Announcing: The Champion’s Clash



  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★
    edited November 2018
    So if you stun the defender for more than 10 seconds he’s k.o but then you guys go out and make Hyperion stun immune nice joke kabam
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Looks great. The last few challenges like this have been too easy. Nice to see a higher difficulty with better rewards.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    Wasp simply doesn't have a way to do 10 seconds stuns ... She is killing opponents without doing them
  • Darkness275Darkness275 Member Posts: 889 ★★★★
    Wasp simply doesn't have a way to do 10 seconds stuns ... She is killing opponents without doing them

    Based on what's said above, I assume it combines her parry stun with the fact that she briefly stuns before a heavy. Would those not consecutively count?
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    edited November 2018
    So about the Knock-out node ...

    Is this node only made for AEgon and Domino or what? If very lucky, Domino may be able to proc 2/3 stuns and take advantage of this node. AEgon on the other hand, has a 7.5 seconds stun on his sp3 (stupefy mastery included). And parry mastery will also give him a 2.5 second stun, giving him the change to also benefit from the node.
    Apart from those too, maybe Jane Foster if very very lucky?

    Another question is, how would AEgon persistant combo interact with this node? Let's say that he has already 300 hits on his persistent charges. Would he one-shot every single opponent?

    I can't really say for the first question, as there are probably some interactions I will forget, but Jane Foster came to mind for me as well.

    As for the second question, It is based on the actual Combo meter, and as Aegon carries his Persistent Variables forward, but not the actual Combo meter, he will not be able to just 1 shot every Champion if he hits 300 Variables throughout the quest. It's really just a challenge that you can take on if you'd like, and is best done with lower Rarity Champions.

    Wasp is killing champs in heavyweight with 2 parrys and 2 heavyset. Doing 267k damage. Needs fixing before too many take advantage of this exploit and bug

    Thank you for reporting this. We have found the cause of this bug and are working on a fix right now.

    I haven't even used Wasp here but how is this an exploit or bug? Is she not consecutively stunning them for the time? Guess it doesn't count because she's actually a good champion?

    'Combo of 300' but Aegon doesn't work because it needs to be an "active combo" ... yeah, what about people who don't read the forums or read them too late? Your in game wording says nothing about the 'active' requirement.

    Love the quest but really trying to find all the loopholes you can to make it even more difficult aren't you?
    Wasp simply doesn't have a way to do 10 seconds stuns ... She is killing opponents without doing them

    @will-o-wisp is correct. There is a bug where her stun is still be counted after it has worn off. It is not possible for her to carry a Stun on for 10 Seconds when he stun is about half a second long.
  • Darkness275Darkness275 Member Posts: 889 ★★★★
    So about the Knock-out node ...

    Is this node only made for AEgon and Domino or what? If very lucky, Domino may be able to proc 2/3 stuns and take advantage of this node. AEgon on the other hand, has a 7.5 seconds stun on his sp3 (stupefy mastery included). And parry mastery will also give him a 2.5 second stun, giving him the change to also benefit from the node.
    Apart from those too, maybe Jane Foster if very very lucky?

    Another question is, how would AEgon persistant combo interact with this node? Let's say that he has already 300 hits on his persistent charges. Would he one-shot every single opponent?

    I can't really say for the first question, as there are probably some interactions I will forget, but Jane Foster came to mind for me as well.

    As for the second question, It is based on the actual Combo meter, and as Aegon carries his Persistent Variables forward, but not the actual Combo meter, he will not be able to just 1 shot every Champion if he hits 300 Variables throughout the quest. It's really just a challenge that you can take on if you'd like, and is best done with lower Rarity Champions.

    Wasp is killing champs in heavyweight with 2 parrys and 2 heavyset. Doing 267k damage. Needs fixing before too many take advantage of this exploit and bug

    Thank you for reporting this. We have found the cause of this bug and are working on a fix right now.

    I haven't even used Wasp here but how is this an exploit or bug? Is she not consecutively stunning them for the time? Guess it doesn't count because she's actually a good champion?

    'Combo of 300' but Aegon doesn't work because it needs to be an "active combo" ... yeah, what about people who don't read the forums or read them too late? Your in game wording says nothing about the 'active' requirement.

    Love the quest but really trying to find all the loopholes you can to make it even more difficult aren't you?
    Wasp simply doesn't have a way to do 10 seconds stuns ... She is killing opponents without doing them

    @will-o-wisp is correct. There is a bug where her stun is still be counted after it has worn off. It is not possible for her to carry a Stun on for 10 Seconds when he stun is about half a second long.

    I see, my bad. Sorry, just salty because I didn't come here before trying the quest and used my Aegon thinking his carried over combo would work. Used quite a few potions and such before coming here thinking it was a bug and discovered it's "Active" combo.

    That wording really should be included.
    Again, sorry for the hostility and passive aggressiveness.
  • KAMASUTRA_69KAMASUTRA_69 Member Posts: 2
    Event jest zrobiony pod najsilniejszych graczy którzy i tak nie wydadzą nic na zrobienie 100% uderza to w nas słabszych graczy którzy muszą wywalić kupę units na przejście albo wydać realne pieniądze. Jest to nie w porządku chapter 2 powinien być skonstruowany z teleportami jak chapter 1 bo i tak jest na tyle trudny ze ciężko zrobić 1 ścieżkę nie mówiąc o wszystkich na raz. Jeżeli dalej będą tak konstruowane eventy co raz wieksza grupa ludzi zacznie rezygnować z gry. Tyle w temacie
  • V1PER1987V1PER1987 Member Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★
    Nojokejaym wrote: »
    So if you stun the defender for more than 10 seconds he’s k.o but then you guys go out and make Hyperion stun immune nice joke kabam

    And gave Corvus limber.
  • Alpha07Alpha07 Member Posts: 649 ★★
    edited November 2018
    The only counter I have to fight Ice-Man is a 5/50 Rogue and she takes 100 hits to defeat the First Ice-Man of Chapter 2 (Epic diff), gonna be prepared for long a** fights (especially since the last Ice Man is more than two times better than the first, meaning 200 hits) and the Handicap node certainly doesn't help...

    Also gettin' an actual counter for an Hyperion is easy but giving him stun immunity plus an 50% more power gain really limits the options I have lol. I guess Dormammu would come in handy for this guy.

    (Not complaining at all, but heck this is going to be hard to defeat).
  • gahrlinggahrling Member Posts: 200
    One of the dorky youtubers is currently on stream and fully exploiting the Wasp bug to beat chapter 2. He's even killing stun immune Hype with just one heavy then spending the rest of the time evading till the Knockout is activated.

    Crazy stuff.
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  • OmniOmni Member Posts: 574 ★★★
    Omni wrote: »
    Omni wrote: »
    Omni wrote: »
    VulcanM wrote: »
    seems interesting, just out of curiosity is the awakening gem in act 2 exploration generic or a crystal?

    The 4-Star Awakening Gem is Generic!
    Mike, the meta has long since changed to 5 stars. For the next event like this is there anyway we can bump the awakening to 5 star ?

    The difficulty would have to be adjusted as well.

    They have already increased the pi of the defenders quite a bit as well as increased the nodes from the first couple of events

    OP suggested a 5-Star Gem. That would require significantly greater difficulty than what's in Chapter 1.

    Why? I’m saying the value of the 5 star awakening gem is that of what the 4 star was when these events first came out. It’s a matter of the game progressing and rewards scaling with their progression.

    That is not accurate. I don't know why that misconception has survived this long after 6*s have been announced. The value of a 4* Gem is the same as it was, and these Quests are designed with the value of the Rewards in mind, at the very least, vice versa. For people who are working on a 6* Roster, sure. 4*s are not what they were. Within the game, they're still worth pretty much the same. While the value may change over time, it's gradual and not at all that large. For people trying to Awaken a specific 4*, that's gold. They're not at the same place the previous example is. There's no way a 5* Gem would be that easily acquired. For that, the difficulty would be much higher. 5* Gems are still one of the rarest Resources in the game, regardless of people feeling that 4 is the new 3, and 5 is the new 4.

    It absolutely is accurate. The value of the gem is far less to end game players.

    I simply do not use 4 stars outside of arena when I’m going for milestones
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,940 ★★★★★
    Omni wrote: »
    Omni wrote: »
    Omni wrote: »
    Omni wrote: »
    VulcanM wrote: »
    seems interesting, just out of curiosity is the awakening gem in act 2 exploration generic or a crystal?

    The 4-Star Awakening Gem is Generic!
    Mike, the meta has long since changed to 5 stars. For the next event like this is there anyway we can bump the awakening to 5 star ?

    The difficulty would have to be adjusted as well.

    They have already increased the pi of the defenders quite a bit as well as increased the nodes from the first couple of events

    OP suggested a 5-Star Gem. That would require significantly greater difficulty than what's in Chapter 1.

    Why? I’m saying the value of the 5 star awakening gem is that of what the 4 star was when these events first came out. It’s a matter of the game progressing and rewards scaling with their progression.

    That is not accurate. I don't know why that misconception has survived this long after 6*s have been announced. The value of a 4* Gem is the same as it was, and these Quests are designed with the value of the Rewards in mind, at the very least, vice versa. For people who are working on a 6* Roster, sure. 4*s are not what they were. Within the game, they're still worth pretty much the same. While the value may change over time, it's gradual and not at all that large. For people trying to Awaken a specific 4*, that's gold. They're not at the same place the previous example is. There's no way a 5* Gem would be that easily acquired. For that, the difficulty would be much higher. 5* Gems are still one of the rarest Resources in the game, regardless of people feeling that 4 is the new 3, and 5 is the new 4.

    It absolutely is accurate. The value of the gem is far less to end game players.

    I simply do not use 4 stars outside of arena when I’m going for milestones

    You're free to use it or not. That doesn't mean the Quest should upgrade it to a 5* Gem because you personally don't need it.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,940 ★★★★★
    They very well could have made it a 5* Gem Crystal, but it probably would have been at the expense of other Rewards because everything has to be balanced and in proportion to the effort.
  • King_L0kiB34rKing_L0kiB34r Member Posts: 218
    @Kabam Miike thank you guys for making the portals for this clearly marked and logical, instead of the awkwardly labeled maze they’ve been in the past. HUGE fan of that. 7 thumbs up

    Fully agree this is soooooooooooooo nice to see !!!
  • Darkness275Darkness275 Member Posts: 889 ★★★★
    They very well could have made it a 5* Gem Crystal, but it probably would have been at the expense of other Rewards because everything has to be balanced and in proportion to the effort.

    Instead of a generic 4* AND a class 4* awakening gem they could have put one generic (or class) 5* gem and it would be more appropriate and balanced. It would make more sense for the content and for the other rewards. The quest awards a sizable amount of 6* shards as well as a fully formed 5* crystal. 4* awakening gems are out of place here.

    People are using R4 or even R5 five stars on this and having difficulty - including the 'pros' and streamers. 'Overtime' is not designed with 4* characters in mind - especially not 4* characters who still need to be ranked/awoken.

    Are they still relevant for Easy-to-Hard content? Sure. But they're also not as uncommon as they used to be, newer players are pulling five stars quicker and four stars more often. 3* characters slowly became less and less relevant as 5* became more prominent and now that 6* show up more, the 4* will become (contextually) less and less relevant.

    Opening a 4* crystal for me used to be a big thing, now I pop open five to ten in a two week period and I barely care who I get.

    Here's a thought - the misconception survived... because it's NOT really a misconception. 4* are the new 3* and 3* characters are essentially useless for most medium to end tier players outside of arena. There's a reason they haven't lowered the shard requirement for forming a five star crystal to 5k.
  • PiviotPiviot Member Posts: 658 ★★★
    It’s be a great event

    However kabaam wants to control my freaking(I didn’t swear) character

    I swipe to attack my guy blocks, I block my guy attacks

    So if you reverse controls you may want to announce it on forums and in game mail for 3 months straight

    If it’s a bug I guess I screwed
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,447 ★★★★★
    edited November 2018
    They very well could have made it a 5* Gem Crystal, but it probably would have been at the expense of other Rewards because everything has to be balanced and in proportion to the effort.

    Instead of a generic 4* AND a class 4* awakening gem they could have put one generic (or class) 5* gem and it would be more appropriate and balanced. It would make more sense for the content and for the other rewards. The quest awards a sizable amount of 6* shards as well as a fully formed 5* crystal. 4* awakening gems are out of place here.

    People are using R4 or even R5 five stars on this and having difficulty - including the 'pros' and streamers. 'Overtime' is not designed with 4* characters in mind - especially not 4* characters who still need to be ranked/awoken.

    Are they still relevant for Easy-to-Hard content? Sure. But they're also not as uncommon as they used to be, newer players are pulling five stars quicker and four stars more often. 3* characters slowly became less and less relevant as 5* became more prominent and now that 6* show up more, the 4* will become (contextually) less and less relevant.

    Opening a 4* crystal for me used to be a big thing, now I pop open five to ten in a two week period and I barely care who I get.

    Here's a thought - the misconception survived... because it's NOT really a misconception. 4* are the new 3* and 3* characters are essentially useless for most medium to end tier players outside of arena. There's a reason they haven't lowered the shard requirement for forming a five star crystal to 5k.
    it wher Quick esay to beat
    With the rigth counter
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,940 ★★★★★
    They very well could have made it a 5* Gem Crystal, but it probably would have been at the expense of other Rewards because everything has to be balanced and in proportion to the effort.

    Instead of a generic 4* AND a class 4* awakening gem they could have put one generic (or class) 5* gem and it would be more appropriate and balanced. It would make more sense for the content and for the other rewards. The quest awards a sizable amount of 6* shards as well as a fully formed 5* crystal. 4* awakening gems are out of place here.

    People are using R4 or even R5 five stars on this and having difficulty - including the 'pros' and streamers. 'Overtime' is not designed with 4* characters in mind - especially not 4* characters who still need to be ranked/awoken.

    Are they still relevant for Easy-to-Hard content? Sure. But they're also not as uncommon as they used to be, newer players are pulling five stars quicker and four stars more often. 3* characters slowly became less and less relevant as 5* became more prominent and now that 6* show up more, the 4* will become (contextually) less and less relevant.

    Opening a 4* crystal for me used to be a big thing, now I pop open five to ten in a two week period and I barely care who I get.

    Here's a thought - the misconception survived... because it's NOT really a misconception. 4* are the new 3* and 3* characters are essentially useless for most medium to end tier players outside of arena. There's a reason they haven't lowered the shard requirement for forming a five star crystal to 5k.

    They haven't lowered the Shard requirement because they made Shards more available. For a price. That price is equivalent time and effort. What you're suggesting is not likely to happen, and that's for them to devalue their own product based on popular opinion. See, there's a difference between personal value and actual in-game value. A 4* Gem still has value. That value is obviously appropriate for the level of challenge among some other pretty valuable Rewards. It's not reasonable to just throw Rewards in because...."inflation". Not that I think that's even an ideal that's applicable. A 5* Gem is highly valuable. That wouldn't balance with the other Rewards given in relation to the level of challenge. Sorry, but I disagree. Just because people personally think a 4* is now a 3*, doesn't mean that's the actual value of it within the game framework.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,940 ★★★★★
    They very well could have made it a 5* Gem Crystal, but it probably would have been at the expense of other Rewards because everything has to be balanced and in proportion to the effort.

    Instead of a generic 4* AND a class 4* awakening gem they could have put one generic (or class) 5* gem and it would be more appropriate and balanced. It would make more sense for the content and for the other rewards. The quest awards a sizable amount of 6* shards as well as a fully formed 5* crystal. 4* awakening gems are out of place here.

    People are using R4 or even R5 five stars on this and having difficulty - including the 'pros' and streamers. 'Overtime' is not designed with 4* characters in mind - especially not 4* characters who still need to be ranked/awoken.

    Are they still relevant for Easy-to-Hard content? Sure. But they're also not as uncommon as they used to be, newer players are pulling five stars quicker and four stars more often. 3* characters slowly became less and less relevant as 5* became more prominent and now that 6* show up more, the 4* will become (contextually) less and less relevant.

    Opening a 4* crystal for me used to be a big thing, now I pop open five to ten in a two week period and I barely care who I get.

    Here's a thought - the misconception survived... because it's NOT really a misconception. 4* are the new 3* and 3* characters are essentially useless for most medium to end tier players outside of arena. There's a reason they haven't lowered the shard requirement for forming a five star crystal to 5k.

    They haven't lowered the Shard requirement because they made Shards more available. For a price. That price is equivalent time and effort. What you're suggesting is not likely to happen, and that's for them to devalue their own product based on popular opinion. See, there's a difference between personal value and actual in-game value. A 4* Gem still has value. That value is obviously appropriate for the level of challenge among some other pretty valuable Rewards. It's not reasonable to just throw Rewards in because...."inflation". Not that I think that's even an ideal that's applicable. A 5* Gem is highly valuable. That wouldn't balance with the other Rewards given in relation to the level of challenge. Sorry, but I disagree. Just because people personally think a 4* is now a 3*, doesn't mean that's the actual value of it within the game framework.

    The people for whom the 4* gem is valuable have zero chance of completing this quest. The people who can complete it do not need a 4* gem. @GroundedWisdom after you finish the epic level let me know if you still think that a 4* gem is appropriate for the level of difficulty. Having said that, the rewards are pretty fantastic so I'm not actually complaining about the 4* gem. But what you are saying is wrong. The 4* gem in the easier level is perfectly appropriate. I am going to use my generic 4* gem on Void for LOL x23 as I can't pull a 5* Void, but he will be the 1st 4* I'll take to 5/50 in ages. Otherwise I'd have no real use for it.

    That's not a fair assessment. You can't say everyone who completes Chapter 2 doesn't have use for a 4* Generic.
    Regardless, the point I just made is it's not about who has use for what. It's about providing Rewards that have equivalent value within the game for the time and effort. It's not just a mash of Items they throw in. Things are calculated and balanced. It's not a "Well, they could use this and that." situation.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,940 ★★★★★
    They very well could have made it a 5* Gem Crystal, but it probably would have been at the expense of other Rewards because everything has to be balanced and in proportion to the effort.

    Instead of a generic 4* AND a class 4* awakening gem they could have put one generic (or class) 5* gem and it would be more appropriate and balanced. It would make more sense for the content and for the other rewards. The quest awards a sizable amount of 6* shards as well as a fully formed 5* crystal. 4* awakening gems are out of place here.

    People are using R4 or even R5 five stars on this and having difficulty - including the 'pros' and streamers. 'Overtime' is not designed with 4* characters in mind - especially not 4* characters who still need to be ranked/awoken.

    Are they still relevant for Easy-to-Hard content? Sure. But they're also not as uncommon as they used to be, newer players are pulling five stars quicker and four stars more often. 3* characters slowly became less and less relevant as 5* became more prominent and now that 6* show up more, the 4* will become (contextually) less and less relevant.

    Opening a 4* crystal for me used to be a big thing, now I pop open five to ten in a two week period and I barely care who I get.

    Here's a thought - the misconception survived... because it's NOT really a misconception. 4* are the new 3* and 3* characters are essentially useless for most medium to end tier players outside of arena. There's a reason they haven't lowered the shard requirement for forming a five star crystal to 5k.

    They haven't lowered the Shard requirement because they made Shards more available. For a price. That price is equivalent time and effort. What you're suggesting is not likely to happen, and that's for them to devalue their own product based on popular opinion. See, there's a difference between personal value and actual in-game value. A 4* Gem still has value. That value is obviously appropriate for the level of challenge among some other pretty valuable Rewards. It's not reasonable to just throw Rewards in because...."inflation". Not that I think that's even an ideal that's applicable. A 5* Gem is highly valuable. That wouldn't balance with the other Rewards given in relation to the level of challenge. Sorry, but I disagree. Just because people personally think a 4* is now a 3*, doesn't mean that's the actual value of it within the game framework.

    The people for whom the 4* gem is valuable have zero chance of completing this quest. The people who can complete it do not need a 4* gem. @GroundedWisdom after you finish the epic level let me know if you still think that a 4* gem is appropriate for the level of difficulty. Having said that, the rewards are pretty fantastic so I'm not actually complaining about the 4* gem. But what you are saying is wrong. The 4* gem in the easier level is perfectly appropriate. I am going to use my generic 4* gem on Void for LOL x23 as I can't pull a 5* Void, but he will be the 1st 4* I'll take to 5/50 in ages. Otherwise I'd have no real use for it.

    That's not a fair assessment. You can't say everyone who completes Chapter 2 doesn't have use for a 4* Generic.
    Regardless, the point I just made is it's not about who has use for what. It's about providing Rewards that have equivalent value within the game for the time and effort. It's not just a mash of Items they throw in. Things are calculated and balanced. It's not a "Well, they could use this and that." situation.

    I can say that everyone who completes Chapter 2 doean't need a 4* gem. 4*s have a very limited use in end game content at this time. Also it's not as though balancing the rewards is an exact science where you can say that a 5* gem would make it unbalanced lol. I think they dropped the ball on the 4* gem for chapter 2 but the rewards are still good so it's not that big a deal.

    No, you can't. Who's to say that people wouldn't have a 4* they want to Awaken?
    We're at a stage where people are doing Uncollected now, and all you need for access is to complete 5.2. Not easy. Sure. However, those people are doing Uncollected each month and developing the skills to deal with content such as this. It's not just "End-Game vs. Everyone". There are different levels of progression. Also, not every person has chosen to throw away 4*s.
    The point that's conveniently being bypassed is that it still has a value. Whether someone personally doesn't need it or not, that's not a statement for everyone, and it's not a blanket statement for everyone who completes this content.
    I have no doubts that people would agree they would prefer a 5* Gem. Ask anyone and they would say the same thing. The value of a 4* hasn't disappeared because people are focusing on higher Raritites.
    Honestly, it's the same as me saying, "I don't use my 2*s much anymore. They don't have any value in the game. We should get rid of them.".
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    Ah yeah chapter 1 nice rewards, fun fights, not too difficult, wtf w chapter 2, 31 fights in a row, 4 times over w most of the champs having unavoidable damage for most champs, this is the first challenge I will be giving a miss, end game player here, this challenge is on par if not harder than a first lol run, would consider it if there was any game changing rewards, 5* ag would have tempted me to do it but one t2a? compare that to the lol rewards, you're talking the hardest challenge we've seen by far; the having tondo it all in one run makes it 10 times harder, thanks for chapter 1 kabam but no thanks on chapter 2
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