Is IDoom The 1st Ever To Hit Basic B4 Featured?

According to, IDoom is estimated to hit Basic crystals January 31st, which makes it 1wk before his Featured. If this is correct, does that make him the 1st champ ever to be released in a basic pool before his featured?
While this sounds like a technical nit-pick with no difference, the difference is if the Tech Abyss crystal needed to be updated to include the new champs, then it is possible it could not update, like by human error. But that's impossible. Every crystal that points to basic pools always drops basic pool champs, whatever the basic pool is. Either they all do, or none do, because either the basic pool is updated or it is not. There's no way to accidentally cause the Nexus class crystals to not drop the updated champions, except by forgetting to update the basic pools for all crystals.