Health potions - Hello, Kabam, it's 2019

I have posted fully breakdown about this topic few months ago but it got muted with no reaction whatsoever from Kabam so I'm gonna keep it short this time:
Could you please reflect the fact that health potions and their values as they are now were created YEARS ago and have not been updated since, therefore they are not suited for current champions? (this is not a discussion, it's a fact).
I mean hello, those potions were okay for 4* champions back in 2016, but not only we have 6* champions for over a year now, we were recently banned from using 4* champions anymore for Story mode progress, do you remember, Kabam? You made that decision to "avoid frustration" if I recall...
Healing 5 and 6 star champions cost 2x more than 4* (of which you are well aware, I'm sure). I'm not even allowed to keep in inventory as many L2 potions as it takes to heal up 1 maxed 5* champion, what sense does it make? Your items won't do anymore and you are forcing us to use them anyway, that's just bullying from your side.
So how about to step up a little? Can you at least let us know if you have anything on this matter? Or you don't see any kind of problem here?
Could you please reflect the fact that health potions and their values as they are now were created YEARS ago and have not been updated since, therefore they are not suited for current champions? (this is not a discussion, it's a fact).
I mean hello, those potions were okay for 4* champions back in 2016, but not only we have 6* champions for over a year now, we were recently banned from using 4* champions anymore for Story mode progress, do you remember, Kabam? You made that decision to "avoid frustration" if I recall...
Healing 5 and 6 star champions cost 2x more than 4* (of which you are well aware, I'm sure). I'm not even allowed to keep in inventory as many L2 potions as it takes to heal up 1 maxed 5* champion, what sense does it make? Your items won't do anymore and you are forcing us to use them anyway, that's just bullying from your side.
So how about to step up a little? Can you at least let us know if you have anything on this matter? Or you don't see any kind of problem here?
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If they do, get ready to pay a good 400 to 500 units each.
Dr. Zola
Level 1 = 10%
Level 2 = 20%
Level 3 = 50%
Level 4 = 40%
Level 10 = 100%
My guess is that we will probably see some improvements to Inventory caps in the next couple of years, probably about 5 - 10 years we'll see a switch over to % based pots and revives.
Overpricing the bejeezus out of something is a great way to save me money.
This one is right up there with begging for 5* shard availability to dramatically increase. I know it is going to backfire on players, I can state in precisely what way it will backfire on players, and I know it will have no effect on playersr. I just have to make contingency plans for if a miracle happens and the players manage to get their way, and as a result make the game a little bit harder overall.
Following the %es on revives would be nice, ie
L1 - 20%
L2 - 40%
L3 - 60%
Extrapolating, L4 should give 80% and L5 100%.
At the moment, the wisest choice for questing is to not potion up and just spend 40 units on a L2 revive since it heals more than potioning up.
I feel that having the potion prices readjusted would also make more sense. Since a L2 revive costs 40 units and heals 40% HP, we could just benchmark the same price for a L2 potion and adjust the other potion prices accordingly (eg L3 pot = 60 units etc).
Also, with these changes in mind, having pots appear less frequently in quests would be alright as well, since each pot carries more healing potential as compared to currently, and we have a limit cap anyway.
To oversimplify, if you replace little potions with big potions, the game won't reduce the number of potions available until the amount of healing available is the same, it will reduce the number of potions until the amount of healing *used* in the game is about the same. However, when that happens it won't be true that everyone will have the same amount of healing available to them. Some players will have a lot more, some will have a lot less, and some fraction of the player population will find the game has gotten dramatically harder.
Older players such as yourself have access to 5 man teams, you have access to more mastereies, you’re more switched on in terms of the game mechanics, units are more readily available to you etc etc and to be perfectly honest your analogy is flawed you’re saying that what’s good for new players eg 1000 units for a 4* isn’t good for uncollected/cavalier players which is exactly the opposite of the point you’re trying to make.
Kabam sets a goal on revenue and fine tunes the game based on their target.
We can ask for 50 6* crystals each and if Kabam gives it to us tomorrow expect 7*s and 8*s to pop up next week.
Higher energy cap? Expect longer levels.
Cheaper potions? Harder content.
More shards? The faster those shards gets one-upped by the next version.
Potions are terribly outdated, and I hope they're changed very soon, but that's exactly what they want for us at this point in time. We can ask for concessions and they might give it to us, but they'll just adjust other variables and meet their target through other ways.
We're in their sandbox and no amount of kicking and screaming and pleading will allow us to break free.