Units required for Omega event

I’ve worked through the milestones and the unit cost of the crystals to come up with how many milestones you can achieve in both Alpha and Omega, assuming you only buy the better (300 unit) crystals, and spend all units earned in the Omega track on crystals, given a particular level of spend including zero (F2P).

This presumes most spenders will be targeting milestones in the Omega track and not the Alpha track specifically, although if you want to figure out how many units it will take to reach a particular Alpha milestones it is not hard to interpolate. At zero units spent out of pocket (but spending the units in Omega milestones a player can reach 78 points in Alpha and 44 in Omega. It takes 36900 units to completely max out Omega. (Note: 185 points is the maximum in the Alpha track).
The reason why the units jump around is because it takes a certain number of crystals to reach the next milestone, and sometimes you have help (units or crystals in intervening milestones) and sometimes you don’t and have to spend more to get all the points necessary to reach the next milestone.

This presumes most spenders will be targeting milestones in the Omega track and not the Alpha track specifically, although if you want to figure out how many units it will take to reach a particular Alpha milestones it is not hard to interpolate. At zero units spent out of pocket (but spending the units in Omega milestones a player can reach 78 points in Alpha and 44 in Omega. It takes 36900 units to completely max out Omega. (Note: 185 points is the maximum in the Alpha track).
The reason why the units jump around is because it takes a certain number of crystals to reach the next milestone, and sometimes you have help (units or crystals in intervening milestones) and sometimes you don’t and have to spend more to get all the points necessary to reach the next milestone.
The event article states crystals can be gotten through “in select offers” as well.
So expect some “$50 for 10 Crystal” packages, or bonus crystals in your regular Odins and the like.
Another way to rack up milestone points, but come out on the cheaper side (again, IF YOU’RE SPENDING ANYWAYS)
But is the Net Unit how much we spend out of pocket, or is the free units already subtracted for it? It seems like there is 9600 free units in the Omega Milestones at least.
For me, I would probably go to the 100 point milestone and hopefully get Quicksilver and then stop. Otherwise, might push onto 200. I think 400 points might be too rich for my blood even though I do like QS.
Or to put it another way, that’s how many units you should be down by, after counting all you spent and all you got back. If you started with exactly 36900 units, you’d have exactly zero after reaching the final milestone.
I don’t know what you mean by “catch the whales.” If we play the game identically but I spend ten bucks and you don’t, you’re never catching me. I don’t know what sort of person thinks spending offers no advantages. But whether those advantages are insurmountable depends on what you’re comparing. The top BG and AW players are not all the top whales. Those that aren’t, in a real sense, not only caught up to the whales, they zipped past them as well.
5000 Titan shards
3 Omega Valiant crystals
200 T2 Primordial Dust
worth 3000 units?
Of course no one would have a full answer right now as we don't know what sre Valiant crystals 🤣🤣🤣
Incidentally: my calculations presume you can buy paragon or valiant crystals. If those are progression locked, since Cavs don’t score points in the Omega event you’ll be capped out in Omega and it will take more units to climb Alpha alone and using the less efficient crystals.
Really hard pass lol
Thanks for clarifying, i think i got it, but we will know for sure when the event drops.
The 34 points don't count towards the Premium track and you also get to claim from both tracks so you need to add the omega crystals given there (14). Makes a total of 41 crystals in the tracks so 159 to buy, costing 47,700 units (38,100 net after claims)
Anyone else get the same?
14 Paragon crystals from Alpha Route and 31 Valiant crystals from Omega Charge = 45 crystals (which count for 2 pts each)
9600 units from milestones (we're assuming here that one's going all the way) = 32 more purchased crystals
77 crystals total.
200 openings needed - 77= 123 openings left
123 x 300= 36,900 units needed
68 total fights to get the maximum 34 Cav crystals. 68x5=340 fights across five accounts in a week is not a crazy amount of effort. Depending on the specific details of the event (if any) you might even be able to auto fight those fights.