Let's keep it real guys



  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,202 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    One thing also to be noted is what will be done with that extra quest energy now.Like we should be able to dump that energy somewhere meaningfully.

    ahmynuts said:

    Miike mentioned in another thread that he would pass along the idea of lowering the % chance that energy refills drop from the 4hr crystals to the team. I'm hoping something comes of that

    Sometimes I feel like I'm standing at the edge of a cliff, trying to stop lemmings from racing over the edge by blowing real hard in the opposite direction.
    I'm not lying though?
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,202 ★★★★★

    ahmynuts said:

    DNA3000 said:

    One thing also to be noted is what will be done with that extra quest energy now.Like we should be able to dump that energy somewhere meaningfully.

    ahmynuts said:

    Miike mentioned in another thread that he would pass along the idea of lowering the % chance that energy refills drop from the 4hr crystals to the team. I'm hoping something comes of that

    Sometimes I feel like I'm standing at the edge of a cliff, trying to stop lemmings from racing over the edge by blowing real hard in the opposite direction.
    I'm not lying though?

    Apparently lol
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,202 ★★★★★
    ahmynuts said:

    DNA3000 said:

    One thing also to be noted is what will be done with that extra quest energy now.Like we should be able to dump that energy somewhere meaningfully.

    ahmynuts said:

    Miike mentioned in another thread that he would pass along the idea of lowering the % chance that energy refills drop from the 4hr crystals to the team. I'm hoping something comes of that

    Sometimes I feel like I'm standing at the edge of a cliff, trying to stop lemmings from racing over the edge by blowing real hard in the opposite direction.
    I'm not lying though?
    I guess it's up to interpretation really with what was said if he meant both the crystals and the chests or just the chests and they wouldn't look at the crystals.

    I rescind my sarcasm due to this being open to interpretation
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,202 ★★★★★

    ahmynuts said:

    ahmynuts said:

    DNA3000 said:

    One thing also to be noted is what will be done with that extra quest energy now.Like we should be able to dump that energy somewhere meaningfully.

    ahmynuts said:

    Miike mentioned in another thread that he would pass along the idea of lowering the % chance that energy refills drop from the 4hr crystals to the team. I'm hoping something comes of that

    Sometimes I feel like I'm standing at the edge of a cliff, trying to stop lemmings from racing over the edge by blowing real hard in the opposite direction.
    I'm not lying though?
    I guess it's up to interpretation really with what was said if he meant both the crystals and the chests or just the chests and they wouldn't look at the crystals.

    I rescind my sarcasm due to this being open to interpretation
    That was about Potions and Revives in the chests, not Energy Refills.
    Gotcha thanks for the clarification Miike
  • gohard123gohard123 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★
    Wicket329 said:

    I’ve explored Necropolis and never once felt like I was losing due to anything unfair.

    Aegon's double medium ender against shang-chi deals a burst of damage even though the combo hadnt been performed before.
  • gohard123gohard123 Member Posts: 1,017 ★★★

    When one compares abyss to necropolis it definitely seems kabam are moving forward towards the content which can still be done with right champs and skill with minimal revives. So I am not happy with this nerf but neither mad about it.

  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,118 ★★★★★
    Badah said:

    Buttehrs said:

    Buttehrs said:

    I got a proposition for F2P players with a REAL COMPROMISE.
    Revive farming comming to and end is "Bad" for them and they want at least an increase in stash size.
    What if Kabam were to sell a stash size expansion monthly?
    200 units a month lets you hold and addition 5 lvl 1 revives and 5 lvl 2 revives, and you pay it with UNITS.

    They already do that. It's called the sigil.
    No really?..
    Sigil cost money I am proposing another alternative for F2P...
    Unless you are one of those who call themselves F2P but pay for sigil...
    No. I dont pay for sigil. Only times I've ever spent have been on double plat tracks. But if people can't afford 10 dollars a month on their "entertainment" then they probably need to evaluate thier spending habits or work situation. 10 dollars a month is cheaper than what your suggesting with units. Yes people could farm the units but thats why they won't do it that way. That's essentially a free inventory upgrade when they clearly want you to pay for it.
    10 dollars a month may be cheap in the USA/Canada/or any first world country, but it might not be cheap in other parts of the globe...
    Exactly which is why I proposed a unit pay.
    Could be a light version of the sigil paid strictly with units.
  • startropicsstartropics Member Posts: 1,206 ★★★★★
    edited January 2024
    ahmynuts said:

    I don’t really care about the revive farming nerf but this seems pretty hypocritical…. The OP took advantage of revive farming and now is like , hey you all should support kabams decision?

    Also , has nothing or little to do with “monke brain” in people’s desire to dive in. I think just about everyone knows that the value of the Necro rewards will degrade over time. It’s also the newest high end content that’s been rereleased for maybe a year. Combine that with additional rewards from the road to the crypt and of course people are going to want to go for it

    Yes..... that's the point.... The point is that i am being hypocritical. Nothing i said would have made any sense without the inclusion of how the farm works and how people used it. I'm saying how i used it to get hundreds of revives for free very quickly to blast through this pinnacle of content by unga bunga Aegon smashing it with unlimited free revives rather than actually doing what is intended. I'm saying it makes sense for what I did that we can do that but we have to pay.

    We shouldn't have to ability to destroy months of effort the team put in by just revive spamming with 0 consequences
    they incentivized the destruction of their content by having offers tied to a title within weeks of its release.
  • Skydad23Skydad23 Member Posts: 556 ★★★
    Let’s keep it real farming hundreds of revives Double digit hours if not days. Farming that many revives is not free it cost you tons of time and your life playing their game which is their goal I would think? So if someone is willing to spend days of their life, farming, revives complete their Everest content it should be fine. Acting like everyone that completes necropolis just goes and farms hundreds of revives is not realistic. There’s a massive portion of this player base that is always going to use unit Man. even with farming taking away farming only insurer free to play players that are not an elite skill level will not ever finished Everest content.
  • Skydad23Skydad23 Member Posts: 556 ★★★

    I was able to farm 70 revives in a single day using autoplay while playing Baldur’s Gate. It was a broken system.

    OK and auto fighting doesn’t actually take time?? You still have to sit by your phone. Make sure you jump paths. When I have farmed, I have auto fed also, and it still takes an extreme amount of time and spending an entire day farming to not even have enough revives to do a path of necropolis.. why is everyone acting like this is what every single person did it it’s not true so you Kabam Is this so you have to to spend money? Out of everyone, I know that’s completed necropolis my friends that play the game nobody Farms. Not saying tons of people do not, but if you’re willing to spend an entire day of your life to not have enough revives to finish one path of necropolis to me, that’s not a broken system. Lol

    So this system was in place until just the other day are you saying necropolis was not a success for Kabam because of this they didn’t make money off of necropolis because of this? That’s just delusional thinking they made tons of money off of this even with farming.
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,486 ★★★★★
    Skydad23 said:

    Let’s keep it real farming hundreds of revives Double digit hours if not days. Farming that many revives is not free it cost you tons of time and your life playing their game which is their goal I would think? So if someone is willing to spend days of their life, farming, revives complete their Everest content it should be fine. Acting like everyone that completes necropolis just goes and farms hundreds of revives is not realistic. There’s a massive portion of this player base that is always going to use unit Man. even with farming taking away farming only insurer free to play players that are not an elite skill level will not ever finished Everest content.

    Weird, I didn't know your time = Kabam paychecks instead of the actual in game purchases... Lol before anyone tries to twist this no I'm not saying spending should be a requirement, not if you're going to spend a whole year doing Necropolis like most f2p players at least.
    Now, if you want to complete it the same month it comes out however yes you're going to have to pay real money and that's how it should be. They didn't spend a whole year designing this whole thing for you to just chill in Act 5 for a month and then 100% the whole thing like it was nothing, that's called being delusional and entitled.
  • LilMaddogHTLilMaddogHT Member Posts: 1,211 ★★★★
    ahmynuts said:

    Okay guys if we are being real here

    Yeah, I did 100% explore Necropolis without using a single unit, not even for masteries and boosts. I farmed like a mad man... But to also be real, if the revive farm was not there, while I may have used some units (farmed from Arena) to 100% and it would have obviously been at a much slower pace, rest assured that I personally would not spent money to complete such content.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,471 ★★★★★
    Siliyo said:

    Gamer said:

    Siliyo said:

    If we’re really keeping it real, Necropolis has been “successful” in the eyes of Kabam for different reasons:

    1) Road to the Crypt, not only do you get good rewards for single completion but you also get rewards for completing it a single time.

    2) I could be wrong, but in Abyss you needed certain champions which not many people had at the time (the original 4 Horsemen: Aegon, Human Torch, Nick Fury, Dr. Doom). For Necropolis, as long as you have Shuri, Kate, and Aegon - you’re set. Aegon has been out the longest, so it would be reasonable to say people would have him over Kate/Shuri (however, with featured crystals people may have Kate/Shuri instead of Aegon)

    3) I believe people revive farm because of what feels like BS mechanics due to poor AI. If the AI behaved more appropriately, then some fights wouldn’t seem as scary but that’s not the case.

    I don’t think people revive farm because they want rewards now, because finishing a whole path in Necropolis can take a few hours. I think people revive farm to make sure they have enough resources to finish the path as opposed to being 3/4 of the way through and having to quit, thus wasting time and resources.

    My last nerc run take me 1huers .and 30 minutes
    And some people take 2-4 hours, I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make
    Those that’s take so long is kate users I brut fouce it with ægon. And 2k for every part so far not to bad 2 parts left
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,429 Guardian
    Skydad23 said:

    OK and auto fighting doesn’t actually take time?? You still have to sit by your phone. Make sure you jump paths. When I have farmed, I have auto fed also, and it still takes an extreme amount of time and spending an entire day farming to not even have enough revives to do a path of necropolis.

    When I tested the farms long before they were even being discussed publicly, my estimate was that I could get about one revive on average every 45 seconds of my own personal time, with the phone doing the rest of the work. I did not have to sit by my phone. I did not have to pay any attention to it. I could simply let it run, and if it got to a point where it needed input from me it would, without any complaints, just sit there until I came back to it.

    Dedicated revive farming could generate revives far faster, but idle farming, where autofight is doing most of the work, could easily generate enough revives to do a Necropolis path in less than a week, with the player spending virtually no actual time working on it.
  • TherunekingTheruneking Member Posts: 267 ★★★
    ahmynuts said:

    Okay guys if we are being real here, i farmed hundreds of revives for FREE and was able to complete their new Everest content which is supposed to be the pinnacle of the game, in a couple weeks. The only reason i spent any units at all on necropolis was to rush exploration for a calendar reset.

    Kabam doesn't want their new pinnacle content to be explored extremely quickly by us just throwing revives at that. It's meant to be worked and built to over a long period of time. They are essentially saying yes by all means go ahead and explore it day 1, week 1, month 1 but if you want to do that you're going to have to pay. Right now we can do that for free. We can just mindlessly throw the content they've worked so hard for in the garbage because we can just freely spam revives on it instead of actually playing it as intended, and that's what I think they mean by this jeopardizing future endgame content. They don't want to do it if we can all just do that at any point for free. They're keeping the option to disgreagrd what they worked so hard to create only if you are willing to pay which i think is pretty fair.

    The only reason we all feel like we have to revive farm for necropolis specifically (not the other bs challenges) is because our monke brain sees the rewards and wants them NOW

    It still sucks though because I love my precious units lol

    The only reason it sucks is because even our monkey brain realizes anything beneficial can be fixed or nerfed extremely fast but when it comes to age old bugs, ai behaviour silence is the best answer.
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 7,118 ★★★★★

    ahmynuts said:

    Okay guys if we are being real here, i farmed hundreds of revives for FREE and was able to complete their new Everest content which is supposed to be the pinnacle of the game, in a couple weeks. The only reason i spent any units at all on necropolis was to rush exploration for a calendar reset.

    Kabam doesn't want their new pinnacle content to be explored extremely quickly by us just throwing revives at that. It's meant to be worked and built to over a long period of time. They are essentially saying yes by all means go ahead and explore it day 1, week 1, month 1 but if you want to do that you're going to have to pay. Right now we can do that for free. We can just mindlessly throw the content they've worked so hard for in the garbage because we can just freely spam revives on it instead of actually playing it as intended, and that's what I think they mean by this jeopardizing future endgame content. They don't want to do it if we can all just do that at any point for free. They're keeping the option to disgreagrd what they worked so hard to create only if you are willing to pay which i think is pretty fair.

    The only reason we all feel like we have to revive farm for necropolis specifically (not the other bs challenges) is because our monke brain sees the rewards and wants them NOW

    It still sucks though because I love my precious units lol

    The only reason it sucks is because even our monkey brain realizes anything beneficial can be fixed or nerfed extremely fast but when it comes to age old bugs, ai behaviour silence is the best answer.
    And input issues, and AI behavior, and horrible banquet event... Way to bomb a post dude...
  • Longshot_33Longshot_33 Member Posts: 374 ★★★
    The aspect where I agree with the revive farming nerf is that we will all be on a level playing field now. The option for those that dont work or have lots of free time to farm 100+ revives is gone. At least now I dont feel bad for missing out and everyone can farm 1 a day and thats it. If your not super skilled, everyone has to pay their way.
  • ahmynutsahmynuts Member Posts: 8,202 ★★★★★
    Also damn i didnt mean for this thread to get this heated. I just thought it would be a bunch of people yelling at me and like one or two going "oh yeah you know you're kinda right" But it looks like it has turned into a free for all in here lol
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