Attacks critting on glancing

While playing through the new variant I noticed attacks were critting on glancing hits leading to massive amount of damage being returned can kabam please fix this
Can you tell me who you were using on these Fights? We can get this looked into.
Is OP saying that when a hit DID Glance, and still showed as a Crit, that either the damage done to defender was NOT scaled up to Crit level ? Or that the Return Damage WAS based on higher Crit level even though damage to opponent was properly glanced down to normal damage ???
This raised a very interesting question... Which is the victor, "Can't" or "Always"? There are many different instances of interactions like this in the Contest, and our team is going to look into them. We would like them to be uniform across all abilities in game, so it might take some time for us to evaluate which should take precedence (we've always internally leaned on "can't" trumping "always"), and then look for all instances of these interactions in the game before we can implement changes.
Are you seeing any mismatch between the damage done to defender versus how much is reflected back to you ? As in, (1) is the damage being reduced/glanced on defender, but the return damage seems based on the original higher Critical-level of damage ?
...or (2) if the higher Critical damage gets thru to the defender (whether it’s saying glanced or not), are you still seeing return damage come back to you anyways (which should only be in cases of true glancing) ?
My guess is that the yellow numbers show a “supposed” crit that reflects damage to you, compared to the regular crit. Idk.. only tried CG on one path.
I have a vid and can share it later tonight.
Not “portion of what would have been the damage if I had not glanced it”. ???