logancloudzerz ★
As someone who has had an android phone glitch and play at 60fps I'm super excited.
I don't understand why people complain about being paired against higher accounts and not being able to progress ... maybe you've hit your cap. I play soccer with my kids but don't get angry that I can't play in the Olympics. It's a competitive mode, everyone maxes out somewhere.
I had the long loading times that you mentioned previous to this. This is similar but won't load. I literally left my phone for 30 min waiting for it while watching tv ... Nothing.
Any word from Kabam about this?
This is exactly what it is but as you said I can't even view the challenger map so I can't change it.
Nope. Tried a couple of different teams too.
We get it you're happy with everything Kabam does. Go play the game and be happy then. Let Kabam employees fight their own battles. Nobody here really cares what you think anyway.
Can we get some news on a fix for this? It's gotten much worse the last few days. I can't get any persistent charges to show up, so I can't use those Champions for questing. Doesn't matter how many times I restart and it's bad in all content so it's not like we can continually post screenshots and info everytime it…
Mörtalitas March 18, 2021 5:00pm gmt-5 Screenshot attached all 3 missing persistent charge. Mr. Fantastic Aq Yes: Did it happen multiple times during one session? (A session means that you did not exit/restart the game) Yes: Were multiple Champions missing Persistent Charges? Has been occurring for awhile: Did this happen…
They announced this awhile ago. Nothing stealth about it. And yes it's as a result of the Guardian synergy. Nothing "should" change for her outside of that synergy.
What is this "slides" thing you're taking about?
If you're on Android in the upper right corner of your browser click the 3 dots for the browser menu and switch to desktop view. Not sure how or if you need to on Apple.
What you talking about Willis?
Oh, just saw the post about updated act 1 rewards. It is what it is, they did the same with act 4 already.
What are you talking about specifically? Your post is confusing. You say you are worried for act 4 reward buff, that was done not that long ago wasn't it?
@"Kabam Vydious" thanks for redirecting me here. I understand you guys are working on this and appreciate it. Since everyone has different rewards tied up here do we need to open tickets in order to document what we're waiting on, especially with expiry coming up shortly? Thanks :)
@Neotwism I agree 100% Same thing happened to me recently. I believe that account security should be important but in situations like that where they can clearly see in their logs what happened what is the harm in them refunding the units. You're not asking them to alter any account info that could potentially effect the…