Act 6 Changes

Hey Kabam,
I think the community would like to know at least if you are considering changing Act 6 or if you plan on simply keeping it the way it is.
I think the community would like to know at least if you are considering changing Act 6 or if you plan on simply keeping it the way it is.
We want him to remain a difficult fight, but with Book 2 on the Horizon (no established date), and the overwhelmingly positive reception of the Grandmaster fight, we know that we need to go back and take a look at this fight.
Before anybody asks, I don't have any more info on the fight, or if there would be compensation.
6.2 the least fun of the whole act, but 6.1 is easy, 6.3 is annoying only with the bosses and 6.4 is really good except for some paths and the GM was awesome
But fights like Acid Wash Mysterio and the ilk are the pain points that need to be looked at
I have very high hopes for Book 2 - thematic lanes along the Variant lines of design. I don’t mind hard as long as it’s fun.
Stay safe
Really appreciate the way you guys have handled this backlash. Can’t wait to see what’s in store with the fixes and all.
my thoughts on Act 6 as a whole is that some of the paths/nodes just make no sense and are so champion specific that it eliminates a huge population of players to even consider attempting it. the entire act is just disappointing. not to mention how overpowered the defenders are throughout. it almost requires perfect skill to be able to complete without boosts.
fights should be challenging yes and i don't think anyone is petitioning to not be challenged but throughout Act 6 the fights move from challenging to just frustrating unit grabs.