Act 8 - Chapter 2: Blinding Light - Capture Nodes and Rewards Revealed!

Welcome to Act 8 Chapter 2 of Marvel Contest of Champions!
It's been a little while since the release of Act 8 Chapter 1 - CASTING SHADOWS, and we were overjoyed to see so many Summoners enjoying the start of Act 8. Continuing the saga, Chapter 2 has more of what folks liked about Chapter 1 - new Quest Nodes, custom Bosses, and exciting rewards! Our latest chapter builds on the Weapon Node system players made use of in Chapter 1, with a bold new mechanic that puts the power of opponents in the hands of the player. So without further ado, here's the low-down on the skinny behind Act 8 Chapter 2 - BLINDING LIGHT.
1 Act composed of 4 Chapters
Each Chapter consists of 6 Quests
Each Quest is composed of…
The freshly swapped in Champion will enter the Quest at full health and ready to rumble. Summoners will find these Choice Nodes after the final Path Fight, but just before the Final Bosses, giving players a chance to swap in a Champion better suited for the challenges those Bosses present.
Adrenaline Rush- The Attacker gains up to 100% Damage Reduction at all times, scaling with their current Adrenaline. Adrenaline is gained after being Struck.
Hold the Line - The Attacker gains up to +80% Block Proficiency at all times, scaling with their current Adrenaline. Adrenaline is gained after being Struck.
Pulling Rank - 6-Stars - 6-Star Attackers gain a permanent Attack Bonus based on their Rank ranging from +100 to +2000.
Like the opening of Act 8, Chapter 2 will feature WEAPON NODES!
WEAPON NODES are special Buff Nodes that give the Defender a unique and dangerous beneficial ability, which itself is nothing new. What sets Weapon Nodes apart from regular old Buff Nodes is the addition of DISARM and UNARMED NODES.
DISARM NODES allow attackers to disable Weapon Nodes on Defenders by performing certain actions, such as Well Timed Blocks, Wall Knock-Downs, or Intercepting. Once "disarmed", the Weapon Node will go on cooldown for a short period of time before reactivating. When a Weapon Node is disarmed, any effects gained or inflicted by it will be removed from both the Attacker and the Defender. When the cooldown ends, the Weapon Node reactivates on the Defender, leaving the Attacker unable to disarm them again for several seconds.
UNARMED NODES allow Attackers to deal a huge amount of extra damage while the Defender is disarmed and the Weapon Node is on cooldown. Unarmed Nodes are looking for specific effects or attacks to increase the Attacker's damage, such as throwing Special 1 Attacks, inflicting Damaging Debuffs, or striking the Defender's Block.
Opponent's wielding Weapon Nodes are a little heartier than other Champions on the Quest Map, so we'd recommend playing into the awesome damage bonuses of Disarm and Unarmed Nodes for the best results.
For Chapter 2, we've rolled out a brand new mechanic for interacting with Weapon Nodes. We'd like to introduce our Summoners to CAPTURE NODES!
These new additions to the standard Weapon Node setup will allow skillful Summoners to temporarily steal the effects of a Weapon Node for themselves. By performing a specific action while the Defender is Unarmed, the Attacker can gain the benefits of the Weapon Node temporarily, using its abilities to inflict terrible Debuffs or gain powerful Buffs! But be warned, similar to Disarming Defenders, when the Capture timer expires all Weapon Nodes effects will be removed and the cycle will start fresh. What mayhem will you unleash when you Capture your opponent's Weapon?
Lastly, there are of course a parade of new nodes mixed in with existing favorites, but we'll leave you to find them in-game.
20 000x 6-Star Hero Crystal Shard
1 000x 7-Star Hero Crystal Shard
25x 6-Star Signature Stone Crystal
1x Tier 5 Class Catalyst Crystal
1x 6-Star Rank Up Gem 2 to 3
1x T3 Alpha Catalyst
1x T6 Basic Catalyst
4x 25% T6 Class Catalyst Crystal
1 500 000x Gold
Chapter 2 Exploration Rewards
2x Nexus 6-Star Hero Crystal
3 000x 7-Star Hero Crystal Shard
50x 6-Star Signature Stone
1x 6-Star Awakening Gem
2x Tier 5 Class Catalyst Crystal
1x 6-Star Rank Up Gem 3 to 4
3x T3 Alpha Catalyst
3x T6 Basic Catalyst
4x 25% T6 Class Catalyst Selector
3 000 000x Gold
Quest Completion and Exploration Rewards
20x Tier 5 Class Iso (different for each Quest)
15x Tier 6 Class Iso (different for each Quest)
Path Rewards
These rewards can only be picked up on paths inside a given Quest once.
2x Gold Pickups (200 000 Gold each)
2x Tier 5 Class Catalyst Crystals (25% each)
2x 6-Star Shard Pickups (3000 shards each)
2x Tier 3 Alpha Catalyst Fragment Pickups (11 250 Fragments each)
1x Tier 6 Basic Catalyst Fragments Pickup (28 500 each)
1x Tier 6 Class Catalyst Fragment Crystal (5%)
2x Unit Pickups (45 units each)
As always, thank you all for your patience, your passion, and your participation.
Good luck Summoners!
It's been a little while since the release of Act 8 Chapter 1 - CASTING SHADOWS, and we were overjoyed to see so many Summoners enjoying the start of Act 8. Continuing the saga, Chapter 2 has more of what folks liked about Chapter 1 - new Quest Nodes, custom Bosses, and exciting rewards! Our latest chapter builds on the Weapon Node system players made use of in Chapter 1, with a bold new mechanic that puts the power of opponents in the hands of the player. So without further ado, here's the low-down on the skinny behind Act 8 Chapter 2 - BLINDING LIGHT.
Book 2 content follows a specific structure…1 Act composed of 4 Chapters
Each Chapter consists of 6 Quests
Each Quest is composed of…
- 6 Paths with 6 Encounter per Path
- 3 Final Bosses (Not Path Dependent)
- 1-3 Choice Nodes (found just before fighting the Final Bosses)
The freshly swapped in Champion will enter the Quest at full health and ready to rumble. Summoners will find these Choice Nodes after the final Path Fight, but just before the Final Bosses, giving players a chance to swap in a Champion better suited for the challenges those Bosses present.
Each quest consists of 6 paths, with an average of 23 nodes per path. Each path also contains 6 fights, plus the Final Boss fight.TOTAL COST OF COMPLETION: 414 Energy
Before we start talking about the new Nodes in Chapter 2, it’s important to mention the Global Nodes in every Quest intended to empower Champions.Adrenaline Rush- The Attacker gains up to 100% Damage Reduction at all times, scaling with their current Adrenaline. Adrenaline is gained after being Struck.
Hold the Line - The Attacker gains up to +80% Block Proficiency at all times, scaling with their current Adrenaline. Adrenaline is gained after being Struck.
Pulling Rank - 6-Stars - 6-Star Attackers gain a permanent Attack Bonus based on their Rank ranging from +100 to +2000.
Story Quest content likes to bring interesting new challenges to our Summoners, and Act 8 will be no exception! Using what we've learned from nodes in Act 7, we've come up with another set of effects and mechanics that aim to offer the engaging gameplay we strive for, without overloading or alienating our Summoners.Like the opening of Act 8, Chapter 2 will feature WEAPON NODES!
WEAPON NODES are special Buff Nodes that give the Defender a unique and dangerous beneficial ability, which itself is nothing new. What sets Weapon Nodes apart from regular old Buff Nodes is the addition of DISARM and UNARMED NODES.
DISARM NODES allow attackers to disable Weapon Nodes on Defenders by performing certain actions, such as Well Timed Blocks, Wall Knock-Downs, or Intercepting. Once "disarmed", the Weapon Node will go on cooldown for a short period of time before reactivating. When a Weapon Node is disarmed, any effects gained or inflicted by it will be removed from both the Attacker and the Defender. When the cooldown ends, the Weapon Node reactivates on the Defender, leaving the Attacker unable to disarm them again for several seconds.
UNARMED NODES allow Attackers to deal a huge amount of extra damage while the Defender is disarmed and the Weapon Node is on cooldown. Unarmed Nodes are looking for specific effects or attacks to increase the Attacker's damage, such as throwing Special 1 Attacks, inflicting Damaging Debuffs, or striking the Defender's Block.
Opponent's wielding Weapon Nodes are a little heartier than other Champions on the Quest Map, so we'd recommend playing into the awesome damage bonuses of Disarm and Unarmed Nodes for the best results.
For Chapter 2, we've rolled out a brand new mechanic for interacting with Weapon Nodes. We'd like to introduce our Summoners to CAPTURE NODES!
These new additions to the standard Weapon Node setup will allow skillful Summoners to temporarily steal the effects of a Weapon Node for themselves. By performing a specific action while the Defender is Unarmed, the Attacker can gain the benefits of the Weapon Node temporarily, using its abilities to inflict terrible Debuffs or gain powerful Buffs! But be warned, similar to Disarming Defenders, when the Capture timer expires all Weapon Nodes effects will be removed and the cycle will start fresh. What mayhem will you unleash when you Capture your opponent's Weapon?
Lastly, there are of course a parade of new nodes mixed in with existing favorites, but we'll leave you to find them in-game.
Act 8 Chapter 2 opens with Carina interrogating Scytalis, Chapter 1's trap wielding Final Boss, in the hopes of learning more about her mysterious new foes OUROBOROS. When the infamous assassin only manages to raise more questions, Carina must once more head out into The Battlerealm to hunt for clues and uncover the true intentions of her enemies. Her search will lead The Summoner right to the doorstep of Ouroboros's Master Tactician - HULK BAHAMET! Corrupted by Ouroboros, Bruce Banner purged the mind of the Hulk and augmented his gamma infused body to become a living nuclear reactor. Will you be able to survive the fallout, or wind up in critical condition? Face this brand new MCOC villain and find out!FORTUNE FAVORS
Chapter 2 Completion Rewards20 000x 6-Star Hero Crystal Shard
1 000x 7-Star Hero Crystal Shard
25x 6-Star Signature Stone Crystal
1x Tier 5 Class Catalyst Crystal
1x 6-Star Rank Up Gem 2 to 3
1x T3 Alpha Catalyst
1x T6 Basic Catalyst
4x 25% T6 Class Catalyst Crystal
1 500 000x Gold
Chapter 2 Exploration Rewards
2x Nexus 6-Star Hero Crystal
3 000x 7-Star Hero Crystal Shard
50x 6-Star Signature Stone
1x 6-Star Awakening Gem
2x Tier 5 Class Catalyst Crystal
1x 6-Star Rank Up Gem 3 to 4
3x T3 Alpha Catalyst
3x T6 Basic Catalyst
4x 25% T6 Class Catalyst Selector
3 000 000x Gold
Quest Completion and Exploration Rewards
20x Tier 5 Class Iso (different for each Quest)
15x Tier 6 Class Iso (different for each Quest)
Path Rewards
These rewards can only be picked up on paths inside a given Quest once.
2x Gold Pickups (200 000 Gold each)
2x Tier 5 Class Catalyst Crystals (25% each)
2x 6-Star Shard Pickups (3000 shards each)
2x Tier 3 Alpha Catalyst Fragment Pickups (11 250 Fragments each)
1x Tier 6 Basic Catalyst Fragments Pickup (28 500 each)
1x Tier 6 Class Catalyst Fragment Crystal (5%)
2x Unit Pickups (45 units each)
You can expect Act 8 Chapter 2 to go live on Wednesday, April 19th at 10:00AM UST.FINAL WORDS
We’d like to take a moment to thank everyone who came out for our Act 8 Chapter 2 Beta. Community feedback and support helps us stay the course on keeping Story Quests an exciting, engaging, and exemplary experience for all of our players. Book 2 Act 2 is well under way, and we’re looking forward to hearing from everyone on how you find the start of this exciting new Act of Story Quest content.As always, thank you all for your patience, your passion, and your participation.
Good luck Summoners!
Post edited by Kabam Jax on
This makes it sound like 7* won't be allowed to enter Act 8
More likely it is probably just an oversight on Kabams part
Anyway I guess this is like those movie teasers - you get 4 or 5 of them saying the same thing (not much), and have to wait for the real trailer (Friday) and then the actual movie (the 19th).
I just hope unlike most trailers they haven't shown/told us the best bits already!
Also, can we get a confirmation that the global boost for 6-stars is identical to the one in 8.1? It’s deliberately vague because I understand that you don’t want to spell out five different buff amounts, but that would be nice.
If a 7-star rank 1 25/25 champ is on par with a 6r4, then a 6r3 with the global buff will perform about the same. That makes me a bit less excited for 7-stars but oh well.
This not true guys @Kabam Miike confirmed