One way to encourage participation in Battlegrounds (without messing with the competition)

DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,387 Guardian
I'm sure it is obvious to everyone playing BGs that participation is down, especially for lower progress players. This has made the competition skew higher, making progress more difficult for most players, and especially for lower progress players, even at lower VT tiers. And the more those players decide to opt out, the harder it becomes for those who remain, creating a positive reinforcement loop: the more players opt out, the more difficult and grindy it becomes, the more players are encouraged to opt out.

We need an opposite force pushing in the opposite direction. We need a way to encourage players to participate, and the fewer the number that do, the more incentive there is to return. People have suggested all sorts of changes to BG, most of which (I believe) are unworkable. For example, mandating "fair match ups" where lower progress players never have to face higher ones. We've already done that, we know it is totally broken, we shouldn't try it a second time. Another suggestion is to completely split up BG, give the lower progress players their own mode, and the higher players their own mode, so they never interact at all. This seems equally unworkable, not only because it has all the problems of equal roster match ups, but it adds an additional wrinkle that it punishes lower progress players who are exceptionally good. Where ever you draw the line, there will be players who fall into the lower bracket by virtue of their progression tier or roster strength but *could* compete in the higher bracket due to skill. This would punish such players.

One idea that might work is to use the mechanism that already exists to encourage participation: the objectives and non-competitive events, in particular the solo event. These systems reward players primarily for participation, but they can only give out so many rewards before they become unbalancing and detract from the point of the mode, which is to reward the strongest competitors with the best rewards.

But there actually is a competitive element to the solo event: besides milestone rewards, it also has ranked rewards. And they are pretty good rewards, especially at the top. The problem is that those rewards generally require enormous activity to get higher ranks for, and you're competing against everyone, including highly active very strong players. So what if you were not?

Suppose we split up the solo leaderboard, making rank rewards for each progression tier. Uncollected and lower (because sometimes lower tier players get a pass into BG), Cav, TB, Paragon and higher (because at the moment there aren't all that many Valiants: giving them their own leaderboard doesn't make sense when essentially everyone would place highly). Each progression tier would be competing for those rewards separately. The #1 UC would get the #1 rank rewards for UC, completely independent of the #1 Paragon and higher player getting the #1 reward for that separate leaderboard.

The idea here is that when there are a lot of players in a particular progression tier participating, the incentive for participating is relatively low, because you have a lot of players competing for those rank rewards. But when participation drops, and there are fewer players playing, the incentive to participate increases, because now there are fewer players chasing those rewards. The odds of placing higher grows, and the return on investment for time spent is also higher.

This has the opposite effect that the mode is currently facing where the more players opt out, the more hostile the mode becomes. Here, the more players opt out, the more rewarding the mode becomes for who's left. But only if they participate, because the solo event leaderboard rewards activity. If you're willing to compete, if you're willing to queue up and take your chances, that''s how you get those rewards.

This encourages participation without directly bribing players to play. And it still encourages players to win, because you score more points when you win. The system already exists, and it already exists to do exactly what I'm suggesting it do: it tries to encourage participation, whether you actually advance in VT or not. By making each progression tier independent, that encouragement gets focused on where it needs to go: towards the progression tiers that are being most turned away from the mode.

The biggest objection I can anticipate here is: it is not appropriate to give the #1 (active) UC player those huge rank rewards. Except they already have a shot at them now. We're all in the same leaderboard all shooting for the same rank rewards now. Everyone has a shot at those rewards, and apparently that's fine now. The difference here would be that a) Kabam would be giving out collectively more of them (by virtue of having multiple leaderboards) and b) lower participation equals more rewards concentrated into who's left still playing, which is intentional. I think this is a valid but not fatal objection. We're increasing reward flow into the game, but not by an unmanageable amount.


  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 4,472 ★★★★★
    I like some of your ideas. Specially spicing up the solo events. Like I said in another post I would like to see a lot more in the solo event and a lot less in the alliance aspect of BGs. Its a solo PvP mode, and it became a recruitment criteria.
    I suggested a new set of 48hr objectives just for GC.. of course completing those would complete the ones we have right now
  • Wozzle007Wozzle007 Member Posts: 1,005 ★★★★★
    There definitely needs to be something to encourage more players at lower tiers. In the last 2 seasons I only lost 2 fights total on the road to gladiator circuit (although didn’t really push until the last week). This season, not quite a straight forward so much. Everyone's Valiant roster is huge and it’s becoming a 50/50 win rate in Vibranium for me. If it wasn’t for the Deathless King Groot piece I wouldn’t play any more this season. I’ll push again over the weekend.

    We definitely need something help make people at all levels engage in the mode again. I think the recent store update only being for Valiant didn’t help at all. If I wasn’t Valiant I would honestly have felt like Kabam didn’t care about my participation in Battlegrounds after that. Store is outdated for them so are the 48 hour objectives even a driver to complete anymore?

    Think a store buff for all levels is needed. Solo rewards I think are getting a buff next season? But the rank rewards you suggested I think could help.
  • MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Member Posts: 2,147 ★★★★
    I really liked the idea while reading it.

    The reply to @captain_rogers however, reminded me of wsg twinks in wow. You could play BGs in wow at level 20 as you started to level and they had low level BGs at every ten levels as you went up. In reality, no one did, because the very best players had "twink" accounts, which were the very best level 20, 30, 40 etc accounts, kitted out in the best gear, piloted by the MSDs of the wow game. It was impossible to play those low level BGs because the skill and gear gap, was just insane.

    I think what you're suggesting would end up the same. You will have some players who just want to be the best in that bracket, camping it forever.

    Personally and while I have no data for this, I think it is the design of the game mode itself and the zero sum game, that you've so brilliantly broken down in the past that is the issue and which really comes to the fore in a dwindling population game. The lose one win one, ad infinitum, ladder, when the player base is becoming an even more concentrated group of the best, results in even more people opting out.

    They can't fix that with rewards, without risking the balance in the game, because it would need to be stupendously large rewards, to make me push to gladiators and as a valiant, I really like those 25% tc66.... But not enough to play BGs beyond diamond.

    I think they will eventually have to revisit the design of the ladder, entirely.
  • Milan1405Milan1405 Member Posts: 952 ★★★★
    Can they also let the 48hr objectives stack? I stop after winning 3 matches often, but if the objectives stacked it would give me more of an incentive to push earlier and play more games in one go.
  • BringPopcornBringPopcorn Member Posts: 4,472 ★★★★★
    Milan1405 said:

    Can they also let the 48hr objectives stack? I stop after winning 3 matches often, but if the objectives stacked it would give me more of an incentive to push earlier and play more games in one go.

    Unless they make new objectives it doesn't make any sense..
    You would have win 3, 2,1 and play 3 objectives stacked that are completed in 1 pass.
  • BigBlueOxBigBlueOx Member Posts: 2,068 ★★★★★
    Definitely applaud any ideas to improve the current situation. I do disagree with how you present having 2 circuits. As the team could also build in an option for lower accounts to opt into the harder division and the unworkable scenario you presented doesn’t exist.

    Personally I think the VT itself is part of the problem, as I don’t recall this level of frustration in the beta season where it didn’t exist. But then it’s probably easily exploitable by people who lose with energy to win with EMs… and I can’t reason a way around that.
  • BigBlueOxBigBlueOx Member Posts: 2,068 ★★★★★
    Sorry meant to add I’m fully in favor of there being progression based solo milestones. I’d propose it works like the monthly calendar and the title you have at the start of the season locks in your BG solo milestones for the season.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,387 Guardian

    Wouldn’t that encourage camping out in VT like we had when they increased the rewards for solo (like for the one year anniversary)?

    Yes and no. Yes, there is a small incentive to camp out in VT, but Kabam made the techniques for doing so a bannable offense, which reduces the probability of it happening.

    Moreover, the big victims in point farming are the lower progress players, but if this encourages more of them to participate, then it is more likely they will start finding matches with each other at the lower tiers than is happening now.

    So I think the damage possible is low, and it helps lower progress players more than it hurts them.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,387 Guardian

    I really liked the idea while reading it.

    The reply to @captain_rogers however, reminded me of wsg twinks in wow. You could play BGs in wow at level 20 as you started to level and they had low level BGs at every ten levels as you went up. In reality, no one did, because the very best players had "twink" accounts, which were the very best level 20, 30, 40 etc accounts, kitted out in the best gear, piloted by the MSDs of the wow game. It was impossible to play those low level BGs because the skill and gear gap, was just insane.

    In a certain sense, we already have that now. I have a lot more success, at least up to a point, playing lower alts in BG because even with the more constrained match ups we are having now, I am still far more likely to match against someone with a lot less experience than I have, which means when matching against someone of equal roster I tend to have a significant advantage (this is one of the reasons why I think the players who advocate for "fair matches" are not just wrong about them being fair, they are also inadvertently advocating for a completely different and equally insurmountable unfairness).

    But this is a bit self-regulating, because in the suggestion I'm making specifically, with the details modifications I mention to captain_rogers, you can't just camp out with a low alt indefinitely: as soon as you attempt to use any of those rewards you will start promoting yourself into higher tiers. And since the currency has a cap, you can't just stock up a billion trophies first, and then spend them after you've had many seasons to earn them.

    Also, even if this does happen to at least some degree, there's the separate psychological change that happens. People complain about being completely unmatched when they get matched against someone of vastly stronger roster. They don't complain when they get matched against someone of vastly stronger skill set or knowledgebase, because they simply don't know that happened. When you get destroyed by a PvP player using a twinked account, you know you got twinked. All the gear and resources are extremely visible, just like huge roster is visible in BG. But superior skill is not visible. There's no way to tell you got beat by MSD playing an alt, and you got beat by someone who just got lucky. And even if you suspect your opponent is exhibiting far better skills than normal, short of them being mod-worthy speed, most people seem more willing to write that off as being "fairly" beaten. It is only a perception change and not a competitive one, but even a perceptual change can have benefits for the game mode if it decreases the antagonism towards match ups.
  • DeaconDeacon Member Posts: 4,234 ★★★★★
    edited March 26
    There's really nothing that should trump trying to get a proper balance of matchmaking going ... my roster is no slouch by any stretch but the kind of rosters I face make even mine seem inadequate.

    It's a miracle I make it to GC i'm telling you lol.

    Something should definitely be done though to increase interest. My alliance currently has decreased each season in participation.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,387 Guardian
    Deacon said:

    There's really nothing that should trump trying to get a proper balance of matchmaking going ... my roster is no slouch by any stretch but the kind of rosters I face make even mine seem inadequate.

    There is one thing, and that is what the mode is supposed to emphasize. The mode is about fair competition, not fair matches. If people have less skill, it is not a fair match up for them to face higher killed players in the sense that they will be at a severe disadvantage, but that's the point. We want more knowledgeable players to have an advantage. We want more skilled players to have an advantage. And like it or not, we want players with stronger rosters to have an advantage. Neutralizing that advantage runs contrary to the fundamentals of the game.

    We want the strongest players to come out on top. Strongest. Not strongest among their age group, or strongest among people of their height, and not strongest among all the players who happened to not have completed Act 6 yet. None of those things matter, or should matter. We want the strongest players to move up, and the weakest to move downward.

    If you don't want that, there are other parts of the game that don't have that. But Battlegrounds is for the players that do. It is not about excluding players who don't want that, it is about accepting that there are players who do, and the mode is for them. Just like Alliance war is for players who want that sort of thing, and the arena is for players who want that sort of thing. We can try to make Battlegrounds as palatable and admitting as we can, but not at the expense of defying its original purpose. If we make lower progress players happy by handing them easy (yes, easy) matches all the time at the expense of making the higher progress players angry that lower progress players are overtaking them without ever having to face them, that's not an equal trade off. That's a complete failure.

    That's what I mean when I say this is an attempt to encourage participation without tampering with the competition. Nothing I'm suggesting disadvantages higher progress players. Noting I'm suggesting is handing lower progress players any special treatment in the Victory Track specifically. What I'm suggesting acknowledges that lower participation makes things arbitrarily harder for everyone, and lower progress players more than anyone, and attacking the participation levels in a competition-neutral way benefits everyone playing the mode without altering the fundamentals of the competitive elements of the mode. Players will still end up where their competitive potential dictates. They might just be more willing to push harder to reach that potential.
  • jdschwjdschw Member Posts: 373 ★★★
    Wozzle007 said:

    There definitely needs to be something to encourage more players at lower tiers. In the last 2 seasons I only lost 2 fights total on the road to gladiator circuit (although didn’t really push until the last week). This season, not quite a straight forward so much. Everyone's Valiant roster is huge and it’s becoming a 50/50 win rate in Vibranium for me. If it wasn’t for the Deathless King Groot piece I wouldn’t play any more this season. I’ll push again over the weekend.

    Wait...what? There's no DKG piece in this season's BG rewards. Unless I'm missing something?

    To the OP: if the goal is simply to increase participation, why is this any more complicated than improving the solo BG milestone rewards and/or the BG store for lower tiers?
  • Rayven5220Rayven5220 Member Posts: 2,090 ★★★★★

    They need to add incentive in the GC, such as Objectives. Otherwise people are going to hang out in the VT until the last minute as they've commonly done. Especially when you're talking Solo Rewards. Without that, that's just adding incentive for them to take advantage of the "easy Wins".

    To be honest, as much as I've never pushed to GC outside of the gully piece, this season I'm still in diamond 1 doing the up and down thing, this late into the season.

    I'm running into some of the smaller accounts, usually wiping thr floor with them, then I get matched with some dude stacked moreso than I am and lose all my progress.

    I legit feel bad for these smaller guys because I'm sure as hell not purposely staying where I am, I'm having just as hard of a time getting anywhere as they are!

    I been in diamond one for at least a week now and just can't seem to string a win streak together at all, and I'm sure I'm not alone.
  • Nemesis_17Nemesis_17 Member Posts: 2,211 ★★★★★
    I like where this idea is coming from. Assuming the rewards are properly tuned for each level, I can see how it would increase overall participation. I think a simple rewards buff to the system we already have would accomplish much of the same thing, but either option would help.

    My only concern, is that I think this is only half the battle. I can’t speak for everyone, but for me personally even if rewards are made to be worth chasing, if I’m not having fun while chasing them, then I won’t. I remember the first time we had a buffed rewards season. I was cavalier so the solo milestones were amazing for me. I joined a bg alliance, and grinded daily until I made it to 400k. I got the rewards I wanted, but I did not enjoy most of it. I told myself I wouldn’t grind that hard for a while due to how burnt out I was, and I know that a lot of the community felt the same way.

    Anyways, my point of that whole rant is that better rewards aren’t exactly enough to motivate players to play more. For some it might be, but I don’t know if that % of players is enough to get battlegrounds back on its feet, especially with all its other problems. With that being said, what are the other problems that need to be fixed?

    Well what I think still holds bgs down, is matchmaking. I know we’ve all seen the posts asking for fair, roster based matchmaking, and I’m not saying that’s the direction we should take. But, even if the system is fair in rewarding those who have worked hard for their rosters, it’s still a major turn off for anyone who is in the disadvantageous position. When players feel like they have no chance of winning, they give up. And when it happens enough, they give up on the gamemode entirely. Sure you can entice them with rewards and see if they’ll temporarily suffer through the grind, (like I did months ago) but at some point they will lose the motivation and stop altogether.

    Most (if not all) of the complaints regarding matchmaking are from uc & cavs in platinum, or tb & paragons in diamond & vibranium. The majority of the problems are in these 3 tiers. Now that I’ve addressed the problem, how does it get fixed?

    I unfortunately don’t have an easy clear answer, but I do have a couple suggestions that may at least ease the burden if it doesn’t fix it entirely. (This suggestion could be implemented in addition to yours as well)

    First off, change seeding slightly. Right now, everyone who makes it to gladiator circuit will start their next season in plat 1, regardless of where in gc you finished. There’s a big difference between an uru player and a celestial player, and having them all start in plat 1 means the lower tier gc players get stuck and have to wait on the larger account to move out of there, which makes everyone below them have to wait to get into plat 1, and the cycle continues. A better option imo, would be to have everyone in quantum and higher start in vibranium 3, and everyone in arcane and below start in plat 1 as usual.

    Secondly, make vibranium 3 or 4 wins instead of 5. Vibranium is the only tier that requires 5 wins to progress through, which makes it the easiest target to become a bottleneck. Reducing the number of needed wins would send some of the players into gc, (which is empty anyway) and consequently remove some of the tension off of vibranium. Especially since a lot of rewards are trapped behind VT completion, this would improve the incentive to push for gc, since it no longer feels like an impossible task.

    Lastly, as I’ve seen others suggest, add an incentive to make it to gc as early as possible. It could be trophy tokens, 7* shards, anything really as long as it’s made enticing enough.

    I’m sure there’s probably better solutions out there, but I think mine would at least help out. I appreciate the thought you put in to making a post trying to improve the gamemode, and feel free to critique any issues you see with my suggestions.
  • klobberintymeklobberintyme Member Posts: 1,539 ★★★★
    Preface this by stating I don't touch BGs. I can speak only from my experience:

    I charge an hourly rate for my services. When I charge a package price without hourly rates, I drive my value down should a project take twice or three times the projected amount of time. Time = opportunity, opportunity = money. I lose money on package pricing.

    Battlegrounds is a package price endeavor. Payment could be for one hour or 10 hours or more of work. "Fairness" means little when the issue is a wildly variable time commitment for invariable rewards, period.

    Want me to play bgs? Pay me by the hour. When you figure that system out, I'm all ears.
  • EakomoEakomo Member Posts: 87
    Even though more participation in battlegrounds is needed, Solo leaderboards for each title isn't going to change the existing problems that the victory track is causing and that exist in it.

    Would rather see the victory track get removed and have one big gladiator circuit and let everyone face themselves and let it naturally settle in the type of arrangement that would be possible
  • ItsClobberinTimeItsClobberinTime Member Posts: 5,382 ★★★★★
    I don't think it's a bad idea and I do like it but I don't think it would encourage Valiants to grind harder which is the main issue right now. It would definitely encourage the rest of the progression titles but not the highest progression title (Valiant) simply due to the fact that 90% of the Valiants don't really stand a chance against Beroman Andrew Nagase and the rest of the top players that are well, always at the top.
    It could encourage Valiants to grind harder if Kabam got really generous with the ranked rewards but I don't really see that happening tbh.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,387 Guardian
    jdschw said:

    Wozzle007 said:

    There definitely needs to be something to encourage more players at lower tiers. In the last 2 seasons I only lost 2 fights total on the road to gladiator circuit (although didn’t really push until the last week). This season, not quite a straight forward so much. Everyone's Valiant roster is huge and it’s becoming a 50/50 win rate in Vibranium for me. If it wasn’t for the Deathless King Groot piece I wouldn’t play any more this season. I’ll push again over the weekend.

    Wait...what? There's no DKG piece in this season's BG rewards. Unless I'm missing something?

    To the OP: if the goal is simply to increase participation, why is this any more complicated than improving the solo BG milestone rewards and/or the BG store for lower tiers?
    I think they meant to refer to the Nightcrawler tokens.

    As to why not just increase rewards. What’s the correct level to raise them to? We know what’s going to happen for any reasonable boost to rewards. Everyone is going to praise them for a couple months, then get used to them and start bemoaning them being outdated and not worth pursuing.

    Giving each “progression” its own rank rewards means there is no uniform buff to the rewards. Instead, the less people who play, the bigger the rewards are on average for everyone who does play. If the players get numb to the rewards and start expecting more, the act of dropping out makes the rewards juicier for those left. If a lot of people drop out, the rank rewards will automatically become better incentives for players to jump in.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,387 Guardian

    I don't think it's a bad idea and I do like it but I don't think it would encourage Valiants to grind harder which is the main issue right now.

    Lower tier players should not be seeing those Valuants at all until they get to Platinum 2 or 1. They are seeing them now probably because there are fewer low tier players looking for match. It is not enough to encourage the Valiants to promote faster, if there aren’t enough lower tier players looking for match.

    If more lower tier players are encouraged to jump in, that will also reduce the strength of the average player in every tier, which will encourage higher Paragons and lower Valiants to compete more because they will get less stuck.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 10,721 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    I'm sure it is obvious to everyone playing BGs that participation is down, especially for lower progress players. This has made the competition skew higher, making progress more difficult for most players, and especially for lower progress players, even at lower VT tiers. And the more those players decide to opt out, the harder it becomes for those who remain, creating a positive reinforcement loop: the more players opt out, the more difficult and grindy it becomes, the more players are encouraged to opt out.

    We need an opposite force pushing in the opposite direction. We need a way to encourage players to participate, and the fewer the number that do, the more incentive there is to return. People have suggested all sorts of changes to BG, most of which (I believe) are unworkable. For example, mandating "fair match ups" where lower progress players never have to face higher ones. We've already done that, we know it is totally broken, we shouldn't try it a second time. Another suggestion is to completely split up BG, give the lower progress players their own mode, and the higher players their own mode, so they never interact at all. This seems equally unworkable, not only because it has all the problems of equal roster match ups, but it adds an additional wrinkle that it punishes lower progress players who are exceptionally good. Where ever you draw the line, there will be players who fall into the lower bracket by virtue of their progression tier or roster strength but *could* compete in the higher bracket due to skill. This would punish such players.

    One idea that might work is to use the mechanism that already exists to encourage participation: the objectives and non-competitive events, in particular the solo event. These systems reward players primarily for participation, but they can only give out so many rewards before they become unbalancing and detract from the point of the mode, which is to reward the strongest competitors with the best rewards.

    But there actually is a competitive element to the solo event: besides milestone rewards, it also has ranked rewards. And they are pretty good rewards, especially at the top. The problem is that those rewards generally require enormous activity to get higher ranks for, and you're competing against everyone, including highly active very strong players. So what if you were not?

    Suppose we split up the solo leaderboard, making rank rewards for each progression tier. Uncollected and lower (because sometimes lower tier players get a pass into BG), Cav, TB, Paragon and higher (because at the moment there aren't all that many Valiants: giving them their own leaderboard doesn't make sense when essentially everyone would place highly). Each progression tier would be competing for those rewards separately. The #1 UC would get the #1 rank rewards for UC, completely independent of the #1 Paragon and higher player getting the #1 reward for that separate leaderboard.

    The idea here is that when there are a lot of players in a particular progression tier participating, the incentive for participating is relatively low, because you have a lot of players competing for those rank rewards. But when participation drops, and there are fewer players playing, the incentive to participate increases, because now there are fewer players chasing those rewards. The odds of placing higher grows, and the return on investment for time spent is also higher.

    This has the opposite effect that the mode is currently facing where the more players opt out, the more hostile the mode becomes. Here, the more players opt out, the more rewarding the mode becomes for who's left. But only if they participate, because the solo event leaderboard rewards activity. If you're willing to compete, if you're willing to queue up and take your chances, that''s how you get those rewards.

    This encourages participation without directly bribing players to play. And it still encourages players to win, because you score more points when you win. The system already exists, and it already exists to do exactly what I'm suggesting it do: it tries to encourage participation, whether you actually advance in VT or not. By making each progression tier independent, that encouragement gets focused on where it needs to go: towards the progression tiers that are being most turned away from the mode.

    The biggest objection I can anticipate here is: it is not appropriate to give the #1 (active) UC player those huge rank rewards. Except they already have a shot at them now. We're all in the same leaderboard all shooting for the same rank rewards now. Everyone has a shot at those rewards, and apparently that's fine now. The difference here would be that a) Kabam would be giving out collectively more of them (by virtue of having multiple leaderboards) and b) lower participation equals more rewards concentrated into who's left still playing, which is intentional. I think this is a valid but not fatal objection. We're increasing reward flow into the game, but not by an unmanageable amount.

    Maybe this could help to a weekly paid out with a few token or something marker ect when you in gc wil make a few pushes harder ealy. That’s just my idea really not hard to do.
  • MystGMystG Member Posts: 40
    How about introducing a season-long Battlegrounds calendar that is progression-based? Not the regular progression titles, but the progression in the VT and GC.

    So for example, reach Plat1 to claim a specific set of calendar rewards; reach Diamond 1 for higher, then Vib1, then Uru1, Arcane1, Mysterium, and so on....
  • MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Member Posts: 2,147 ★★★★

    Preface this by stating I don't touch BGs. I can speak only from my experience:

    I charge an hourly rate for my services. When I charge a package price without hourly rates, I drive my value down should a project take twice or three times the projected amount of time. Time = opportunity, opportunity = money. I lose money on package pricing.

    Battlegrounds is a package price endeavor. Payment could be for one hour or 10 hours or more of work. "Fairness" means little when the issue is a wildly variable time commitment for invariable rewards, period.

    Want me to play bgs? Pay me by the hour. When you figure that system out, I'm all ears.

    @klobberintyme I agree with the sentiment. Bar the 200/600 token rewards for playing matches, once you hit high diamond or vibranium, the time commitment required for unknown and potentially zero reward, is eye opening.

    It would be easy, even as a valiant, to go 20 matches without any reward *in the victory track*; 3 hours of your life gone for only the marginal gain of perhaps having a smidge of extra game knowledge than before. It takes a certain type of person, who's likely in the extreme minority, who would find that appealing compared to other uses of their time.

    There's minimal reward structure that can be inserted into that design, that will encourage most people to push.

    They may as well have a holding screen with a spinning coin, that freezes the game for 10 minutes a time and you have a 50/50 chance of winning at the end of those 10 minutes.
  • djr17djr17 Member Posts: 675 ★★★
    Gamer said:

    DNA3000 said:

    I'm sure it is obvious to everyone playing BGs that participation is down, especially for lower progress players. This has made the competition skew higher, making progress more difficult for most players, and especially for lower progress players, even at lower VT tiers. And the more those players decide to opt out, the harder it becomes for those who remain, creating a positive reinforcement loop: the more players opt out, the more difficult and grindy it becomes, the more players are encouraged to opt out.

    We need an opposite force pushing in the opposite direction. We need a way to encourage players to participate, and the fewer the number that do, the more incentive there is to return. People have suggested all sorts of changes to BG, most of which (I believe) are unworkable. For example, mandating "fair match ups" where lower progress players never have to face higher ones. We've already done that, we know it is totally broken, we shouldn't try it a second time. Another suggestion is to completely split up BG, give the lower progress players their own mode, and the higher players their own mode, so they never interact at all. This seems equally unworkable, not only because it has all the problems of equal roster match ups, but it adds an additional wrinkle that it punishes lower progress players who are exceptionally good. Where ever you draw the line, there will be players who fall into the lower bracket by virtue of their progression tier or roster strength but *could* compete in the higher bracket due to skill. This would punish such players.

    One idea that might work is to use the mechanism that already exists to encourage participation: the objectives and non-competitive events, in particular the solo event. These systems reward players primarily for participation, but they can only give out so many rewards before they become unbalancing and detract from the point of the mode, which is to reward the strongest competitors with the best rewards.

    But there actually is a competitive element to the solo event: besides milestone rewards, it also has ranked rewards. And they are pretty good rewards, especially at the top. The problem is that those rewards generally require enormous activity to get higher ranks for, and you're competing against everyone, including highly active very strong players. So what if you were not?

    Suppose we split up the solo leaderboard, making rank rewards for each progression tier. Uncollected and lower (because sometimes lower tier players get a pass into BG), Cav, TB, Paragon and higher (because at the moment there aren't all that many Valiants: giving them their own leaderboard doesn't make sense when essentially everyone would place highly). Each progression tier would be competing for those rewards separately. The #1 UC would get the #1 rank rewards for UC, completely independent of the #1 Paragon and higher player getting the #1 reward for that separate leaderboard.

    The idea here is that when there are a lot of players in a particular progression tier participating, the incentive for participating is relatively low, because you have a lot of players competing for those rank rewards. But when participation drops, and there are fewer players playing, the incentive to participate increases, because now there are fewer players chasing those rewards. The odds of placing higher grows, and the return on investment for time spent is also higher.

    This has the opposite effect that the mode is currently facing where the more players opt out, the more hostile the mode becomes. Here, the more players opt out, the more rewarding the mode becomes for who's left. But only if they participate, because the solo event leaderboard rewards activity. If you're willing to compete, if you're willing to queue up and take your chances, that''s how you get those rewards.

    This encourages participation without directly bribing players to play. And it still encourages players to win, because you score more points when you win. The system already exists, and it already exists to do exactly what I'm suggesting it do: it tries to encourage participation, whether you actually advance in VT or not. By making each progression tier independent, that encouragement gets focused on where it needs to go: towards the progression tiers that are being most turned away from the mode.

    The biggest objection I can anticipate here is: it is not appropriate to give the #1 (active) UC player those huge rank rewards. Except they already have a shot at them now. We're all in the same leaderboard all shooting for the same rank rewards now. Everyone has a shot at those rewards, and apparently that's fine now. The difference here would be that a) Kabam would be giving out collectively more of them (by virtue of having multiple leaderboards) and b) lower participation equals more rewards concentrated into who's left still playing, which is intentional. I think this is a valid but not fatal objection. We're increasing reward flow into the game, but not by an unmanageable amount.

    Maybe this could help to a weekly paid out with a few token or something marker ect when you in gc wil make a few pushes harder ealy. That’s just my idea really not hard to do.
    Or maybe new sets of objectives based on where you are in the GC, to get a few Elders marks or something?
  • BigBlueOxBigBlueOx Member Posts: 2,068 ★★★★★
    edited March 26
    DNA3000 said:

    jdschw said:

    Wozzle007 said:

    There definitely needs to be something to encourage more players at lower tiers. In the last 2 seasons I only lost 2 fights total on the road to gladiator circuit (although didn’t really push until the last week). This season, not quite a straight forward so much. Everyone's Valiant roster is huge and it’s becoming a 50/50 win rate in Vibranium for me. If it wasn’t for the Deathless King Groot piece I wouldn’t play any more this season. I’ll push again over the weekend.

    Wait...what? There's no DKG piece in this season's BG rewards. Unless I'm missing something?

    To the OP: if the goal is simply to increase participation, why is this any more complicated than improving the solo BG milestone rewards and/or the BG store for lower tiers?
    I think they meant to refer to the Nightcrawler tokens.

    As to why not just increase rewards. What’s the correct level to raise them to? We know what’s going to happen for any reasonable boost to rewards. Everyone is going to praise them for a couple months, then get used to them and start bemoaning them being outdated and not worth pursuing.

    Giving each “progression” its own rank rewards means there is no uniform buff to the rewards. Instead, the less people who play, the bigger the rewards are on average for everyone who does play. If the players get numb to the rewards and start expecting more, the act of dropping out makes the rewards juicier for those left. If a lot of people drop out, the rank rewards will automatically become better incentives for players to jump in.
    Just to be clear this wouldn’t just be rank rewards but also solo milestones being progression based, right?

    I ask because currently, one of the flaws in the solo milestones is that they account for 5 progression tiers with an insane gap between the lowest and the highest accounts. There’s no way to balance rewards that are enticing for high end accounts with the fact that they’d be far too rich for lower accounts outside of completely scraping the current systems in favor of trophy tokens for the store, but even that addresses the need for progression segregated milestones as the stores are progression based.

    If the proposal is only for rank rewards to change and people have to wait the full season… I doubt things would change as daily participation is more likely to be influenced by the immediate rewards or tiered chase journey along the way to the season end payout.
  • Crys23Crys23 Member Posts: 808 ★★★★
    All I want from BGs is tokens. More and more tokens. Yeah, the various shards for placing high in GC at end of season are nice, but I mostly care about tokens.

    My idea would be a to add a new solo event, one that only awards tokens. In milestones and rank rewards, same for all. (Maybe some 7* shards too here and there).
    You get points for winning a fight, completing a match, winning a match. Extra points if you're doing it in GC.
    Of course, the store for Paragons and lower would also need a re-work, otherwise it won't really incentivize those players to play more than they do now.
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