Blank images in comments

Has anyone notices lately that in the comments sometimes u see a post that u have to scroll down through just nothing several times to see the reply? I don't know how to explain it any better. At first I thought maybe my old phone couldn't see a post from some newer device, but I recently got a new phone and it still is happening. Does anyone else have this issue of just seeing a comment and have to scroll down a long way before the actual comment appears?
I thought it was just my phone being weird
Can you link me to some of the threads where you've seen this? Or does it not happen everytime you go to the thread?
I think it is happening when you revisiting a thread you have read a couple of answers in, and when you go back it redirects you to the last answer you read but with a loooot of blanks before the actual text.
Ive had this experience too the latest 3 weeks maybe.
Im running on Huawei P20 pro.
Even though it shows as being Edited, that was done plenty earlier than when you saw it blank (so I’m assuming fact that it was edited status probably not the reason why showing blank for you).
How about maybe because of the Emoji symbols at the end of the post ?? What if your device is somehow messing up on those Emoji ??
It seems to happen to the first unread post after I go back into a previously read thread, because H3LLSHOW247's post is now displaying correctly but another one lower down from RiderofHell is spacing out on me 😔
If so, try deleting your Draft, and see if the blank space ever happens again in that particular thread in the future when coming back and looking at it later.
I’ve seen before when going back-n-forth between editing and previewing a comment (before sending it at all) that sometimes a large gap appears after my text coming out of doing a preview. Although haven’t seen that case when initially returning to a thread that I had a draft saved for.