Hitting into block being countered by specials. [Merged Threads]



  • LongtimegamerLongtimegamer Member Posts: 179 ★★★
    That technique has nothing to do with what's happening because we're still getting hit with special during regular speed hits into their block. Something was changed and it's a huge disadvantage to players because this was never a normal game mechanic.

    Miike, you're wrong on this one. Tell the game team to fix this entirely.
  • Jemster519Jemster519 Member Posts: 210 ★★
    I said it once and I will say it again. Since I have been playing this game, there has been consistent changes to the way the AI will play. We have all called it bugs but in all reality, it is by design. I have stated this earlier in this thread and now we have confirmation of these types of changes.

    If you are still seeing this, please ensure that you have updated to the newest version of the game (23.0.1). As for the wording in the Release Notes, that is because this has always technically been possible, but has always been a rare occurrence that can happen when the Attacker slows down while attacking into the Defenders block. It's also what allows players to do things like this:


    Completely "fixing" this would make techniques like this no longer function.

  • Kobster84Kobster84 Member Posts: 2,898 ★★★★★

    That technique has nothing to do with what's happening because we're still getting hit with special during regular speed hits into their block. Something was changed and it's a huge disadvantage to players because this was never a normal game mechanic.

    Miike, you're wrong on this one. Tell the game team to fix this entirely.

    They are definitely related, as it is the same function that allows this to happen. I have raised this to the team again, but until I can get some areas in which this is happening still, we can't narrow it down.
    I can understand the ai throwing specials while trying to do the block break where you hit into their block very slow but not while your hitting full speed into the block
  • LongtimegamerLongtimegamer Member Posts: 179 ★★★

    That technique has nothing to do with what's happening because we're still getting hit with special during regular speed hits into their block. Something was changed and it's a huge disadvantage to players because this was never a normal game mechanic.

    Miike, you're wrong on this one. Tell the game team to fix this entirely.

    They are definitely related, as it is the same function that allows this to happen. I have raised this to the team again, but until I can get some areas in which this is happening still, we can't narrow it down.
    The timing of something must have been changed either intentionally or by accident because it has never been the case where if we hit into AIs block at regular speed (as shown in the videos in this thread) the AI can suddenly launch a special.

    Please have them fix this issue because this is gamebreaking, a giant disadvantage to players, and a quite frankly a game mechanic that has never existed prior to this month.
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,269

    That technique has nothing to do with what's happening because we're still getting hit with special during regular speed hits into their block. Something was changed and it's a huge disadvantage to players because this was never a normal game mechanic.

    Miike, you're wrong on this one. Tell the game team to fix this entirely.

    They are definitely related, as it is the same function that allows this to happen. I have raised this to the team again, but until I can get some areas in which this is happening still, we can't narrow it down.
    The timing of something must have been changed either intentionally or by accident because it has never been the case where if we hit into AIs block at regular speed (as shown in the videos in this thread) the AI can suddenly launch a special.

    Please have them fix this issue because this is gamebreaking, a giant disadvantage to players, and a quite frankly a game mechanic that has never existed prior to this month.
    The last video posted was from before the Hotfix going live. That release included the fix for this issue, so if it's still happening after that, it would greatly help to know when and where it occurred, including which champions were defending and attacking.
  • LongtimegamerLongtimegamer Member Posts: 179 ★★★

    That technique has nothing to do with what's happening because we're still getting hit with special during regular speed hits into their block. Something was changed and it's a huge disadvantage to players because this was never a normal game mechanic.

    Miike, you're wrong on this one. Tell the game team to fix this entirely.

    They are definitely related, as it is the same function that allows this to happen. I have raised this to the team again, but until I can get some areas in which this is happening still, we can't narrow it down.
    The timing of something must have been changed either intentionally or by accident because it has never been the case where if we hit into AIs block at regular speed (as shown in the videos in this thread) the AI can suddenly launch a special.

    Please have them fix this issue because this is gamebreaking, a giant disadvantage to players, and a quite frankly a game mechanic that has never existed prior to this month.
    The last video posted was from before the Hotfix going live. That release included the fix for this issue, so if it's still happening after that, it would greatly help to know when and where it occurred, including which champions were defending and attacking.
    Thanks, I'll try to get a new one up shortly.
  • LongtimegamerLongtimegamer Member Posts: 179 ★★★
    The last time this bug happened was yesterday AFTER I downloaded the update.

    Right now I tried recreating the problem and so far it's working fine. Let's hope something got fixed.

    If anyone is still experiencing this problem after updating the game please post video of it here.
  • LongtimegamerLongtimegamer Member Posts: 179 ★★★
    Toukolou said:

    The last time this bug happened was yesterday AFTER I downloaded the update.

    Right now I tried recreating the problem and so far it's working fine. Let's hope something got fixed.

    If anyone is still experiencing this problem after updating the game please post video of it here.

    Thing is, it obviously doesn't happen all the time, so it is difficult to recreate or catch on video, unless you record every fight. Point is, it is still being reported and is effecting the play. This is especially true in aw/aq/epic quests, where 1 combo can pretty much ko you.
    Ya, I only tested 10 rounds of arena or so and if others are still saying it's happening after they've updated the app I believe them.
  • Bidzy7Bidzy7 Member Posts: 369 ★★★
    @Kabam Miike

    maybe this will help the two times this happened since the update was using omega red and i was fighting Human Torch in the Missions event.

    Perhaps it relates to projectiles hits causing the AI to be able to think its able to throw a special.

  • LongtimegamerLongtimegamer Member Posts: 179 ★★★
    I JUST got hit by Yondu's special 1 in map 7 section 2 incinerate path using 6* unduped Red Hulk while punching into his block at regular speed with no slowdowns.

    C'mon Kabam, this is going to crush us during seasons!
  • bloodyCainbloodyCain Member Posts: 910 ★★★
    Just remove all block break mechanics and make it back to normal.
    So what if we are gonna lose the Block Break technique when you're actually fix the bug? We all love and prefer no block break at all
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 10,706 ★★★★★
    It stil happens. Not as much as befor but stil happens
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 10,706 ★★★★★

    Just remove all block break mechanics and make it back to normal.
    So what if we are gonna lose the Block Break technique when you're actually fix the bug? We all love and prefer no block break at all

    It stil not a blok brek.
  • mydnightmydnight Member Posts: 671 ★★★
    Still happening.
  • CaykoCayko Member Posts: 111
    Gamer said:

    Just remove all block break mechanics and make it back to normal.
    So what if we are gonna lose the Block Break technique when you're actually fix the bug? We all love and prefer no block break at all

    It stil not a blok brek.
    In a way it is. The usual ways the block have a recovery time after being hit and during that recovery time the block holds. That's why you felt a bit magnetized when you tried to evade out of a combo while blocking. The block hold (recovery) kept you.

    Now that recovery time is broken = block hold is broken = block is broken
  • Izze_KingIzze_King Member Posts: 343 ★★
    This issue is still happening in arena. I was hit by an sp3, while building up heat charges for Massacre. Haven’t tested anywhere else yet.
  • LongtimegamerLongtimegamer Member Posts: 179 ★★★
    @Kabam Miike Can you have the game team look into this? It's still happening to us and quite frankly it's game breaking. One of these things happening in war is $30 worth of units down the drain.
  • Bidzy7Bidzy7 Member Posts: 369 ★★★
    I thought maybe this was still happening to champs who have projectiles in their basic attacks as it happened a few times with OR, but i can say having been using avengers and other champs this past week. This still happens with all champs.

    I have also had the AI dex out while in mid combo as well as have the AI throw sp3 while mid combo. I.e. i am actually hitting the enemy and somehow they are able to recover from the hit to be able to perform actions.
    So this is appears to be an issue with AI recovery time being sped up to the point it is now able to do these actions when performing a normal speed 5 hit combo.

    Its now been month of this bug and it's shocking such a big bug has not been resolved.
    In all honesty with the amount of bugs that 12.0 created, the changes made that affected the AI should of been reverted and then worked on in development and released at a later date once the issues reported had been fixed.

  • EgeCEgeC Member Posts: 128
    Just had the same issue. I got hit by a special 1 while hitting King Pin's block at Map 4. My attacks weren't slow as well. Please fix this ASAP
  • Manup456Manup456 Member Posts: 891 ★★★★
    We are doing map 7 and 3 hits into the block and Sp 2 to the face cost me a revive and 3 health potions 400 plus units 👍🏼
  • RyanwhalesRyanwhales Member Posts: 60
    Yep seen this my self
  • Jemster519Jemster519 Member Posts: 210 ★★
    ChriissR said:

    Where is the fix? Like I truly don't understand Kabams priorities

    Absolutely ridiculous now.

    There is no fix. This change was by design. That stated earlier that it was not working the way it was suppose to before the update and confirmed that this is suppose to function like this. The only thing i recommend is hit that block quickly so AI has less time to recover and nail you with a special.
  • DestroyerDestroyer Member Posts: 130
    Heavy OR user here, and I can confirm this is still happening everywhere with OR specifically. it's not EVERY time, but this NEVER happened prior to the first April update. It is particularly evident in Epic/Act 6 level A.I.

    This also cripples hitting into block to create space using ANY champ or taking advantage of by-design champ abilities that reward hitting into block, such as any crit through block champ(Cyclops lol), OR, Captain Marvel Movie, etc.

    What I have noticed is that there used to be just a slight pause after you would make make contact with the opponent, whether you were hitting them directly, or hitting into block. This slight pause would allow you enough time to dash back for an intercept, activate block, throw a special, or perform the next hit in your combo. This window had seemingly tightened to the point that the above fighting mechanics are inconsistent at best.

    I've also noticed that while the A.I. seems to be "missing a beat", whichever champ we are using has had a beat added. By this I mean it feels like champs are frozen just a bit longer after throwing a special or any basic attack. This makes the champ feel frozen in place. I can't count how many times I've been punished after throwing and landing a special, only to be stuck, unable to block or parry. It's no fun having both of these things happen at the same time.

    If anyone in your testing department were to stay in game, playing Epic EQ say, for an hour I think they would experience this, along with the overall tedious defensive nature of the A.I. that has crept into the game the last few months.

    I've been playing daily since Nov of 2015 and have never experienced anything like the A.I. behavior over the last few updates. It is killing the fun guys! Hoping this gets fixed/explained soon.

    iPhone 8 plus using wi-fi. MCOC specific device. latest updates. Thank you.
  • Rich_RyderRich_Ryder Member Posts: 238
    Please fix this. It’s getting to be very annoying
  • ClockworkGremlinClockworkGremlin Member Posts: 94
    A month later and this is still happening to OR on everything from AQ to Realm of Legends.

    I will see if this is happening to other champs, as I usually don’t combo into blocks.
  • ClockworkGremlinClockworkGremlin Member Posts: 94
    I have also noticed that for some time, an enemy could be comboing my block and my champ parries them mid combo, this I also find strange, as from 1-5 hits there should be no window for champ receiving block hits to be able to counter with an action, player or AI.
  • LongtimegamerLongtimegamer Member Posts: 179 ★★★

    How fresh, fun, and interactive. We can no longer hit into enemies blocks at any time apparently without being dexed and socked in the mouth. And no, I wasn't "slow", you guys are just basically nerfing the game at this point. Is the goal to make this game as miserable for us as humanly possible?
  • LongtimegamerLongtimegamer Member Posts: 179 ★★★
    Before this latest update this stuff never happened. The enemy NEVER dexed or launched specials while we were hitting into their blocks as we normally do.

    If this is going to be the new normal I'm going to question why I bother playing this anymore. I spent $6000 on this junk alone last month. I've never seen a company treat their playerbase so poorly.
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