What’s happening with AI?

Ok firstly I thought because both me and my iphone are getting older but after watching Beroman stream for half hour, I realize that even the best BG player now getting punish frequently either by
_ AI backdraft intercept professionally like Dorky Dave video’s tutorial
_ AI wait for your dash in to light intercept
_ AI skipping frame rate during their heavy attack or special
_ AI holding special until power sting debuff on them gone
_ AI parry and whiff crazily
I may miss something. Well…
_ AI backdraft intercept professionally like Dorky Dave video’s tutorial
_ AI wait for your dash in to light intercept
_ AI skipping frame rate during their heavy attack or special
_ AI holding special until power sting debuff on them gone
_ AI parry and whiff crazily
I may miss something. Well…
Kabam and defenders asked people for "video proof where? Lol lol"
Now from months there are proof, the defenders have shifted from, "it's hard to fix, yup yup"
Hard to fix for 8+ months? Crazy times.
AI from last 2 months have learnt a new thing of casually walking towards us, just simple walk, if you try to attack it will perry, if you try to dash in it will light punch you, if you try to dash back, it WALK towards you, won't dash into you as it KNOWS you will use parry in response.
Answer these normal questions from time to time and majority of players won't bother you guys much.
It's been a year the team plays their player base for clowns. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice...
At this point, the AI issues have been going on for so long that I don’t even care whether Kabam has messed with the AI or not. I just want them to adjust it to make it fair again.
Surely there must be some way for Kabam to make at least some adjustments to the AI. Otherwise, it could come across to some players as if they’ve lost control of their AI.
Kabam, please turn down the juice on the AI, even if it’s just a little bit. The current state of AI is making the game less fun and more frustrating for many players.
Round 1 I used Hulkling against Nick, I threw my 2nd sp2 while he was in second life, and I just needed to get in a combo to kill him. He was at 15 charges, and had an sp1, so if he were to throw an sp1 he’d go out of his unblockable mode. I didn’t have my relic, so I had to yolo the intercept and hope it lands, and what does he do? He sp1 intercepts me which takes him out of his unblockable, completely against what his ai is programmed to do. I lose half of my health, and the round by 200 points.
Round 2: I have Cgr vs bullseye, a very good matchup especially this meta. I get the vigilance up so I can parry freely, then go for a heavy which pushes bullseye to his sp1. Since I can’t dex with Cgr, I parry to try and bait his special, which is fine since I have the vigilance up anyway. So I keep parrying, and parrying, and parrying, I’m now backed against the wall and my vigilance is expired since he won’t throw it no matter what. I eat a heavy because out of instinct I can’t dex and I’m up against the wall. I keep parrying to not dex but now I’m faltered constantly and he won’t throw it. By the time he does it’s too late and I got like 45k points instead of the 51-52k it should’ve been, which would’ve been enough to win the round.
Like tf am I supposed to do there? I swear ai is aware of the champs you’re using and the effects they currently have active. Both those rounds were lost by the ai doing something completely out of character for them. Nick never throws his sp1 if he ends his own unblockable, but when that’s the only thing I need him not to do? Then he throws it. Bullseye is always incredibly trigger happy with his sp1, but when I’m using Cgr and can’t dex? He waits 25s and backs me in a corner first. It’s just wayyyy too convenient.
AI has been absolutely ridiculous. You can't do anything without being immediately intercepted or somethig else going wrong.
Strikers are being made obsolete because AI is whiffing or immediately dexing their attacks. How??
I don't mind fights being difficult, but they should be fair and reasonable. This takes the cake.
Let me also add the glaring technical and dropped input issues.
-there is a delay reaction when swiping/dexing back after you attack the defender with a combo or a special...especially if the defender is in a corner. Attacker just kinda stands there idle and looking stupid. This allows an opening for the defender AI to immediately counter.
-when AI throws a special and you try to dex or dodge it, the game freezes or gets buggy and throws your reaction timing off. By the time you recover, the defender is already in your face putting those Mike Tyson moves on you.
-Weird game controls. Sometimes after the defender uses a special, the attacker suddenly races towards them. Attacker did not have any type of mind control debuffs.
...oh boy. Somehow the AI whiffed my striker, and hit me while my striker was still in it's face. 💀 It hit through my striker as if my striker was a ghost lol
CMM's beam attacks are unblockable when she's in Binary Ingition. So how does GP block it?? 😅 There was no node buff that mentioned blocking unblockables, annnnnd last time I checked, that wasn't in GP's kit. 😅
And sometimes it seems like AI has been leaping towards the attacker and clearing an ungodly amount of space in one lunge. 🤔
Previously, AI was more predictable because it felt like it was based on their individual kits. Power gain champs would hold for their specials, champs with abilities tied to their heavies would throw those more often, etc.. They still do this, but while also accounting for variables like their opponents kit, node combinations, current buffs/debuffs, even time left in a fight. Perfect example are matchups where players use infuriate/intimidate. If an infuriate debuff is up, the player will be more aggressive so intercepts become a thing.
Who knows. It could be us too. We play differently based on the very same reasons. We need to be more aggressive, take more risks, naturally the AI has more opportunities to throw a lucky light intercept. It just doesn't feel like that's what's happening lately.
Guaranteed the defender will parry you when you’re hitting their block at some point during the fight.