No idea how to feel about this.

So I just opened my 2nd ever 5* crystal (my first was a Civil Warrior so I was hoping for a good pull.) and I get....

Never played her at all, and I’ve never really seen anything about her, positive or negative. I have a maxed 4* Dom and I wonder if it’s worth taking her up. Is she any good? Any feedback is much appreciated. Thanks!

Never played her at all, and I’ve never really seen anything about her, positive or negative. I have a maxed 4* Dom and I wonder if it’s worth taking her up. Is she any good? Any feedback is much appreciated. Thanks!
Civil Warrior as well. He's got a Heal Block on his Heavy Attack, and power drain on his Sp2.
She'll help you get the ball rolling on getting more and more 5-Star Shards. While it's discouraging not to get the "top champs" that everybody is always talking about, don't overlook other Champions and their potential!
Better than my Jane foster and captain Marvel
Search “Bending Spoons” on you tube. He has some great gameplay videos with his R5 Psylocke.
Lastly, I’ve always liked Civil Warrior. He has some decent utility. Just wish his damage was a little better
Civil warrior will help in a lot of instances also.
Even this is an oversimplification but you want a roster that has sustainable healing champs, power control champs, immunity champs, burst damage champs, heal block or reversal champs, nullifiers, and true strike or other evade countering champs. When you look at your roster, you shouldn't judge a champ like Psylocke in terms of her being an average champion among all champions, and not even as an average champ among power control champs. She's one of the few champions that offers strong power control. Out of a hundred plus champs, there's only a handful of champs better at power control. That makes her situationally interesting, and extremely valuable if you don't have one of those other champs, or if those other champs end up stuck in some other game mode.
There's a joke about a town that began to flood and everyone evacuated except one man. The police came to his door and asked him to leave, but he said he was staying because God would help him. The waters rose and surrounded his house and a man came by in a boat offering to take him to safety but he declined, saying God would help him. The waters completely flooded his house and he moved up to the roof. A helicopter flew by and saw him and offered to rescue him but again he declined saying God would save him. The waters continued to rise and the man drowned. When he got to heaven he met God and he asked him why he didn't help him. God replied "I sent a cop, a boat, and a helicopter, what more did you want?"
You can wait for God-tier help, or you can use what shows up and try to help yourself.
You have one of the best power control champions in the game, as long as teh opponent doesnt have a natural power gain buff or a power gain node. When you have enough power for her sp1 wait till they are about to fill a bar and let the power drain the threshold between bars , this will automatically fill you back to sp1 and if they have less than 50% the first bar of pwer do the sp1 again and youll have them power locked the whole fight (as long as you dont get hit)
From there you just make your typical 5 hit combo, and you ll be gaining charges , when you are about to get to the sp3, throw the sp2 and you will power lock them and be back to almost 2 power bars, you can do a ot of sp2s almost back to back, and when you have more than 40 psy charges throw a heavy and BOOM .
So very good and useful to me
It's not like they limit you to 1 champ per quest. They allow 3 to 5 (depending on the situation) to do a task. Sure, you can load up a single champ with a bunch of synergies and a specific mastery build to make them more useful. No doubt. Personally, I like to bring a well rounded squad to handle virtually anything in my path with relative ease vs sticking to 1 champ. That's me though. That's also why I find those posts doing champ comparisons as to 'who is better' to be a bit pointless. In some situations champ B outshines champ A, and in others it's vice versa.
@WardenZero Personally, I've always enjoyed using Psylocke. Her power control as previously mentioned is quite easily sustained. I love her animations. Her Psy-charges can do a solid amount of damage if loaded up properly. Check out this post by Mutamatt at 'The Class Advantage' in regards to Psylocke and her 'Happy Ending' which provides a nice calculator for damage with her Psy-Charges .
I was very upset when I pulled my 6* Daredevil. But then a week later they introduced Darkhawk and he breezed through him as he isn't affected by invisible effects. He was also a great champ for fighting Invisible Woman.
You will find uses for your champs, of this I'm certain.
First thing to note is she gains 25% less power than normal when attacking (you’ll see why that doesn’t matter too much later). With her sp1, there are 2 different ways to utilise it to great success. If your opponent does not have any kind of power gain over time or automatic bursts of power like MD (mystic dispersion), you can pretty much power lock them for the entire fight without needing to debuff them. You simply build up to your sp1 and when they get a bar of power you’ll gain a psi charge. You need to bring them to 0 power using your sp1 so it’s best to bait out their special and then parry or intercept them with your sp1 to get the power drain. If they are at one bar or slightly over, you can chain 2 sp1 attacks together to bring them to 0 as well. If done correctly and they’re brought to 0 power whilst you have at least one psi charge they won’t gain any power at all as long as you don’t get hit. She’ll keep gaining more psi charges as you attack them with 0 power which you can use them finish the fight with a heavy. She’ll consume each one she has to deal direct damage to the opponent. More charges=more damage.
The other way to use her sp1 is to let them get just over a bar of power and then use your sp1. If it brings them below a power bar threshold she gets her sp1 back almost instantly. (Does not apply if you drain them when they have a full 3 bars, they need to be over a bar of power and brought below it) That means you can keep draining their power constantly throughout the fight and always have a special ready to use. This is a better method for champs like Hyperion or mordo because their power gains make the other method far less effective. You should never have to worry about sp3s doing this if you get it right.
Her sp2 places a power lock debuff on the opponent stopping all forms of power gain. Again, this consumes a psi charge to grant you 33% power straight away. Should be enough for a sp1 should you need it or you can build back up to a sp2 again. Damage wise sp2 is much better than sp1.
Sp3 which you probably won’t use very often consumes all psi charges to drain 20% power per charge. If this brings them to 0 power she’ll stun them for 5 seconds giving you more than enough to time to get a few free hits in. 10 second power lock too so you can be as aggressive as you want to be. Use this as a ‘reset’. If you’re using the first method of sp1 and you have the passive lock on them, this will save you if you mess up and get hit. If they manage to hit you it breaks that passive lock and the sp3 will immediately reapply it. It places an active power lock debuff on them and drains all of their power if you have enough psi charges (5 charges is enough to drain 3 full bars). This active power lock will last long enough for you to get a new psi charge and return to you passive, enervate style lock.
If you dupe her, the first method of sp1 should be a little more useful. Her crit damage will increase whilst they’re at 0 power and she’ll reduce defensive ability accuracy by x% depending on level. Absolutely worth a rank 4 in my opinion, but she’s not as simple as other characters, it will take time to practice her and find out if you like her. If you do, great. If not, that’s fine too. She’s a bit complicated but when you understand her properly it’s a lot simpler than it seems. Her character design is excellent, certainly my favourite one so far. Give her a try and see what you think, hope that helps.