Abyss Completion - No Aegon (Loot and thoughts)

MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
I got my initial clear of Abyss done on Friday night (2am, don’t judge me!), having been doing it on and off from about lunch time and below is the loot and my rank up options!

The T5CC was a bit of a kick in the teeth because despite having 27 6* (after the opening) this is my entire Cosmic roster:

The awakening gem, however was the main reason that I went for completion without Aegon because I now have this puppy on my roster and will shift my focus to exploration of Abyss rather than Act 6 for another AG gamble.

My thoughts on AoL with no Aegon: it’s worth it if you have a specific goal in mind and are willing to roll the dice.
I went into AOL knowing that I would be very happy with 2 awakening gems: Tech (Ghost) and Skill (Aegon); and 3 T5CC - Mutant (Sabretooth[sig20]), Mystic (Symbiote), Tech (Ghost), I also wouldn’t be too upset with skill as I would have an R3 Aegon banked for when I got him awakened.

My best scenario would have been 2x skill, while my 2nd would have been a skill gem and an immediately usable T5CC. I got scenario 3 - skill gem and an unusable T5CC. Basically I’d worked out that I had far greater chances of coming out with something that I could use immediately than not, so for me it was worth the expensive gamble, especially as if I did fluke a skill gem it unlocks exploration for me.

Including 2 mastery switches and a fairly sizeable stash (150 4hr crystals, 11 40% revives, 20 20% revives, 75 lv3 potions, 10 lv4 potions, 8 lv5 potions) this completion cost me 5500 units all in. Now, for a similar price you could probably brute force exploration of 2 chapters of Act 6, depending on which you chose.

If you could get 6.4 and 3 explored for that price you come away the following:
- 50% T5CC (shard)
- 5 x T5B
- 12 x T2A
- 3 x R4 gem
- 18k 6* Shard
- 45k 5* Shard
- 4m Gold


- 1 x 6* AG
- 1 x T5CC (formed)
- 4 x T5B
- 8 x T2A
- 20k 6* Shard
- 1 x 5* crystal
- 20 6* sig stones
- 1.5m gold

Providing that you have at least 1 6* that you would be willing to rank up, I would argue that AOL is a far better use of units and time (1-2 evenings vs probably 2 weeks of hard evening grinding). You get more 6* shards, a 6* AG which could transform your unawakened Aegon/OR/Void etc. into a real powerhouse, a T5CC which could allow an already awakened god or unawakened god to go to R3. To those who say this is just playing the odds, well these are better odds and more guaranteed rewards that the 25% crystals - I have 50% tech T5CC, but I can’t use it on Ghost and I’ve got to roll 2 more 1/6 between 6.2,3,4 to be able to rank her up.
Even if you get a class of reward that you cannot immediately use like I did, it’s in the bank for when your luck changes, which is certainly better than being 3/4 towards a rank up.

I will put up a ‘strategy’ guide for Aegonless completion later for those who are interested.


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  • RockypantherxRockypantherx Member Posts: 3,923 ★★★★★
    Great write up, and congrats on your AEgon
  • Artoria77Artoria77 Member Posts: 2,550 ★★★★★
    Amazing job mate
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian

    Sorry - I thought I put it in! This was my team - CG for The Collector and thanks. Arena here we come!
    Midnite93 said:

    Brilliant job and sorry on the cosmic t5cc best to save that up for corvus or captain sparkles. With a rank 2 6 star Aegon I think you can go for exploring. Longshot is a sweet pull and congratulations on the skill AG you have finally awakened your horseman. I am curious though what was your team for your initial run?

  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    and they say RNG is rigged.

    way to go dude!
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    edited June 2020
    Mauled said:

    Sorry - I thought I put it in! This was my team - CG for The Collector and thanks. Arena here we come!

    Midnite93 said:

    Brilliant job and sorry on the cosmic t5cc best to save that up for corvus or captain sparkles. With a rank 2 6 star Aegon I think you can go for exploring. Longshot is a sweet pull and congratulations on the skill AG you have finally awakened your horseman. I am curious though what was your team for your initial run?

    How was CapIW for this?
    I have fury, doom, corvus and a void to use in place of torch but been looking for my Aegon replacement, before I start saving for abyss.
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian

    Mauled said:

    Sorry - I thought I put it in! This was my team - CG for The Collector and thanks. Arena here we come!

    Midnite93 said:

    Brilliant job and sorry on the cosmic t5cc best to save that up for corvus or captain sparkles. With a rank 2 6 star Aegon I think you can go for exploring. Longshot is a sweet pull and congratulations on the skill AG you have finally awakened your horseman. I am curious though what was your team for your initial run?

    How was CapIW for this?
    I have fury, doom, corvus and a void to use in place of torch but been looking for my Aegon replacement, before I start saving for abyss.
    I found Cap to be very good. He’s got a good damage/hit ratio and his perfect parries are invaluable. I used him for OR, 1/2 of Ghost, IMIW, Loki, Cyclops. If you can’t already, learn to reparry, especially for IMIW.
    The main reason I took him was for the armour break which neutered Tech champions’ power gain.
  • Horror_punkHorror_punk Member Posts: 1,058 ★★★★
    Agree on most of your part
    But exploration of 6.3 and 6.4 with 5500 units isn’t possible tbh
    Once you do you’ll know. Though soon they reducing attacks values but still 5500 units for exploration isn’t enough
  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian

    Agree on most of your part
    But exploration of 6.3 and 6.4 with 5500 units isn’t possible tbh
    Once you do you’ll know. Though soon they reducing attacks values but still 5500 units for exploration isn’t enough

    I’ve not touched 6.3 exploration yet tbf, 6.4 I’m about 85% through - 4 paths of Darkhawk and 3 adaptoid and I think it’s probably cost me about 2k all in
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,338 ★★★★★
    well done mate. just staring at how many units AOL takes on average is scary and an indictment on the content in this game. 5500 units with a stacked roster is just insane. the only caveat is that it's special content that was specifically designed to not be completed in one setting.

    so in contrast to Act 6, no one can really be made at what it takes for an Abyss run. but just hearing how exploring "story content" is on par with the 5500 units and i see why Kabam is changing things and well good they should!
  • Bidzy7Bidzy7 Member Posts: 369 ★★★
    Nice work,

    This is pretty much the same line of thought i'm having too.

    I have already 100% 6.1 and 6.3 and 6.2 is at 80% and 6.4% is at like 24%. Now my issue is not having suitable/optimal counters to particular fights which means i would have to use units to get through it.
    For similar cost i could get an initial run of Abyss done while i slowly work through the paths i can do in act 6 and wait for counters. The cost for abyss run won't go down anytime soon i.e. we won't see a champion that will make Abyss the same as Aegon did for LoL. Also i have Aegon, NF, HT and doom now ( recent pull) so i have everything i need to make a run. Just got to save units and grind Arena ( #pukeface :( ) . Currently at 4.5k units but will grind out 6k before i attempt it.

  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    Mauled said:

    Mauled said:

    Sorry - I thought I put it in! This was my team - CG for The Collector and thanks. Arena here we come!

    Midnite93 said:

    Brilliant job and sorry on the cosmic t5cc best to save that up for corvus or captain sparkles. With a rank 2 6 star Aegon I think you can go for exploring. Longshot is a sweet pull and congratulations on the skill AG you have finally awakened your horseman. I am curious though what was your team for your initial run?

    How was CapIW for this?
    I have fury, doom, corvus and a void to use in place of torch but been looking for my Aegon replacement, before I start saving for abyss.
    I found Cap to be very good. He’s got a good damage/hit ratio and his perfect parries are invaluable. I used him for OR, 1/2 of Ghost, IMIW, Loki, Cyclops. If you can’t already, learn to reparry, especially for IMIW.
    The main reason I took him was for the armour break which neutered Tech champions’ power gain.
    Yeah I can double/triple parry most of the time so that should be ok, never considered using CapIW, I was debating using stark spidey if I ever did it without Aegon but will keep this in mind if I decide it’s still more worthwhile to go for abyss over 6.2, 6.3 and 6.4 exploration after the changes.
    Could use a science, cosmic or mutant T5cc so it’s worth the gamble for me.
  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    Congrats man! 5500 isn’t a bad haul to spend ive seen other spend more with no aegon. Congrats on pulling the gem for Aegon also.

    I agree what you said, act 6 can be a less rewarding thing for the amount you spent. I think in my case since my 6 stars aren’t amazing so I’m just slowly grinding through act 6. I haven’t spent a unit on it since 6.2 100% champion. I just wait till I have 15-20 revives and just tackle as much as I can until I’m down to 1-2 revives then save again. I just have 45% of 6.3 left and about 65% of 6.4 left.

    Good luck on 100% abyss or 100% act 6!
  • QfuryQfury Member Posts: 1,860 ★★★★★
    I have aegon, fury, sym supreme
    No torch though, would you suggest void instead?
    Also last spot who would throw in?

    Plan on making a run in the near future but have a gem for torch if I pull him
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    Qfury said:

    I have aegon, fury, sym supreme
    No torch though, would you suggest void instead?
    Also last spot who would throw in?

    Plan on making a run in the near future but have a gem for torch if I pull him

    As far as I’m aware the main thing people bring torch specifically for is the mephisto, he has the benefit of melting other mystics too but mephisto is the main reason, so yeah void is a somewhat viable alternative as far as I’m aware.
  • King_Leo321King_Leo321 Member Posts: 1,211 ★★★
    I also want to do Abyss on my 2nd account and I'd o have Claire.But I wmat Longshot cause I think he is the only mystic everyone wants to know how good can he be in Abyss and I also want to test so waiting for Longshot I may also make video on it as well.Just pray that I get Longshot.
  • King_Leo321King_Leo321 Member Posts: 1,211 ★★★
    edited June 2020

    Mauled said:

    Sorry - I thought I put it in! This was my team - CG for The Collector and thanks. Arena here we come!

    Midnite93 said:

    Brilliant job and sorry on the cosmic t5cc best to save that up for corvus or captain sparkles. With a rank 2 6 star Aegon I think you can go for exploring. Longshot is a sweet pull and congratulations on the skill AG you have finally awakened your horseman. I am curious though what was your team for your initial run?

    How was CapIW for this?
    I have fury, doom, corvus and a void to use in place of torch but been looking for my Aegon replacement, before I start saving for abyss.
    @Mr_Platypus Colossus with omega red synergy is best replacement for aegon.A very good counter for collector if you only block his SP1 and you will take no damage.Colossus will tear through everything in abyss quickly and smooth only if you can bring omega red with him.You can use this alternate team.
    2)Omega red
    4)4* or 5* doctor voodoo or Ghost Rider synergy.
    5)Corvus if you are not sure about collector but I still think colossus will tear collector apart.But backup option is always necessary.
    Basically you will only be using Colossus and Claire.
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  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    edited June 2020

    Mauled said:

    Sorry - I thought I put it in! This was my team - CG for The Collector and thanks. Arena here we come!

    Midnite93 said:

    Brilliant job and sorry on the cosmic t5cc best to save that up for corvus or captain sparkles. With a rank 2 6 star Aegon I think you can go for exploring. Longshot is a sweet pull and congratulations on the skill AG you have finally awakened your horseman. I am curious though what was your team for your initial run?

    How was CapIW for this?
    I have fury, doom, corvus and a void to use in place of torch but been looking for my Aegon replacement, before I start saving for abyss.
    @Mr_Platypus Colossus with omega red synergy is best replacement for aegon.A very good counter for collector if you only block his SP1 and you will take no damage.Colossus will tear through everything in abyss quickly and smooth only if you can bring omega red with him.You can use this alternate team.
    2)Omega red
    4)4* or 5* doctor voodoo or Ghost Rider synergy.
    5)Corvus if you are not sure about collector but I still think colossus will tear collector apart.But backup option is always necessary.
    Basically you will only be using Colossus and Claire.
    Ok I’ll look into that too as I’ve got a 5* colossus, omega, Claire, GR and 6* Corvus.
    Is there anything on YouTube at all showing this team do you know?
    And what’s the Claire+GR synergy used for exactly?
    I’m assuming Claire is just a replacement for doom with the benefit of being incinerate immune to counter mephisto.
  • King_Leo321King_Leo321 Member Posts: 1,211 ★★★

    Mauled said:

    Sorry - I thought I put it in! This was my team - CG for The Collector and thanks. Arena here we come!

    Midnite93 said:

    Brilliant job and sorry on the cosmic t5cc best to save that up for corvus or captain sparkles. With a rank 2 6 star Aegon I think you can go for exploring. Longshot is a sweet pull and congratulations on the skill AG you have finally awakened your horseman. I am curious though what was your team for your initial run?

    How was CapIW for this?
    I have fury, doom, corvus and a void to use in place of torch but been looking for my Aegon replacement, before I start saving for abyss.
    @Mr_Platypus Colossus with omega red synergy is best replacement for aegon.A very good counter for collector if you only block his SP1 and you will take no damage.Colossus will tear through everything in abyss quickly and smooth only if you can bring omega red with him.You can use this alternate team.
    2)Omega red
    4)4* or 5* doctor voodoo or Ghost Rider synergy.
    5)Corvus if you are not sure about collector but I still think colossus will tear collector apart.But backup option is always necessary.
    Basically you will only be using Colossus and Claire.
    Ok I’ll look into that too as I’ve got a 5* colossus, omega, Claire, GR and 6* Corvus.
    Is there anything on YouTube at all showing this team do you know?
    And what’s the Claire+GR synergy used for exactly?
    I’m assuming Claire is just a replacement for doom with the benefit of being incinerate immune to counter mephisto.
    @Mr_Platypus If you are just looking for Aegon replace then use this:
    2)Omega Red
    4)Claire(Trust me Claire does better than void against mephisto)
    5)Corvus for collector
    The only fight I am worried about is Mordo.For that IMIW Corvus with 200% power gain boost and special Attack increase boost Corvus will destroy that IMIW.If you are planning to bring void just for mephisto then I prefer not to bring void.

    So in the end there is only one fight you should worry about that is Mordo.Omega red can take care of Mordo if you know the trick.Cause my alliance member did the entire first path with using omega red and Doom only.Doom is beast.I said Claire because of mephisto.But personally for path 1 Symbiote supreme is way better than Claire and Doom only for first path.So final conclusion is:
    1)Colossus and omega red instead of Aegon.
    2)Claire for mephisto
    3)Doom for all cosmics(for path 1 I still prefer supreme)
    4)Corvus for IMIW and Collector backup option.
  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,491 ★★★★★
    Nice write-up to the OP and congrats - good pulls especially Longshot and awakening Aegon! I have all of the horsemen -5/65 Aegon, Fury, CG, Torch, Doom (all awakened), and a r1 6* Symbiote supreme (unawakened). I love my CG and am thinking to bring him as back-up for the Collector... but wondering if it's better to carry Heimdall or even Proxima in his place to help Aegon build up quicker?!

    I'm just saving units and trying to complete 6.3 while doing so before I take my first attempt. I just am about 4k units short at the moment :D
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★

    Mauled said:

    Sorry - I thought I put it in! This was my team - CG for The Collector and thanks. Arena here we come!

    Midnite93 said:

    Brilliant job and sorry on the cosmic t5cc best to save that up for corvus or captain sparkles. With a rank 2 6 star Aegon I think you can go for exploring. Longshot is a sweet pull and congratulations on the skill AG you have finally awakened your horseman. I am curious though what was your team for your initial run?

    How was CapIW for this?
    I have fury, doom, corvus and a void to use in place of torch but been looking for my Aegon replacement, before I start saving for abyss.
    @Mr_Platypus Colossus with omega red synergy is best replacement for aegon.A very good counter for collector if you only block his SP1 and you will take no damage.Colossus will tear through everything in abyss quickly and smooth only if you can bring omega red with him.You can use this alternate team.
    2)Omega red
    4)4* or 5* doctor voodoo or Ghost Rider synergy.
    5)Corvus if you are not sure about collector but I still think colossus will tear collector apart.But backup option is always necessary.
    Basically you will only be using Colossus and Claire.
    Ok I’ll look into that too as I’ve got a 5* colossus, omega, Claire, GR and 6* Corvus.
    Is there anything on YouTube at all showing this team do you know?
    And what’s the Claire+GR synergy used for exactly?
    I’m assuming Claire is just a replacement for doom with the benefit of being incinerate immune to counter mephisto.
    @Mr_Platypus If you are just looking for Aegon replace then use this:
    2)Omega Red
    4)Claire(Trust me Claire does better than void against mephisto)
    5)Corvus for collector
    The only fight I am worried about is Mordo.For that IMIW Corvus with 200% power gain boost and special Attack increase boost Corvus will destroy that IMIW.If you are planning to bring void just for mephisto then I prefer not to bring void.

    So in the end there is only one fight you should worry about that is Mordo.Omega red can take care of Mordo if you know the trick.Cause my alliance member did the entire first path with using omega red and Doom only.Doom is beast.I said Claire because of mephisto.But personally for path 1 Symbiote supreme is way better than Claire and Doom only for first path.So final conclusion is:
    1)Colossus and omega red instead of Aegon.
    2)Claire for mephisto
    3)Doom for all cosmics(for path 1 I still prefer supreme)
    4)Corvus for IMIW and Collector backup option.
    Yeah I saw a post on reddit about Corvus destroying that imiw so wasn’t too worried about that. Sadly I don’t have a sym supreme so it’d have to be doom and/or bwcv for me. I’ve just always been stuck on my Aegon alternative.
    Void would be viable for mordo as his fatigue debuff disables his autoevade, if that’s the issue, don’t remember exactly what that mordo has though.
  • King_Leo321King_Leo321 Member Posts: 1,211 ★★★
    edited June 2020

    Mauled said:

    Sorry - I thought I put it in! This was my team - CG for The Collector and thanks. Arena here we come!

    Midnite93 said:

    Brilliant job and sorry on the cosmic t5cc best to save that up for corvus or captain sparkles. With a rank 2 6 star Aegon I think you can go for exploring. Longshot is a sweet pull and congratulations on the skill AG you have finally awakened your horseman. I am curious though what was your team for your initial run?

    How was CapIW for this?
    I have fury, doom, corvus and a void to use in place of torch but been looking for my Aegon replacement, before I start saving for abyss.
    @Mr_Platypus Colossus with omega red synergy is best replacement for aegon.A very good counter for collector if you only block his SP1 and you will take no damage.Colossus will tear through everything in abyss quickly and smooth only if you can bring omega red with him.You can use this alternate team.
    2)Omega red
    4)4* or 5* doctor voodoo or Ghost Rider synergy.
    5)Corvus if you are not sure about collector but I still think colossus will tear collector apart.But backup option is always necessary.
    Basically you will only be using Colossus and Claire.
    Ok I’ll look into that too as I’ve got a 5* colossus, omega, Claire, GR and 6* Corvus.
    Is there anything on YouTube at all showing this team do you know?
    And what’s the Claire+GR synergy used for exactly?
    I’m assuming Claire is just a replacement for doom with the benefit of being incinerate immune to counter mephisto.
    @Mr_Platypus If you are just looking for Aegon replace then use this:
    2)Omega Red
    4)Claire(Trust me Claire does better than void against mephisto)
    5)Corvus for collector
    The only fight I am worried about is Mordo.For that IMIW Corvus with 200% power gain boost and special Attack increase boost Corvus will destroy that IMIW.If you are planning to bring void just for mephisto then I prefer not to bring void.

    So in the end there is only one fight you should worry about that is Mordo.Omega red can take care of Mordo if you know the trick.Cause my alliance member did the entire first path with using omega red and Doom only.Doom is beast.I said Claire because of mephisto.But personally for path 1 Symbiote supreme is way better than Claire and Doom only for first path.So final conclusion is:
    1)Colossus and omega red instead of Aegon.
    2)Claire for mephisto
    3)Doom for all cosmics(for path 1 I still prefer supreme)
    4)Corvus for IMIW and Collector backup option.
    Yeah I saw a post on reddit about Corvus destroying that imiw so wasn’t too worried about that. Sadly I don’t have a sym supreme so it’d have to be doom and/or bwcv for me. I’ve just always been stuck on my Aegon alternative.
    Void would be viable for mordo as his fatigue debuff disables his autoevade, if that’s the issue, don’t remember exactly what that mordo has though.
    @Mr_Platypus if you are confident with void destroying that Mordo and and mephisto then:
    2)Omega red
    Easy abyss.If you play aggressive you can do it under 1500 units maybe under 1000 units cause Colossus has acyto do insane amount of damage.For invisible woman must activate resonate mastery.And beware from 1st thing fight casue he has protection on always.
  • Katzastrophe_Od1nKatzastrophe_Od1n Member Posts: 223 ★★
    really 5500 units isnt enough for exploring 6.3 and 6.4? how much should i plan in with a really good roster?
  • allinashesallinashes Member Posts: 866 ★★★
    Nice alternate teams here. So from what I'm seeing the below team could work, if no HT or NF. Who would I drop in the 5th spot? Better to drop Corvus and bring OR and Colossus as 4 and 5?

  • King_Leo321King_Leo321 Member Posts: 1,211 ★★★

    Nice alternate teams here. So from what I'm seeing the below team could work, if no HT or NF. Who would I drop in the 5th spot? Better to drop Corvus and bring OR and Colossus as 4 and 5?


    @allinashes colossus and omega is just a replacement for aegon.Your team is perfect all you need is Mordo counter.
  • Shewan01Shewan01 Member Posts: 12

    I try to use this thread to ask a Abyss related Question for the case that there is no horseman (except Human torch).

    Would my Team Work?

    1.) Collossus
    2.) Omega Red
    3.) Symbiote Suprem (as Mystik Champion to nulify)
    4.) Human Toch
    5.) Corvus Glaive

    I know that a lot of People suggest Human torch for Mephisto but Collossus is also incinerate immun.

    Is Human Torch in this Team Set Up a huge support or could I cut him out and place instead of human torch my Heimdall to save some revives?

    Or do you think that Human torch is a great help for further fights than Mephisto (for example invisible Woman or mordo)?

    Please pardon me if a few of my Questions are answerd in the post below but I had read them all and I'm still unsure If my above mentioned Team is good for the easy path.

    Many thanks for your help!
  • King_Leo321King_Leo321 Member Posts: 1,211 ★★★
    Shewan01 said:


    I try to use this thread to ask a Abyss related Question for the case that there is no horseman (except Human torch).

    Would my Team Work?

    1.) Collossus
    2.) Omega Red
    3.) Symbiote Suprem (as Mystik Champion to nulify)
    4.) Human Toch
    5.) Corvus Glaive

    I know that a lot of People suggest Human torch for Mephisto but Collossus is also incinerate immun.

    Is Human Torch in this Team Set Up a huge support or could I cut him out and place instead of human torch my Heimdall to save some revives?

    Or do you think that Human torch is a great help for further fights than Mephisto (for example invisible Woman or mordo)?

    Please pardon me if a few of my Questions are answerd in the post below but I had read them all and I'm still unsure If my above mentioned Team is good for the easy path.

    Many thanks for your help!

    @Shewan01 First if all Colossus will not be good for mephisto cause mephisto mystic node will apply permanent stagger on you that means you will gain no armor up buff means no damage.

    2nd point is Human Torch is atreat for that mephisto,Loki,Iron Man IW(Easy solo),and Mordo.

    3rd point there will be only one fight difficult for you that is THING.Colossus has too much damage that means THING will continuously be activating his protection shield but you can there is a trick You can either use Omega red for thing or Colossus.Wirh Colossus don't let your armor up increase from above 15.Omega red will be best for Thing I have a o ega red guide post you can watch it.

    Long story short your only problem is thing unless you are an omega red God.Rest of the fights Colossus will Tera apart.
  • Disbanded_pensDisbanded_pens Member Posts: 182
    I'm still aegon light. Wondered if this is a good enough team to go with for the first run through?

    Dr Doom / Symbiote Supreme

  • MauledMauled Member, Guardian Posts: 3,957 Guardian
    Colossus’ DPS with OR is pretty crazy so I don’t see a huge problem with the path itself. The collector will be awful though, there’s just no real getting around that. I did my second path with Aegon and the Collector was so much easier
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