times and they haven’t shown up for me. Can see the event though
Yup you aren’t alone, got 99 other smucks with ya
Any chance we could get an actual leaderboard on this? I’m kinda curious how I placed compared to others lol
I initially thought it was lame that they are giving it out now for “free” after I opened about 50k crystals and no cigar earlier. Upon reflection, it’s the best someone’s ever gotten me on April Fools. You win this time Kabam…
Yup, final node in my lvl 6 incursions run, spiked armor and I didn’t swap someone out for a champ who didn’t crit, on a thing too :( Cost me a few revives but I know better now
No one talks about it but I believe Angela with Odin synergy can do it. Besides nasty mystic fights she can handle about anything else. Have yet to take her into lvl 6 yet but just had a run through lvl 5 where I cleared room 12 with a friend easily. Obvs would need to be a 6* though
What @Lime2625 said was correct, courtesy of this dude I found in global chat, lemme block his name so as to not “dox” him.
They said spring before, spring is a wide range of time. Be patient. That being said I’m excited for them too, but good things come to those who wait. I keep telling myself that anyway.
Yup I did it to myself about a week ago and then realized you can filter by relic. Guess if you wanna see who your opponent may use on attack more
I didn’t force close on Emma frost lol. I do know of that. The prefights never activated at the start of the fight
Looks to me like you might’ve selected by accident the button on the right side there to just show the champs that have relics bound to them.
I can’t get a 3* relic to unbind now, was wanting to swap a few around, can’t get it off. Champ isn’t in any quest, aq, aw. Also tried a game restart, to no avail
Yup, same thing happened here, opened the crystal and the ui was very bugged looking and no relic was rewarded
A good rule of thumb with the flare node is to make use of class advantage when you can, flare I believe goes slower if you have the advantage, regardless you get a nice attack bonus
Bump, don’t think we’ve had a concrete date put on this yet, I’m very eager to open those relic crystals I have waiting around
Can confirm that my parry is extremely off post this months update. Missed several parries tonight when I knew I was hitting them. Had to block significantly earlier than the hit to register the parry. Much harder to do when the opponent is in your face.
We are still looking!
Alright guys we found a match, however if you need help finding an ally I am in a few line rooms so I can help!
Device and Version: iPhone XR (64GB) Device Operating System: iOS 12.0.1 Mobile Carrier: Verizon Cellular or WiFi: So far only tested on WiFi Game Version Installed: 22.1 Game Mode: AQ Champions Affected: AQ Sentinels (so far I’ve only fought mutant) Active Boosts: None Description of the Issue: During fighting sentinels…
We are still looking for new players this season, also feel free to contact CFprelude or Kare