Summoner Showdown Rewards



  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    I’m pretty sure it was highly requested to remove rewards from it to keep it purely about the challenge.

    Plus past it was the showup part that rewarded us. It’s just the showdown this time around.
  • AzmingAzming Member Posts: 37
    Whats the point of this side event?
  • Sammed_khotSammed_khot Member Posts: 29
    No rewards guys...we r just playing for profile pic...😑😬
  • Santa_PsycheSanta_Psyche Member Posts: 150
    A doubt.I can skip kg and fight sw the next week, right?
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,331 ★★★★★

    JessieS said:

    So there are no rewards ?

    There are rewards. Exclusive profile pictures
    Wondering if some titles will be introduced based on number of profile pics accumulated.
  • YoMovesYoMoves Member Posts: 1,286 ★★★★

    Ebony_Naw said:

    It was always ment as a fun fight with competitive value. They just threw in some small rewards last year for good sports and got so much backlash for it beeing too little so yeah had i been in charge i would take it away aswell

    Unpopular but true. People complained the fight was too hard and rewards not enough. I’m happy with the profile pictures. Now, you either do it truly for enjoyment or you don’t. The way it was originally meant to be
    Yupp. Im enjoying it. 3* Morningstar slapped the bronze and colossus slapped the silver. Now we go for gold
    Not bad. For me, BWDO slapped the bronze, and a synergized out the wazoo Venompool slapped the silver. Gold will be a touch more interesting.
  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    I think my question is getting sidetracked lol And I'm not defending Guytennis but his comment seems to be misunderstood as well.

    The point wasn't any of DNA's arguments (which personally I think are usually very good). I was just curious at his use of the pronoun "we" in a couple of sentences. Indicating that he's on the inside Kbm camp. It's not a "we" as in speaking as someone from the community. A bit odd that's all.

    I’ll let DNA answer for himself, but I personally read it as “We, the community” not we as in Kabam.

    Your question was a genuine one, no issues with your comment whatsoever.

    Guytennis was rude in accusing DNA of being part of the Kabam team. Not that it’s a bad thing to be on their team, but to accuse a member of the forum of it is to devalue their opinion. If someone is a shill, (which Kabam don’t do, they have no need to), then their opinion holds no weight.
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  • Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Member Posts: 3,580 ★★★★★
    @Kabam I didn't expect this from you. Profile pic as prize? Not even some five star shards like last year. Are you serious? You are making yearly events worse now foe example, summoner appreciation calendar(pay to win) summoner showdown(only PP), spring cleaning event(pay to win) and gifting event(don't know what will happen). This is a sticky situation and we need some update to rewards for all difficulties
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  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    @Kabam I didn't expect this from you. Profile pic as prize? Not even some five star shards like last year. Are you serious? You are making yearly events worse now foe example, summoner appreciation calendar(pay to win) summoner showdown(only PP), spring cleaning event(pay to win) and gifting event(don't know what will happen). This is a sticky situation and we need some update to rewards for all difficulties

    Events don’t need rewards to be good. Saying that pushes a narrative that you don’t care about the actual gameplay of the game and all you want is to get rewards and open crystals only to use those champions to open more crystals and get more rewards.

    Regarding yearly events being made worse. Summoner appreciation calendar was being exploited by people making new accounts and getting thousands of free units. That needed to change. Kabam made it over complicated this year, but it’s good that it wasn’t a calendar. Hopefully next year they swing in back to a middle ground and get it right, it’s better, but still has flaws.

    Summoner showdown is an event purely about the competition. This way, you are only encouraged to fight if you actually want to compete, or if you want to enjoy the game and try challenging fights. (What an odd concept, enjoying the game?)

    Spring cleaning event has, and always will be, an event for the spenders. I’m not sure why you’ve brought this up when it was the same as last year.

    Gifting event hasn’t happened yet and you even admit you don’t know what will happen. So using it as an example of Kabam making yearly events worse is ludicrous in my opinion.

  • TrashyPandaTrashyPanda Member Posts: 1,574 ★★★★★
    edited August 2021

    It was always ment as a fun fight with competitive value. They just threw in some small rewards last year for good sports and got so much backlash for it beeing too little so yeah had i been in charge i would take it away aswell

    You got a lotta Dis for that, lol, but I genuinely agree.

    There's zero pressure for completing this event. Not completing it doesn't lose you anything of value. If you don't see value in doing it, then don't do it. It's just a pfp. Big woo.

    I like it, myself. I'll do these fights for fun, and to sharpen my skills... or at least to get the feeling of the new timings. Playing Hulkbutter has been rougher for a while now.

    I'd love to have more 'practice' content like this available, it's great.
  • TitoBandito187TitoBandito187 Member Posts: 2,072 ★★★★
    There are prizes for the tournament. Gotta compete for a chance. Gotta win the bracket for the prizes. It's a mix of in game and real world prizes too.

  • ReferenceReference Member Posts: 2,918 ★★★★★

    I think my question is getting sidetracked lol And I'm not defending Guytennis but his comment seems to be misunderstood as well.

    The point wasn't any of DNA's arguments (which personally I think are usually very good). I was just curious at his use of the pronoun "we" in a couple of sentences. Indicating that he's on the inside Kbm camp. It's not a "we" as in speaking as someone from the community. A bit odd that's all.

    I suggest you not to drill into that too much, otherwise you’ll get into a situation that like some scientists believe the virus is lab leaked but then group of defenders jump out and said your accusation lack of proof. It’s internet and you don’t know where the people in this forum are coming from. If you aware it is difficult for Kabam to identify who is merc or using bots, it is also difficult for you to identify which participants here are actually alternative accounts of insider. Given this situation, don’t get yourself into “burden of proof” dilemma. You can’t succeed and it’s just wasting your time.
  • TesladonTesladon Member Posts: 351 ★★
    If you don’t find value in the PP, you don’t have to play.
  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,804 ★★★★★
    edited August 2021

    @Kabam I didn't expect this from you. Profile pic as prize? Not even some five star shards like last year. Are you serious? You are making yearly events worse now foe example, summoner appreciation calendar(pay to win) summoner showdown(only PP), spring cleaning event(pay to win) and gifting event(don't know what will happen). This is a sticky situation and we need some update to rewards for all difficulties

    No we don't need to update rewards. You don't even need to play this if you don't want to. This is a qualifier for their global competition. These fights are there for enjoyement only.
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,334 ★★★★★
    I would have liked 50k gold.
    So I could save up all those difficulties and get them on boosted gold week. 😬😬
  • Deder80Deder80 Member Posts: 740 ★★★
    So things are a little different this year, but here’s a glimpse at some of the rewards to those who make to the semi finals. Hope that helps you curiosity.

  • AdevatiAdevati Member Posts: 440 ★★★
    Azming said:

    Whats the point of this side event?

    This is getting downvoted but it is actually a very important question. One that many here are just glossing over.

    What IS the point? To find the best player(s)? To promote the game? To celebrate the best player(s)? To generate excitement and renew interest for the player base? Maybe all of the above?

    Those all have different goals and ways to achieve those goals. To me, I thought this event was designed to celebrate the best players while renewing or heightening excitement within the player base.

    If covid wasn’t around, this would be an on stage event with audience.

    To make this event achieve those goals, you need an audience. You do not gain an audience by adding no incentives for players to get involved outside of personal satisfaction and a profile pic. No one can deny that less people will do these fights this year as compared to last year. When people don’t bother, they don’t have a frame of reference (or even a desire) to look at the leaderboards. There is very little, “Wow, that fight took me X minutes and Y hits and these players are doing it in Z and N!” because less players will be participating.

    Thus, less people will be following the winners and therefore less will be interested in seeing how it all plays out in the semi/final.

    Last year players took on the easy version with a team of 5 because they got rewards. And since everyone likes to see how they stack up, they then looked at how these top players were doing a harder boss with 1 champ. This added interest. This added appreciation. This added a following to these top players.

    This year does not have that.

    It’s this same concept which I think made the finals boring to watch. The fights were just bosses loaded with nodes. We then see these bosses crush the top players. How is that exciting? How do we watch that and really gain an appreciation for their skill? The fights needed to be something most players can (or will) be familiar with just with added difficulty. Like a quest with all showdown bosses, beefed up a little, but they only bring 1 champ for all fights. That adds the aforementioned frame of reference for the audience.

    TL;DR - No rewards = less players involved = less interest = weaker event
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