Back Issues #7: Arachnid Action

Kabam GoggyKabam Goggy Moderator Posts: 10
edited April 2021 in General Discussion
Once upon a time, a newcomer learned about the ins and outs of The Contest, while being tested himself...

Introducing Back Issues #7: Arachnid Action! Available April 14 at 10 am PT!

Another Back Issue of a classic quest is upon us, reliving the 2016 Quest that introduced Miles Morales to the Contest!

Green to the Contest, the new Spider-Man is given guidance by the old Spider-Man and the Summoner. As they travel the Battlerealm and train with other heroes and villains of the Spider-verse, what challenges will the Collector levy at them to keep them on their toes?

Classic Difficulty is a recreation of the original quest. While not completely 1:1, the layouts, difficulty, and dialogue are all the same as you remember. Take a stroll down memory lane and see how far you've come, or experience a quest you never got the chance to play!

Variant Difficulty is a new spin on the quest, available for Summoners level 45 and up. This version features extreme challenges, new opponents, and some map layout updates. In this Difficulty, those with the noble desire to help others will be able to press on at full strength, and bring the best out of each other!

The Variant Challenge

The heroic legacy of Spider-Man raises the spirits of all #Hero Champions but limits the potential of all others. This means that non-#Heroes can be brought into the quests, but will have very little practical usage as fighters.

Each Chapter will have class-based Champion Requirements, with Paths designed to both challenge and benefit the Champions required to enter.

Chapter 1: Mystic and Mutant
Chapter 2: Skill and Tech
Chapter 3: Cosmic and Science

Global Buffs

In addition to Buffs for each Quest designed to challenge and benefit the corresponding classes, the following 2 Buffs will be active in all fights throughout the Quest:

Pursuit of Justice: Reduces damage done (even DOT effects) by non-#Hero Champions by 95%. Non-#Heroes can join in on the quest for synergies or support, but won’t be of much use on their own.

Teamwork: Increases the Ability Accuracy of the player's entire active team by 10% for each #Hero present on it. Stand strong together!


Classic Difficulty

For Total Completion and Mastery of Classic Difficulty, you will receive:
Tier 3 Basic ISO x5
Tier 4 Basic ISO x7
Tier 2 Skill ISO x5
Tier 2 Science ISO x5
Tier 2 Tech ISO x5
Tier 2 Cosmic ISO x5
Tier 2 Mystic ISO x5
Tier 2 Mutant ISO x5
Tier 2 Basic Catalyst x3
Tier 1 Alpha Catalyst x1
Tier 4 Basic Catalyst Fragments x2700
Gold x9575
Units x150
Premium Hero Crystal Shards x5000
3-Star Hero Crystal Shards x2000

Variant Difficulty

For Total Completion and Mastery of Variant Difficulty, you will receive:
5-Star Rank 2 → 3 Gem x3
5-Star Rank 3 → 4 Gem (≤ 2017 Champions) x3
5-Star Rank 4 → 5 Gem Crystal x1
5-Star Awakening Gem Crystal x1
5-Star Crystal Shards x25 000
Tier 5 Basic Catalysts x3
Tier 5 Class Catalyst Fragment Crystal (25%) x1
6-Star Crystal Shards x5000
5-Star Signature Stone Crystal x48
Gold x4,000,000
Units x360
Post edited by Kabam Boo on


  • SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Member Posts: 21,964 ★★★★★
    edited April 2021
    messed up your orange font lol

    Why skill and tech first tho my worst class
    Let’s go!!!
  • gash228gash228 Member Posts: 114

    Once upon a time, a newcomer learned about the ins and outs of The Contest, while being tested himself...

    Introducing Back Issues #7: Arachnid Action! Available April 14 at 10 am PT!

    Another Back Issue of a classic quest is upon us, reliving the 2016 Quest that introduced Miles Morales to the Contest!

    Green to the Contest, the new Spider-Man is given guidance by the old Spider-Man and the Summoner. As they travel the Battlerealm and train with other heroes and villains of the Spider-verse, what challenges will the Collector levy at them to keep them on their toes?

    Classic Difficulty is a recreation of the original quest. While not completely 1:1, the layouts, difficulty, and dialogue are all the same as you remember. Take a stroll down memory lane and see how far you've come, or experience a quest you never got the chance to play!

    Variant Difficulty is a new spin on the quest, available for Summoners level 45 and up. This version features extreme challenges, new opponents, and some map layout updates. In this Difficulty, those with the noble desire to help others will be able to press on at full strength, and bring the best out of each other!

    The Variant Challenge

    The heroic legacy of Spider-Man raises the spirits of all #Hero Champions but limits the potential of all others. This means that non-#Heroes can be brought into the quests, but will have very little practical usage as fighters.

    Each Chapter will have class-based Champion Requirements, with Paths designed to both challenge and benefit the Champions required to enter.

    Chapter 1: Skill and Tech
    Chapter 2: Mystic and Mutant
    Chapter 3: Cosmic and Science

    Global Buffs

    In addition to Buffs for each Quest designed to challenge and benefit the corresponding classes, the following 2 Buffs will be active in all fights throughout the Quest:

    Pursuit of Justice: Reduces damage done (even DOT effects) by non-#Hero Champions by 95%. Non-#Heroes can join in on the quest for synergies or support, but won’t be of much use on their own.

    Teamwork: Increases the Ability Accuracy of the player's entire active team by 10% for each #Hero present on it. Stand strong together!


    Classic Difficulty

    For Total Completion and Mastery of Classic Difficulty, you will receive:
    Tier 3 Basic ISO x5
    Tier 4 Basic ISO x7
    Tier 2 Skill ISO x5
    Tier 2 Science ISO x5
    Tier 2 Tech ISO x5
    Tier 2 Cosmic ISO x5
    Tier 2 Mystic ISO x5
    Tier 2 Mutant ISO x5
    Tier 2 Basic Catalyst x3
    Tier 1 Alpha Catalyst x1
    Tier 4 Basic Catalyst Fragments x2700
    Gold x9575
    Units x150
    Premium Hero Crystal Shards x5000
    3-Star Hero Crystal Shards x2000

    Variant Difficulty

    For Total Completion and Mastery of Variant Difficulty, you will receive:
    5-Star Rank 2 → 3 Gem x3
    5-Star Rank 3 → 4 Gem (>2017 Champions) x3
    5-Star Rank 4 → 5 Gem Crystal x1
    5-Star Awakening Gem Crystal x1
    5-Star Crystal Shards x25 000
    Tier 5 Basic Catalysts x3
    Tier 5 Class Catalyst Fragment Crystal (25%) x1
    6-Star Crystal Shards x5000
    5-Star Signature Stone Crystal x48
    Gold x4,000,000
    Units x360
    Is the quest-specific-buffs description gonna be released later or am I missing something in this post?
  • SquirrelguySquirrelguy Member Posts: 2,654 ★★★★★
    Looking forward to seeing the inventive uses of +50% AA. Also, as always, love me some variant rewards.
  • VoltolosVoltolos Member Posts: 1,120 ★★★
    gash228 said:

    Is the quest-specific-buffs description gonna be released later or am I missing something in this post?

    You'll probably have to read the nodes in the quest when its released
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    Are the rewards using the same completion/exploration structure as in V6?

  • Soulreaver42Soulreaver42 Member Posts: 46
    TED355 said:

    When exactly is Variant 7 releasing? Do we have a fixed Wednesday?

    April 14. Next Wednesday.
  • AceOfDiamondAceOfDiamond Member Posts: 197 ★★
    CGR is a #hero champ and that is all I ever wanted in a variant. Finally a variant my non-XL hero champs rank ups can do.
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