Seeing Red node bugged for Omega Red

As far as I can tell, my R5 Omega Red is not converting bleeds to passive prowess as the node describes. Discovered this in cavalier difficulty of the new event quest
Here is a video of OR Pruifying the bleeds at 0 spores:
Death Factor
While near the opponent, Omega Red inflicts 1 Death Spore every .5 second(s) up to a maximum of 10. Once the opponent is out of range they lose 1 Death Spore every .15 second(s). Death Spores are not affected by Ability Accuracy reduction.
Each Death Spore lowers the opponent’s Armor Rating by 105 and reduces their chance to Purify debuffs by 10%.
Death Spores struggle to effect mechanical components and are inflicted 4 times slower against Robots. A node is an modified defender ability, since it is an defender ability doing the purification it can be shut down by AAR
If you were to use Medusa and armor shatter a robot, you’ll stop gaining the aptitude buffs as well.
So I’d say it’s working as intended.
It doesn’t work, I reported it, they can do what they want with it. You can test it all you want for them, I have better things to do with my time.