Corvus Coldsnap Bug Again [Merged Threads]

Ok so I don’t know what keeps happening here but Coldsnap keeps affecting immune champs. I posted a couple months ago that it affected IMIW and now it’s affecting Corvus.
I’m not quite sure why this keeps getting broken but please fix.

I’m not quite sure why this keeps getting broken but please fix.
Post edited by Kabam Lyra on
Maybe you got hit by Iceman, which disabled your immunity and then the Coldsnap was placed on corvus.
Now, when the immunity reactivates, coldsnap should be purified. Maybe THAT is the bug? Is that what happened?
No that Coldsnap was activated at the very beginning of the fight and I did not get knocked down in any way.
In arena
On iOS 12.1
iPhone 7
It has happened in both arena and AQ. In AQ it was Map 4 bleed node.
In the photo you can see the coldsnap debuff is applied, the red text damage from it is applied, and CG still has full glaive charges.
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Wolf
It’s already in the post.
@Kabam Zibiit
@Kabam Lyra
@Kabam Vydious
@Kabam Wolf
See yourself and explain to us !
Is that way to burn items?
No it’s the icon for coldsnap
Would you be able to tell us what mode this was in or who you were fighting?