Is Account Sharing Allowed?

In Seatin's recent Youtube video, he admitted that he practices account sharing and goes on to make a case of why it should be allowed. I agree with him on most of his points, but I thought Kabam rules states that account sharing isn't allowed and can lead to you being banned?
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Clearly it's not allowed because he was removed from the Program. Disciplinary actions taken are up to their discretion. Discussing them is not allowed here for a reason. We don't know what they decided. They could have said that being removed was enough considering he was seen by many in the community, and that would be an example. I'm not justifying Sharing. I'm with the majority. It's against the rules. I'm just pointing out that it's not our call how they deal with those who are caught. Each case is individual and they make judgments based on those circumstances. Don't get me wrong. If it was my call, people who share on a regular basis would be out regardless of who they were. It's just not my call, and I don't know all the circumstances surrounding their calls. It's up to them. At the end of the day, you also have to have a system that's fair in its assessment of consequences. You can't wave the Ban Hammer in the dark.
He was removed not for account sharing but using the content creator champ in aw
Not for account sharing
His “punishment” is he doesn’t have to do reviews for every single new champion. Oh my!
Read the Announcement.
Time is precious and it's really common to log on someone's account to make few moves.
And I really hope as long as it's only to move in alliance contents Kabam tolerate it.
That's the problem. People accept this as an excuse, and here we are having this same discussion years later. It's against the rules. If you're not around to play your own Account, then you can't move. One person should be doing their own work, not multiple people working the same Account.
Account sharing is common when running map 6 or 5.
That's not what was said. The entire Post was about how Sharing is not allowed and how it relates to the NDA because the individual in question allowed someone to use the Champ. Slightly askew there.
Yes. I played my own Account too.
Wrong. This is what was said about account sharing:
'...but also confirmed to us that they take part in account sharing.
Not only is account sharing against our terms of service, this...'
Everything before and after those two sentences was relating to his alliance mate having early access to a champ and the signed NDA.
Bingo! I don't know how someone can read that and think otherwise. But this is the same guy that says buying crystals isn't gambling.
It doesn't matter where it was mentioned in the Post. It's against the rules, and it wouldn't have been mentioned if it wasn't a factor in the decision. Just because it wasn't mentioned by the individual doesn't mean it had nothing to do with it, especially given their expressed view that it should be allowed.
The bottom line is Account Sharing is NOT allowed. There needs to be absolutely no more minimizing of this fact because it's a huge problem. Pretending it's acceptable under certain conditions is not doing anyone any favours. It's not allowed. It can lead to a ban. Regardless of their choice on action regarding individual violations, it's against the TOS and bannable.
The only action they took was to kick him out of the creators program for placing an exclusive champ in a war, and for allowing access to the same champ by a member of his alliance, which violates the NDA. If *IF* he had been punished for account sharing, then there would have been a ban. No question. He is NOT currently banned; therefore he has not been punished for the share.