[Android] Lag, Crashing and Performance Investigation



  • Samanyu_8Samanyu_8 Member Posts: 113
    In game name: samanyu8
    Device and model : Lenovo Tab4
    Operating System: Android 9.0
    Game version: till the latest update
    Game mode: event quest- black widow : quest1 chapter1
  • Darko_mattev1977Darko_mattev1977 Member Posts: 18
    edited May 2020
    In-Game Name: Darko Mattex
    Device and Model: Galaxy a9
    Device Operating System: 10
    Cellular or WiFi: both
    Game Version Installed: 27.0.0
    Game Mode: All
    Description of the Issue:
    I have connession problems almost every fight during more than 20-30 seconds. The connession red icon begins to blink at the bottom right. Sometime it crashes during fight, sometimes I can finish fights but then it crashes.
    Sometimes it happens also when just taking a look at the game.
    Smartphone works perfectly.
    No connession problems with other apps
  • ABPradhanABPradhan Member Posts: 14

    Well kabam how many months it's gonna take to solve this problem...
  • yarolazzyarolazz Member Posts: 1
    In-Game Name: Huilo-Man
    Device and Model: Nokia 8
    Device Operating System: Android V9
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 27.0.0
    Game Mode: Arena, Alliance War, Alliance Quest
    Description of the Issue: Game freezes 1-2 times every battle for 0,3-0,5 seconds especially in AW. This happened after update.
  • MrTorture666MrTorture666 Member Posts: 1
    In-Game Name: MrTorture666
    Device and Model: Galaxy a70
    Device Operating System: Android V10
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi and 4g
    Game Version Installed: update in week.of.26 april
    Game Mode: all.game modes
    Description of the Issue: Connection lost during every longer fight. It's getting worse and started around april 6. I fight defenders and win but at concluding the fight there is a connection error with a red WiFi sign,and after that I get diconnected. I log back in and have to do the fight over again. Sometimes connection error during fight. In some cases I can start over with same health, but usually I loose half my helft. In rare cases I can move on after reconnection
  • OW4ISOW4IS Member Posts: 4
    The A70 gets consistent connection issue during fights. This is especially annoying in AW as I get disconnected from fights which gives the ally were going against a free kills. I hope this issue gets resolved very soon as it has been happening for over a month now.
  • rodaxsrodaxs Member Posts: 1
    In-Game Name: rodaxs
    Device and Model: Galaxy A70
    Device Operating System: android 10
    Cellular or WiFi: Wi-fi, data always happens, oh and im from Portugal maybe that a reason for the problem.
    Game Version Installed: latest available
    Game Mode: all game modes
    Description of the Issue: i dont have a performance issue literally, its a connetion problem not lag though literally conection issue. I start playing then mid fight usually but it can also happen on the menu the connectivity icon (the red one) starts to appear then when i end the fight (because i can continue the fight with no problem not even lagging) some rare times it can reconnect and all is well (except lost of time) but most times it cant reconect and there come the biggest problem of all, there can happen 3 things: 1- some rare times when i reconect it saved tha battle so it saved my win; 2 and 3 - it cant reconect and appears lost connetion and even when i try to reconect that way it says failed to log in then i have fo restart the app entirely, then or it makes me repeat the fight (this is the lesser problem but still enfuriating when doing hard battles) or the ultimate problem, it penalyzes me for "leaving" the battle that thing where youguys take half hp of my champ and none of the adversary, and thats the peak problem tha usually happens the more often, unfortunately. I understand the penalizing method and i suport it dont get me wrong but finiching a fight andddd wining then being forced to repeat it and with half hp loss due to a problem of you app not mine at all (not a problem with my phone or internet because everything else runs perfectly) its extremly bad and makes me not play, i love the game but im currently barely or never playing because of this problem. Some images just to show the conectivity icon.

  • Yugu43221Yugu43221 Member Posts: 12
    We need compensation for this
    Because not only we are suffering beacuse of this our alliance is suffering.
    Please avoid your emergency maintenance when alliance wars are going on.
  • HerizonHazeHerizonHaze Member Posts: 34
    Ingame Name: HerizonHaze
    Android 10 Samsung Galaxy A70
    Latest Gameversion

    In every aspect of the game the red icon appears.
    Its no fun anymore...

  • ThiGonThiGon Member Posts: 4
    Regarding those connection issues:
    They appear after approximately 1 minute, no matter which game mode (it becomes pretty clear in AQ and AW as there is a timer) but also in the main screen. I also used a network monitor and there is literally no traffic during the fights, only at the end. So possibly just a connection timeout after 1 minute or so. Guess it can't be that hard to fix that...
  • BilgihesabıBilgihesabı Member Posts: 2
    Oyun ismi : Aşkböceği
    Android 10 Samsung Galaxy A9
    Son versiyonun her yerinde kırmızı simge belirmekte bağlantı hatası vermekte.
    constantly throws connection error and dismisses from the game
  • DashamtvamasiayDashamtvamasiay Member Posts: 81
    In-Game Name: dashamtvamasiay
    Device and Model: Redmi note 5
    Device Operating System: 8.1.0
    Cellular or WiFi: both
    Game Version Installed: 27.0.0, the latest one now
    Game Mode: aq , aw , event and story quests.
    Description of the Issue: I am facing unresponsive controls a lot lately. It's occuring predominantly in the monthly event quests. It happens relatively less in story quests and aq and aw. Especially after this black widow update , my champs are not responding to my controls , they stop in mid combo even if I am tapping on the right screen, they drop their block sometimes , and sometimes when I swipe right to dash instead they start doing light attacks!! I am facing this with all my champions , not with a particular one. I started experiencing these around a year ago but that time they were extremely rare. Then I stopped playing this game around october or so and again started playing it a month back. Especially in black widow red by dawn eq chapter 2 , every alternate fight is triggering unresponsive controls. Fix it fast man! Don't tell me that there are a lot of factors contributing to this and it maybe my mobile problem also! No! All other games are running smoothly , only this game has issues! Pls fix it kabam! U guys know that players are facing these issues from 12.0 update itself but still u have not done anything. Instead of planning on nerfing good champs , why don't u spend that time on fixing these bugs and issues!
    Again, fix it asap , I really like this game, I don't wanna retire!
  • Yugu43221Yugu43221 Member Posts: 12
    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Porthos
    Guys fix this problem asap
    You are only fixing the bugs of iOS usere n compensating them
    You need to fix this bug till next week otherwise he ready to give compensation for your mistakes
  • Darko_mattev1977Darko_mattev1977 Member Posts: 18
    Ingame name: darko mattex
    System and phone: android 10, samsung a9
    Game version: latest
    When: always
    I dont know if it's more shameful I still play this game although I cant finish almost every fight for that connession red icon, or you dont solve this problem. Shouldnt be that difficult.
    Please do something
  • Darko_mattev1977Darko_mattev1977 Member Posts: 18
    God. I'm stuck in the same fight since this morning.
    Tons of objects wasted.
    Completely unfair
  • observer6observer6 Member Posts: 1
    Iphone has an issue due to IOS update, kabam takes 15 minutes to notice, and fix it right away. every single samsung A70's, A80's, A50, A30, A9, S20 ultra, plus, double, whatever, are having issues, kabam been ignoring for over 2 months. I don't know which part of A70's , A80's are unable to play at all, they don't get it. and its been over 2 months.
  • Yugu43221Yugu43221 Member Posts: 12
    Let it be guys they are just lazy dogs
  • Yugu43221Yugu43221 Member Posts: 12
    They just want money and nothing else
    Bloody hell beggars
  • Vampi007Vampi007 Member Posts: 91
    When will kabam fix this server issue :neutral:
  • superiorssvpsuperiorssvp Member Posts: 80
    In game name : johnny Alexande
    Device and model : Vivo Y95 Vivo V15 pro
    Device operating system : android 9.0
    Cellular or WiFi : both
    Game version installed : v27.0
    Game modes : have to touch two times the special button
  • OW4ISOW4IS Member Posts: 4
    Kabam favours IOS more than Android. This issue for android device on android 10 especially the a70 has been around for a month and nothing has been done about it. Whereas a few days ago IOS devices had an issue where they couldn't get on the game and that issue was resolved in a few hours.
  • Tamizhan_2Tamizhan_2 Member Posts: 15

    In-Game Name: tamizhan~2
    Device and Model: Nokia 7plus
    Device Operating System: android 10
    Cellular or WiFi: wifi
    Game Version Installed: 25 new version
    Game Mode: Incursions
    Description of the Issue: even if I select sector6 r 7. It is going without any partner going to sector 1 with only me..all my player also went to cool down mode for 2 days.
  • Tamizhan_2Tamizhan_2 Member Posts: 15
    In-Game Name: tamizhan~2
    Device and Model: Nokia 7plus
    Device Operating System: android 10
    Cellular or WiFi: wifi
    Game Version Installed: 25 new version
    Game Mode: crystal
    Description of the Issue: all my hoarded crystal automatically opened from yesterday...6* crystal,5* featured from rifts, premium crystal, 4* crystal..
  • WillemFWillemF Member Posts: 5
    This really sucks, I have submitted the problem so many times over and over and still nothing has been done. Cant fight for longer than 40 seconds and then disconnected. Frustrating and irritating. Kabam doesn't want to help us, this has been persistent for more than 2 weeks. Cant do uncollected this month, so I say Kabam should compensate us and give us full UC rewards this month
  • PlayerzedPlayerzed Member Posts: 5
    edited May 2020
    In-Game Name: playerzed
    Device and Model: Razer Phone 2
    Device Operating System: Android Version 9
    Cellular or WiFi: Both
    Game Version Installed: 27.0.0
    Game Mode: All Game Modes
    Description of the Issue: Frame rate drops during darkhawk sp3 and his null mode. Frame rate also drops during longshot's Heavy attacks.
  • BravojeenBravojeen Member Posts: 119
    https://youtu.be/t1YHvf_5t8g this is my experience do you think it's playable??????? My name bravojeen , Samsung A70
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 12,249 Guardian
    Bravojeen said:

    https://youtu.be/t1YHvf_5t8g this is my experience do you think it's playable??????? My name bravojeen , Samsung A70

    That video is from way back in War Season 6 (according to commentary), so about 1.5 years ago, as also seen by the big center “connection” box (instead of just being the symbol in right corner now).

    Current A70 issues (at least what is getting the big complaint) started with the latest Android update just some months ago.
  • HerizonHazeHerizonHaze Member Posts: 34
    edited May 2020
    IngameName: HerizonHaze
    Android 10 Samsung Galaxy A70
    Latest Gameversion

    Its literally everywhere in the game...



    And many other aspects... in the CrystalTab Itemtab. In the Shop and it goes on and on and on...

  • Filippo0801Filippo0801 Member Posts: 5

    In-Game Name: filippo0801
    Device and Model: Samsung Note 9
    Device Operating System: Android 10
    Cellular or WiFi: both
    Game Version Installed: I have the latest version installed,
    Game Mode: Alliance Quest and Alliance War because I need o BUY STUPID potions again and again.
    Description of the Issue:

    In the last month, I have had big problems while playing, especially in AQ AND AW. My heroes in a certain moment STOP reacting to commands. If I hold the block the hero goes on the attack on his own, if I try to go back he does not react at all, and many times while holding the block he stops working at a certain moment and this goes beyond any rudeness of you. Almost everyone has been doing this lately. I enter the match and the hero acts as if someone else is playing and not me. I've been playing this **** game for at least 4 hours every day for 4 years. Kabam is obliged to return all the potions and revives that I had to spend by their mistake because the **** game will not react to the commands. I am asking some of the workers in charge of the answers to state whether they will do it or not about my issue, I need to know whether to stop playing this garbage of the game. You should be ashamed.
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