RyanStecken2204 ★
Re: Why??
I mean we had a 2 week bg offseason and AW isn‘t running yet, so why not keep the rewards, also they aren‘t anything gamebreaking like those big sales (View Post)4 -
Re: Any word on pushing back the war season start date?
Wdym? You get time to clear some content…ah wait there isnt any content for endgame players to do, mb. Game will be dead for some weeks I agree. (View Post)2 -
Re: Really?
Why are people who obviously don’t even play bgs trying to comment on bg posts? If you can‘t grasp that Spidergwen and Galan were his defenders and it always shows that victory screen if the defender… (View Post)4 -
Re: Broken Event
Jesus they cant release anything without bugs anymore. So much money from july 4th and nothing goes into improving the game apparently (View Post)7