CG, PM, Maws are Villains

The Thanos’ Army tag needs to be removed and changed to “villain”. The fact that these champs were villains in Avengers IW and Endgame was basically the whole plot of the movies. In the daily quest Alternate Reality we need the champs as villains!
Before endgame the movie, did you really know who Corvus Glaive, Cull, Maw and Proxima were? They aren't classic characters amd weren't part of the original infinity gauntlet series. The black order wasnt introduced until 2013. So technically the black order are new and obscure only made famous by the movies.
The game has the classic characters we know and love even more so now that the Fantasic Four have joined.
The newer champs are what keeps Marvel going as they provide fresh stories and new looks. New characters are good for the comic book world.
Also I'm not sure how not having Wolverine as a 5* doesn't capture what you love about Marvel. Hes a character and in the Marvel universe, doesn't have a star level.
If you are a true lover of the comics, you'd be happy having as many characters from Marvel to play.
There are several other champs that do NOT have either Hero or Villain Tag also. But some of these are available, and some are not. Most of these others have the Mercenary tag (but NOT Hero or Villain), although even others might indeed have both Mercenary AND Hero but I will not focus on those (just the ones that are NOT Hero/Villain).
After checking 3 of the 4 days so far...
*LukeCage, OG Black Widow, Elektra, and Winter Soldier ARE available during Hero day.
*Moon Knight, Masacre, Sabertooth, Deadpool (XForce, not sure of rare OG DP), and Champion (who is the only one of these without Mercenary either) are all NOT available as either Hero or Villain (tested from Hero/Villain day’s or the 3-day Villain Use Event).
Think I saw some others without Hero/Villain, but forget who.
Of those 4 above that ARE considered Hero, doesn’t seem to be dependent on whether they also have Defenders tag or not (some do, some don’t, and WS doesn’t have any other potentially identifying Tag other than Mercenary). It may seem obvious that those get treated as Hero (especially BW), but technically they don’t have the Hero Tag, so is it some other “internal” status that lets them be used for Hero events ??
The game is also its own thing. Battlerealm is not a planet in the main Marvel universe, it is its own reality no different from the Ultimates universe in Marvel comics. If the MCOC reality is "morally irresponsible" and doesn't "honor people's love of the comics" then neither does the Ultimates line of comics, and neither does the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
And the blame rests with Marvel. Marvel has ultimate editorial control over what happens with its IP, and Kabam works with Marvel to create the champions that exist in the game whether they borrow from existing Marvel characters or are original creations for the game. Champions created just for the game are Marvel characters that exist within the Marvel multiverse, no different than any other Marvel character created by a comic book writer.
Kabam has made the choice to make the characters they advertise in their promotional videos look exactly like the characters in the movies, don’t blame me for wanting them to act like them.
Sentry is arguably one of the most powerful characters in the comics with "the power of a billion suns". If they made every character true to comic cannon, there wouldn't be any balance. Captain America would take forver to knock out, Hulk could smash everything, Wolverine would be cutting people in half, Jean Grey could melt everyone as Pheonix or Iceman could freeze everyone to death.
Point is, MCOC borrows from different sources to fit into what the game represents.
You say this game no longer captures what "we" love about Marvel. What *I* love about Marvel comics is the diversity in them, and the fact that the universe they encompass is infinitely extensible. The Marvel Cinematic Universe is practically a miracle: it is inspired by but not beholden to the comic books and is much better for it. And yet, I don't have to consider the MCU to be a separate thing; the MCU is an extension of the comic book universe, not a **** stepchild of it. It is an equal reality component of the greater Marvel universe. It is equally "real."
There are people talking about Into the Spiderverse opening the door to the possibility that we could see incarnations of Spiderman existing in the same greater multiverse with not only comic book iterations of Spiderman but even prior Sony movie versions of Spiderman. This only happens if you allow people to extend the property, and the alternate reality device simultaneously allows writers the creative license to create something new while nevertheless connecting it to the whole in a non-trivial way.
Somehow, I have a feeling that most "kids" aren't leaving theaters disappointed that the movie versions of characters they read about in comic books isn't identical to them, and aren't disappointed that the versions of those characters in the games they play aren't exactly identical either. I think kids are more sophisticated than you're giving them credit for. But if *you* want to play a game where Daredevil only fights street crime while the Silver Surfer fights cosmic villains, well, this game isn't that. Nor do I really want it to be.
I read the above comment when Mike said they weren’t a reflection, but I disagree. The champs have mostly been released side by side with the movies and have been a marketing tool for them.
In my opinion hulk rag. represents a small blip in time where hulk was held captive and was forced to fight in the arena. Why should that be better than OG hulk? It makes no logical sense to me. The random pile of garbage gear spidey got in Far From Home created the champ stealth suit spidey. Why does he have to be better than OG spidey?
I’m not expecting all the oldest champs to be buffed and become god-tier, I would just find the game more fun if the in-game abilities of beloved characters better represented their perceived abilities.
For the record, the Characters in question are not the actual Villains. They're following orders from Thanos. If he instructed them to pet kittens, they'd do it. Their purpose is to serve his purpose.
IMIW should be worse than IM?
CapIW should be worse than Cap?
CapM Movie should be worse than CapM?
Gulk should be worse than Hulk?
Thor Rag should be worse than Thor?
Ronin should be worse than Hawkeye?
The list goes on. As time goes on Kabam thinks of new abilities which can be applied to newer characters. Its not as easy to just copy and paste an ability onto an old character.
Imagine you have a car. You've been using said car for over 4 years. The company who made that car has made a new type of car with a better engine. You can't just take your old car and put a new engine in and expect it to work like normal
Seems like for those 4 above, game usage is not so strictly based on whether they have a certain Tag or not, so frankly I think the game should put the rest of the handful of champs that also don’t have either Hero/Villain Tags into either one category or another, and not have them be completely unavailable for these events.