Fights Resetting after Completion and not being able to Enter Arena [Merged Threads]



  • ray7ramirezray7ramirez Member Posts: 27
    There was maintenance today and we were in a middle of a war match and we were slightly loosing we could of turned out to win without the maintenance
  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    Raa said:

    Hey All,

    We're about to throw the game into Emergency Maintenance. This is to prevent any further failed Fights from occurring.

    So what about the war, potions, boosts. That's one less boss kill for my team.
    Same happened to us. The fight kept looping for the last BG and we missed the Boss as a result. Theoretically, we would've got it done. However, hard to prove that beyond all doubt. This is just one of those VERY unfortunate situations that don't end well for anyone. Do I hope they consider giving us the points? Absolutely! Do I expect them to? No. As of right now, too early to tell what's to happen. Let's see if they can fix this fast and give everyone a chance to finish AQ 1st (that haven't already anyway).
    Belfigor2 said:

    Raa said:

    Hey All,

    We're about to throw the game into Emergency Maintenance. This is to prevent any further failed Fights from occurring.

    So what about the war, potions, boosts. That's one less boss kill for my team.
    they should rollback/pause it so we can continue AQ/AW tomorrow the same time as now when it should have worked
    but they will not because that will mess up their schedule, they dont care about our schedule
    Honestly, they do care, but doing it like that would be more work than it's worth. Yes, the situation as it is will throw things into disarray. As I stated above, let's let them worry about getting it working 1st. Then perhaps they'll consider the fallout of the situation if it takes too long to rectify, and maybe throw us a bone. However, to say they don't care is a little presumptive. Especially considering they shut the game down to prevent any further problems and senseless items being blown. Just gotta wait and see now.
  • ray7ramirezray7ramirez Member Posts: 27
    How about a small compensation i used revives, potions, and boosts as well as the rewards we could of had
  • TheJakeTaylor93TheJakeTaylor93 Member Posts: 11
    COMPENSATION NEEDS TO BE IMPLEMENTED! This issue is causing missed opportunities in AW, AQ, arena, and the monthly quest.
  • James_1681James_1681 Member Posts: 29
    edited November 2019
    Hope there will be compensation considering we now can't 100% AQ
  • Chawi79Chawi79 Member Posts: 27
    Seriously, just open up the game zo that we at least have a chance to get Thanos down. First dat of AQ, the prestige loss is devestating for the end result :(
  • psychodadpsychodad Member Posts: 24

    let's let them worry about getting it working 1st. Then perhaps they'll consider the fallout of the situation if it takes too long to rectify, and maybe throw us a bone.

    Yes. This.

    Let's get the game back up before we start crying for compensation. It was a good thing they brought the game down. They did this to mitigate damage.

  • Rogers 2~1Rogers 2~1 Member Posts: 135
    Get* = getake
  • Patchie93Patchie93 Member Posts: 1,898 ★★★★
    @Kabam Miike
    If this persists much longer are we gonna get 30min timers for AQ as it is now affecting multiple days of AQ?

    Or is there gonna be any form of compensation for
    Lost items? Lost rewards? Lost time?
  • mbracembrace Member Posts: 883 ★★★
    My situation is not nearly as bad as yours, but I was trying to start AQ rounds as soon as possible to give us max time to finish. That just went out the window.
  • machoyaxmachoyax Member Posts: 28
    Need compensaton...I think i have used items :(
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,269
    Hey all,

    Lots of questions re: Compensation. Right now, our focus is getting the game back up and running. When this is complete, and we're confident the game is in a stable state, we can start to look into how people were affected. Top of mind is definitely AQ and AW.

    Once we have that figured out, we can start to consider what our Compensation plan will be. Until then, we won't have any news on that.
  • PufffPufffPufffPufff Member Posts: 54

    Hey all,

    Lots of questions re: Compensation. Right now, our focus is getting the game back up and running. When this is complete, and we're confident the game is in a stable state, we can start to look into how people were affected. Top of mind is definitely AQ and AW.

    Once we have that figured out, we can start to consider what our Compensation plan will be. Until then, we won't have any news on that.

    Forget compensation...s**t effected us all...let's move on.

    Maybe run it by team to consider making timers on Day5 only 45mins so we have an opportunity to finish all maps before AQ rotation ends?
  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 5,901 ★★★★★
    Compensation just for resetting fights isnt necessary unless of course it screwed you on something but a network issue revolving around fights not going down isnt compensation worthy
  • Winburn85Winburn85 Member Posts: 7
    I understand this means emergency maintenance, but I've got a recruit needing to get in before AW. Timing is horrible for maintenance. Need to do a better job on that.
  • zbot34zbot34 Member Posts: 448
    Not sure if this is the right forum for this question but with this emergency maintenance going into Alliance's ability to finish the 1st day of AQ , finish any War they were currently in or start the next AQ what is the Kabam team going to do for that lost time, lost ability to utilize the 24hr AQ clock timer and War time that was left?? Please let the player base know because that should not be overlooked with this emergency maintenance keeping the game down. Thank you

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Porthos
  • AzKicker316AzKicker316 Member Posts: 2,401 ★★★★★
    They should give us 30 min timers or give everyone lost rewards based on previous AQ set. One missed map screws up total score and therefore rewards.
  • The_OneThe_One Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    BRTIL said:

    @The_One very good 😂

    It's not quite the same now they've merged the threads, context is lost but thank you
  • Wakandas_FinestWakandas_Finest Member Posts: 856 ★★★★

    They should give us 30 min timers or give everyone lost rewards based on previous AQ set. One missed map screws up total score and therefore rewards.

    This. My alliance just hits the 300 million milestone reward running 6x5. The loss of even 1 boss kill means we won’t be hitting the milestone this AQ

  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★

    They should give us 30 min timers or give everyone lost rewards based on previous AQ set. One missed map screws up total score and therefore rewards.

    This. My alliance just hits the 300 million milestone reward running 6x5. The loss of even 1 boss kill means we won’t be hitting the milestone this AQ

    the problem is this wont make up the boss kill, they need to extend the previous AQ and give 30 minute timers on the next one but with a slightly shortened total timer so as to offset the problems here.
  • ray7ramirezray7ramirez Member Posts: 27
    Oh yea forgot to mention we were so close to finishin the boss on AQ we started yesterday!
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,269
    We are bringing some players out of Maintenance, after resolving 1 half of this problem. We are still working to investigate the cause of the Fight Issue. This is required to help us get live data to determine what we still need to do to fix the problem.
  • wdawg2237wdawg2237 Member Posts: 33
    This doesn’t seem very fair. We are allowing some players to come back but not all. This makes for an unfair advantage to those you don’t bring back. So what makes those players better then the ones who aren’t back up. I will point out I live in America, and we have the freedom of information act, and thanks to former president obama this includes all online information.
  • AzKicker316AzKicker316 Member Posts: 2,401 ★★★★★
    I was just able to log in, start AQ but didn't fight. I went to invasion to test fight and that bug happened again. Beat jugg and afterwards took me back to jugg!!!
  • Username15Username15 Member Posts: 12
    Also just logged in and the same problem is still going on in the Side quest (heroic) only on the second opponent as the fight was starting my health dropped from 50% to 25% now also which was not happening previously.
  • SpiralSpiral Member Posts: 84
    Title. Just undo whatever you guys were trying to secretly push so we can play. AQ has been delayed more than an hour and people have lost progress/items/energy.
  • JMAN337JMAN337 Member Posts: 88
    @Kabam Miike I am in. The fight problem is still not fixed. I am fighting the new Daily Quest and first three fights were good. Now I am at Venom on Epic and I have had to fight him 3 times with no movement.
  • RenegädeツRenegädeツ Member Posts: 98

    Recently, we have been receiving a lot of in-game errors, and it has been highly frustrating me as a player as well as the community. Please appreciate that we may have Alliance Quests or Alliance Wars undergoing and that any potential costs attached to Alliance Quest establishments may require refunding after a prolonged time in maintenance.

    However, this is not the only issue. Summoners are unhappy with the lack of compensations received after long intervals of not being able to access the mobile game, and potentially waste newly refilled energy, boosts, timers or other vital in-game occurrences. We appreciate that emergency server maintenance is crucial, and that it should occur whenever an error has been initiated to prevent further discontent, however we would be obliged to our awaited compensations.

  • AzKicker316AzKicker316 Member Posts: 2,401 ★★★★★
    Happened again at the second node in the invasion event. Both times I had to beat the champ 3 times and then was able to move up.
  • Jhutch825Jhutch825 Member Posts: 8

    We are bringing some players out of Maintenance, after resolving 1 half of this problem. We are still working to investigate the cause of the Fight Issue. This is required to help us get live data to determine what we still need to do to fix the problem.

    Should I keep fighting then,. Keep fighting Taskmaster, keep losing champion health and he keeps resetting to full health. This is one fight before Mr Fantastic on Master difficulty.
This discussion has been closed.