Tech and Mutant are currently the weakest Classes (This is a fact)

It'd be nice to give them a focus. Oblivion is probably coming, so that's good for Mutant. The Rework Program should return - hopefully - is my main point.
Tech would even benefit greatly from Kang rework and adding High Evolutionary or The Maker.
What do you think?
Tech would even benefit greatly from Kang rework and adding High Evolutionary or The Maker.
What do you think?
But I think I can be non controversial and say that Cosmic is without a doubt the most stacked class and can go a bit without any new additions
Man the science class is stacked as hell
I truly would like to see the mutants shine but that's only because the X-Men are my all time favorite. To have only gotten one mutant champ in the past 450+ days has been sad. But I know their luck will turn around eventually.
And I really hope Marrow does show up in the game some time, even if she was the first eliminated champ this year.
Easy reasoning for placement.
1) Comic, power houses with versatility
2) Science, great utility and uniqueness
3) Mystic, great attackers/defenders in general. Mystic Dispersion is a big deal for them.
4) Skill, constant AAR abilities, passives, and crits offer damage/utility
5) Mutant, some actually counter their counters like Mags, Kitty, Bishop, and Colossus.
6) Tech, this class does suffer because they don't counter much in Cosmic, although there should be individual Tech champs who actually counter a specific class (because it's Tech).
I have instant obvious R5 candidates for 4 of the classes, and possible options for the Mutant class, but no one I am particularly thrilled by in the Tech class to take to R5.
I'll probably just default to R5 Nimrod, but it is just another point to show how Tech class is so boring compared to the other classes.
I have no idea what you’re talking about.
"WhAt AbOut NimRod, AA, anD eVeryONe at tHe TOp of the CLaSs?!"
Mutant offers a lot of versatility and synergy potential. Apoc, Prof X, Wags, Archangel and Colossus give you counters to evade and miss, the ability to inflict debuffs, do big damage, deal with purify/conflictor, and have a range of immunities or resistances.
My gauntlet team was Apoc, AA, Wags, Herc and Heimdall and it was a breeze. The mutants did most of the work. In longer content, Apoc’s ability to stop evade, cheese charges off mutant defenders, and become immune to bleed/incinerate/disorient is something else.