Gwenpool's Bobble Bauble Blowout Sale FAQ

MCOC TeamMCOC Team Administrator, Admin [en] Posts: 638
edited April 2023 in General Discussion


What is Gwenpool’s Bobble Bauble Blowout?
  • Gwenpool’s Bobble Bauble Blowout is a Sale where you can trade limited-time currency (Baubles) for valuable items like Nexus Crystals, Catalysts and more
How long does the event last?
  • Unit Store bundles containing Baubles are available from April 21th at 10 AM PDT until April 28th at 10 AM PDT. The Store where you can spend your Baubles is open until May 5th, 10 AM PDT
Where do you get Baubles?
  • The majority of Baubles can be found in the Unit Store. For a limited time, select Unit Packs will contain Baubles, Gold crystals and a 1-star Deadpool!
  • Some Baubles are available in a message along with 4-star Gwenpool, so remember to check your inbox!
  • Baubles are also available in the Platinum Track of the Double Track Event
  • Baubles are also available in the Daily “Bobble Bauble Battle Bonus” Solo event
Who is the Gwenpool’s Bobble Bauble Blowout Event available to?
  • Gwenpool’s Bobble Bauble Blowout is available for everyone who has achieved the Proven progression and above.


If I reach the next progression level (Uncollected, Cavalier, Thronebreaker), will I be able to re-buy Baubles from the Unit Store?
  • No, Unit Store purchase limits do not reset when reaching new Progression levels
Do I get anything for purchasing every Unit Bundle that contains Baubles?
  • Yes. Players who purchase all Unit Bundles that contain Baubles will be granted 6-star Jessica Jones

BOBBLE BAUBLE BATTLE BONUS Solo Events and Solo Objectives

How does Bobble Bubble Bonus Solo Event work?
  • A Solo Event runs for 24 hours every day until April 28th, a total of 7 solo events.
  • There are no rank rewards in the event, only Milestones
  • At the same time, a series of Daily Solo objectives will be spawning every day (maximum of 10). There are 2 types of solo events - Battle Scarred and Mint Condition. Finishing Battle Scarred Solo objective contributes 100 Event points towards Solo event, Mint Condition Solo Objectives contribute 200 Event points.
  • To achieve all Solo Event Milestones, you need 1000 Event points
  • Note: there are 2 instances of Solo events. One is for Players in progressions Proven to Uncollected, another one is for players in progressions Cavalier to Paragon
  • Note: To claim Baubles in the first Milestone of the Solo event, the player needs to be part of Platinum Track of the Solo event.
If my progression changes from Uncollected to Cavalier, will I lose the progress in the Solo Event?
  • Yes. If you become a Cavalier, a new instance of a Solo event will be available. However, if you complete Proven to Uncollected solo event and claim milestone prizes - they are yours to keep


Where Is the Bauble Blowout Store Located?
  • It is in the Store Tab, it will be the second tab in; you can’t miss it!

If I acquire all available Baubles for purchase, can I buy all items in the store?
  • No, you can’t purchase every item in the Spring Cleaning Store tab. Choose wisely!

If I reach the next progression level of Uncollected, Cavalier, Thronebreaker), will the items in the store tab change?
  • Yes, Uncollected, Cavalier and Thronebreaker players will have different items in the Store Tab
  • Note: Proven, Conqueror and Uncollected players have same items in the store and progressing between these points will not refresh the store
How long is the store open for?
  • The store is open until Friday, May 5th, 10 AM PDT
What Happens If I Have Unspent Baubles?
  • At the end of the event we will convert your Baubles to gold at a fair trade of 1 to 1 automatically


What is the Collectable Clear-out Crystal?
  • The Collectable Clear-Out Crystal is a limited-time crystal available in the final milestone Of Bauble Bubble Battle Bonus event and in 3 Unit Store Bundles. It is similar to Greater Banquet Crystal but with Scrap replaced with 6-star crystal shards. It contains a chance to acquire 6-Star versions of Kang, Thanos, Wolverine (Weapon X) and Jessica Jones.


  • Elite13Elite13 Member Posts: 184

    MCOC Team said:


    Note: To claim Baubles in the first Milestone of the Solo event, the player needs to be part of Platinum Track of the Solo event.

    So there is a solo event, but is locked behind a paywall? What?
    That's only for the first milestone
  • MrSakuragiMrSakuragi Member Posts: 6,080 ★★★★★

    MCOC Team said:


    Note: To claim Baubles in the first Milestone of the Solo event, the player needs to be part of Platinum Track of the Solo event.

    So there is a solo event, but is locked behind a paywall? What?
    Is this a different platinum track event than the one that’s going on currently? Confusing.
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,336 ★★★★★
    so spend enough and you can get the 2M needed for the rank 5 gem .. no way this is available just from objectives right? lol
  • TrongNovTrongNov Member Posts: 319 ★★★
    edited April 2023

    Anyone want to calculate what the theoretical max amount for FTP players on baubles is? Would be good to know.

    The way they word it means the solo event is exclusive for the one who joins platinum track. So 65k baubles in the mail is the maximum amount you can have if you're not gonna pay for anything.
  • Agent_7Agent_7 Member Posts: 184 ★★
    I have solo objectives as Thronebreaker, but my wife does not as Cavalier.
  • TrongNovTrongNov Member Posts: 319 ★★★

    TrongNov said:

    Anyone want to calculate what the theoretical max amount for FTP players on baubles is? Would be good to know.

    The way they worded it means the solo event is exclusive for the one who joins platinum truck. If So 65k in the mail is the maximum you can have if you're not gonna pay for anything.
    Not true, only the FIRST reward for the milestone is the ptw one, the rest is for free
    I didn't see the milestone in my acc so I guessed if the first is locked then the rest is locked as well. My bad
  • Joey0480Joey0480 Member Posts: 126 ★★
    What are the battle scarred and Minty objectives
  • iDestroyerZiDestroyerZ Member Posts: 754 ★★★★
    TrongNov said:

    TrongNov said:

    Anyone want to calculate what the theoretical max amount for FTP players on baubles is? Would be good to know.

    The way they worded it means the solo event is exclusive for the one who joins platinum truck. If So 65k in the mail is the maximum you can have if you're not gonna pay for anything.
    Not true, only the FIRST reward for the milestone is the ptw one, the rest is for free
    I didn't see the milestone in my acc so I guessed if the first is locked then the rest is locked as well. My bad
    It's alright the event is really confusing rn but the way it shows up is a selector that has a lock in it, the rest is normal rewards :)
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  • TyphoonTyphoon Member Posts: 1,879 ★★★★★

    TrongNov said:

    TrongNov said:

    Anyone want to calculate what the theoretical max amount for FTP players on baubles is? Would be good to know.

    The way they worded it means the solo event is exclusive for the one who joins platinum truck. If So 65k in the mail is the maximum you can have if you're not gonna pay for anything.
    Not true, only the FIRST reward for the milestone is the ptw one, the rest is for free
    I didn't see the milestone in my acc so I guessed if the first is locked then the rest is locked as well. My bad
    It's alright the event is really confusing rn but the way it shows up is a selector that has a lock in it, the rest is normal rewards :)
    yeah they want you to spend to unlock the first milestone.
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  • Rocco1111Rocco1111 Member Posts: 3

    Do the solo objectives start in 6 hrs or something? Restarted the game a few times and they haven’t shown up for me. Can see the event though

    Same here, started the game multiple times and they don't appear
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,983 ★★★★★
    Kabam Jax said:

    Hey Summoners,

    It appears Solo Objectives are not appearing for some accounts (mine included), the team is aware and are investigating!

    Thanks. I was just about to ask. Mine isn't their either.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Unit deals do not show up for me and some in my alliance as well
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