Alliance Quest Mid-Season Map, Rewards, and Glory Store Update - Nov 2019

MCOC TeamMCOC Team Administrator, Admin [en] Posts: 638

On November 15th, we’re introducing Optional Modifiers to Alliance Quests, but that’s not the only update!

In addition to Alliance Quest Modifiers and Honor Rewards, we’ve refreshed Minibosses and Local Nodes for Maps 3-7, refreshed Alliance Quest Rank Rewards, and given the Glory Store an update!

Check out the details below!

Alliance Quest Map Updates

Map 3
Swapping out Hulkbuster Mini-Boss for Gamora
New Local Node Buffs
Section 1: 125% Iso-Infused, 200% Health, Enhanced Special 1
Section 2: 150% Champion, Boost 200%, Health, Enhanced Special 1, Fury

Map 4
Swapping out Deadpool Mini-Boss for Ronin
New Local Node Buffs:
Section 1: 150% Champion Boost, 200% Health, Changing Winds, Enhanced Crits
Section 2: 150% Champion Boost, 300% Health, Renewed Vigor, Changing Winds, Enhanced Crits

Map 5
Swapping out Morningstar Mini-Boss for Red Skull
New Local Node Buffs:
Section 1: 200% Champion Boost 200% Health Boost Special 2 bias Kinetic Transference - 3
Section 2: 200% Champion Boost 300% Health Boost Special 2 bias Kinetic Transference - 3 Stun Immunity

Map 6
Swapping out Mephisto Mini-Boss for Symbiote Supreme
New Local Node Buffs:
Section 1: 300% Champion Boost 200% Health Redoubled Determination - 3 Power Drain Kinetic Transference - 3
Section 2: 300% Champion Boost 300% Health Redoubled Determination - 3 Power Drain Kinetic Transference - 3 Pilfer (Regeneration) - 3

Map 7
Adding new Mini-Boss Annihilus
New Local Node Buffs:
Section 1: 300% Champion Boost 200% Health Aggression: Armor Sadist - 3 Soft Guard - 2
Section 2: 300% Champion Boost 300% Health Aggression: Armor Sadist - 3 Soft Guard - 2 Opportunist - 1

Alliance Quest Modifiers and Honor Rewards

Alliance Quest Modifiers are a new, optional addition to Alliance Quests that will allow Alliances to fine tune their difficulty, and add extra Challenge in exchange for Honor Rewards and Bonus Points. Read all about them in this post here.

We always have a brand new post detailing the amount of points, and how you can earn them. Read that here.

Updated Rank Rewards

Below is a look at the new Alliance Quest Rank Rewards:

Glory Store Update

We’ve bumped up the amount of Fragments you can receive for many of our rarer Catalysts. You’ll notice that the Glory Crystal has been removed. We’ve increased the amount of Fragments of a Specific T4CC that you can purchase daily, and reduced the cost of the Greater Glory Crystal. After these changes, the original Glory Crystal didn’t make sense to include anymore.

It’s Go Time!

All of these Updates will be live on November 15th, when the next series of Alliance Quests starts! Additionally, this series will feature no map costs.


  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,522 ★★★★★
    Glory stor really smail change
  • Osfan8Osfan8 Member Posts: 761 ★★★
    Woohoo for a lot more access to t5b!

    Maybe a stupid question but I've searched forums and even googled it...what is "changing winds" node for second mini boss in map 4?
  • JediJones77JediJones77 Member Posts: 200
    16wegnerk said:

    That’s huge! Swapping from 900 T5B to 2250 T5B for cheaper than it used to be? That’s incredible!

    That is MASSIVE. Hope that's not a typo. Why isn't that the headline of this article? Who cares about the rest of the changes? LOL!

    The cost changes from 1 glory buying 2/3rds of a T5BC fragment to 1 glory buying 2.5 T5BC fragments. That's a 369% increase in value. So by the time you would've earned 1 T5BC before, you'll now have 3 and 7/10ths of them.
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  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    At least there's no more aggressive regen. Annihilus is gonna be a huge pain tho.
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  • James_1681James_1681 Member Posts: 29
    Stun immune mini bosses on map 5 will suck, especially red skull with his over defensive AQ blocking.
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  • OnemaeusOnemaeus Member Posts: 54
    @Ya_Boi_28 congrats, you know how to intercept and have a basic strategy at beating a basic Red Skull. Thanks, I wasn't aware how to do that. Not everyone finds that so easy, not to mention the AI aggressiveness or lack of agression as the AQ has proven to be, combined with kinetic transference buff means this mini will not only be defensive but probably get to sp3 real quick or time people out. While you can look at it from your singular perspective, I'm looking at it with context and seeing this as more of a pain than your proposed pushover. If you haven't noticed they have only been making AQ harder while not adjusting the rewards respectively. Now they are ramping it again and really only adjusting t5b rewards? Once again, only pandering to the upper echelon and ignoring the middle/low tiered alliances/players. Think short sighted all you want while I look at the bigger picture.
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  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,466 Guardian
    573739 said:

    DNA3000 said:

    573739 said:

    Why are you adding/changing things when the game is running like poo? Shouldn’t your focus be solely in fixing the current issues? I mean you killed AW mid season then two days later announce changes to another aspect of the game.

    Because these things have been in the queue for a long time and were probably basically already done before those issues arose.

    Every time there are game problems someone asks why Kabam doesn't just halt everything until every problem is fixed. And the answer is two fold. First, most of the time everyone in the company can't work on every problem. At best, everyone might be able to test for certain kinds of problems. But artists can't fix ability bugs, programmers can't fix content bugs, champion designers can't fix arena bugs, and systems designers can't fix champion bugs.

    The guy whose job it is to change some cells in Excel to update the Glory store cannot in any way help fix problems in the game's combat or reward systems. And the guy whose job it is to change the AQ systems to implement modifiers is basically done already.

    If you want Kabam to halt everything until they fix everything, there's an easy way to simulate that. Just delete the game from your phone. Because if they halted all development every time there was a problem, very quickly there would be no game.

    😂😂😂 you can’t be serious? Ok you are? You are what’s wrong with the civilian world. Here’s your mindset “we have problems and players know we have them, however let’s push those problems to the side and change things up a little”

    That sounds about right. Now let me explain to you why your mindset is bassackwards.

    If you change things WITHOUT fixing things you are setting yourself up for an even bigger issue than the original one you had. Know why? Cause ya added more stuff to potentially conflict with anything in the game. People say “one line of code can screw everything up” so adding multiple lines to a broken system is not the answer. If you think adding 2 mechanics into a system to adjust scoring is simple, boy you ain’t right. Cause it certainly isn’t in Excel.

    Pretty basic.
    1. I didn't say changing the mechanics of AQ scoring was an Excel change. I said modifying the Glory store is basically an Excel change. And I was clear in saying that changing the AQ systems was a different task, and was probably long done already.

    2. No one is talking about "changing things" without "fixing things." But once the systems themselves were fixed so that the damage to the game was contained, there was no point in making the systems people sit around and wait for all other damage repair and remediation to complete before going back to what they were working on.

    3. Here in the civilian world, I've worked on systems far larger and far more complex. I manage a consolidated multitenant environment. I've done work for the military, for municipalities, for large enterprises. And much more relevant here, I've had some experience working for online games. I know how the development works, the tools and systems, the operations environment. So hearing I ain't right from y'all is a bunch of hooey.
  • GreekhitGreekhit Member Posts: 2,820 ★★★★★
    Nice update to the prices and quantity of useful items like t2a and t5bc fragments. But there is something already overpriced and didn’t got any change. That’s T1A catalysts. Seriously it’s the biggest and most annoying bottleneck for mid tier players. A 5* require an average of 5,75 for each rank up. I run t1a arena (3), I’m on the sigil (3), my ally reaches that 3day event target(1), that’s a total of ~14 biweekly, and still this low tier item becomes the reason for holding back 5*s upgrades. It’s really not the road spending these huge amounts of glory in order to keep advancing in game. Please reconsider t1a price before releasing, 220 for each is just too much. It needs to drop at least at 100 for this to be a quite good deal. This will also help starters advance faster, and stand a chance to get competitive at some point.
    Hope some mod consider and push this serious issue to the game team.
  • Silver_SagaSilver_Saga Member Posts: 372 ★★★
    I'm really glad I kept most of the glory in the past few weeks, cause that's a really nice update to the store for progressing players who desperately need those T4B and T4CC :)
  • Heinz11Heinz11 Member Posts: 264 ★★
    edited November 2019
    In the announcement for Map 7 bosses, it says that Annihilus has been “added”. All the other maps a boss has been “swapped”. Does this mean that Annihilus will rotate as the mini boss with Omega Red, similar to the other map mini bosses?
  • rwhackrwhack Member Posts: 1,076 ★★★
    So it’s basically first place team gets a massive difference in rewards compared to anyone else and 2-10 are basically identical. Congrats to ny718. Good news is we don’t have to spend on Doom now unless you’re in Ny718. :)
  • NeoVirusXNeoVirusX Member Posts: 2
    In my opinion I think annihilus is too hard to fight as a defender
  • edited November 2019
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  • GiganteaGigantea Member Posts: 111
    No update for T1A?
  • BboychoboBboychobo Member Posts: 249 ★★
    When will we see T5cc fragments in store ??? will be be able to sell our current t4cc for some t5cc ???
  • VincentblackVincentblack Member Posts: 14
    The community needs a break from the unrelenting bugs, aq was dated to start on the 15th not the 14th. And tbh people want season rewards and compensation before we continue down the rabbit hole.
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